Monday, December 16, 2013

Blog Tour: Tug of War by K. Larsen


Impulsive, YES. Irresponsible, SURE. Necessary, PROBABLY. Going to end badly, most likely. Does any of that matter to me, no. I decided that I can't please everyone so this week my only goal is to please me. I’m a selfish cow but I can’t seem to help it. I’m Clara Lord. I own Bloodline’s Tattoo Parlor, have a filthy mouth, no filter and a really strong objection to bossy idiots, pet names and wealthy men.

You will hate me, love me or love to hate me but either way it doesn’t matter. Everything I touch turns to crap and it’s all my fault. See, I lived through hell. Then I escaped hell and carefully spent the next eight years crafting a perfect little life until Domini Napoli screwed it all up. Now nothings right. Everything’s wrong and all my secrets are coming out.

4 star review by Lisa Kane

I am a sucker for love triangles. I love the angst, and the pain and the shock that can be found in their stories. Tug Of War satisfies all my requirements. Clara Lord is a tattoo artist with an eight year old little girl, Allie. She lives with her business partner/best friend with benefits/ home co-owner, Sawyer. He has had feelings for her forever, and although they started out involved romantically, Clara loves him but is not in love with him. He knows most of her secrets and loves Allie as if she were his own child.

I tried like hell to fall in love with Sawyer four years ago but after our initial highly intense physical relationship, I realized I didn’t have those kinds of feelings for him and broke it off. To my surprise, he’d stayed anyway, and we’ve been best friends ever since.

While out one night partying with some friends, she is visiting during a girls’ weekend in Boston, Clara is approached by Dominic Napoli who she later finds out is a millionaire, hotel magnet who owns just about everything. He grew up wealthy, but broke out from his family’s wealth and created his own. The moment he sees Clara he wants her and will stop at nothing to get her. She rejects him and he ends up following her and taking her drunk self back to his hotel. She wakes up pantiless and in his t-shirt. It doesn’t take her long to get out of Dodge and back home to Virginia. Safe and sound back to Sawyer and Allie.

“We went out to Hurricane Friday night and I was mauled by a wealthy mogul that apparently is a big deal…” “Are you all right? “ he interrupts my story. “Yeah, yeah. Well…kinda, let me finish. His name’s Dominic Napoli…” NAPOLI?! Like the hotel and club owning millionaire?” Again, really?

 A couple of weeks later, guess who turns up at her tattoo shop? He says he is there to get her to color in his snake tattoo. Clara wants him but she has been burnt by men with money and wealth. Besides that, she can’t have her secret exposed. Dom has too many acquaintances that travel in the circles she needs to avoid. She won’t go down that deadly road again. 

“Clara, you’ve moved in and made my thinking crowded. I can’t get you out of my head. Please,” he asks dejectedly and taps a finger against his head. “Please what?” I snap, gaping at him. “Just give me one evening. A chance to have a proper date. If you hate me after that I’ll bow out.” He pleads.

A medical crisis throws all their lives out of kilter and Clara is forced to face the demons in her past. Will she and Dom be able to overcome all her secrets? Where does that leave Sawyer?

I enjoyed this story. I do have to say towards the end I was confused by Dominick’s anger and his reactions. Clara’s past is her business and it seemed as though she apologized way too much for something I‘m not entirely sure she needed to be sorry for-his reaction was too over the top. Now Sawyer, that guy should have walked away from Clara and kept his distance considering she bounced him around like a big rubber ball. I love a good epilogue and this one did not disappoint.

“Clara, enough. The lies are never ending with you. The drama is never ending with you.”

I wouldn’t mind seeing these characters again, there are several that I am hoping will get their own HEA, of course I hope it is a road filled with delicious angst before they get there!



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