Review: Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren
Our 4 star review
I received a review copy of Beautiful Bastard through Net Galley. It is a
steamy, sweaty, delicious fluff of a novel. This isn't a novel that will
require countless hours of intense mental strain, this is one of those books
you read to escape. Bennett Ryan is a total tyrant to his intern Chloe
Mills. She calls him a beautiful bastard, but still a bastard. She has been
in various positions (perhaps the wrong choice of words) at Ryan Media for
years, and is currently working under him (again, poor choice of
words?) fulfilling the remaining three months to her graduate requirements
for her MBA. She is known as a strategic marketing genius at Ryan Media.
Bennett and she, on the surface at least, despise one another. Although they
do have a begrudging respect for one another's talents. Bennett has proven
himself worthy, he previously worked in the European offices before
transferring to Chicago from France,and Chloe has the trust of the company's
owner, Bennett's father. Told in alternating POV's, their intense dislike for
each other is only overshadowed for their intense lust for each
other. Stairwell corridors, backseats of cars, elevators, conference
rooms, no areas are off limits when their desires overrule their common
sense. Their banter is often hilarious.
"Us," he clarified, with
forced patience. "You and me. Chloe and Bennett. Man and shrew."
Chloe finally manages to find out what Bennett's thoughts were upon their
first meeting, this reader didn't bother to stifle her giggles,
"I was
thinking, "highly fu#*able intern, twelve o'clock. Disengage, soldier. I
repeat, disengage."
As with most love stories, real emotions develop,
not just testosterone/estrogen jet fueled ones. Misunderstandings occur,
boy chases girl, girl alludes boy, etc. Still massive loads of fun! This is
the book you reach for when you are looking for smutty, funny entertainment
to take you away.
Even if it's just for a few hours.
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