Thursday, February 21, 2013

Walking Away by Adriane Boyd

Walking Away
Twenty -five year old Coraline Renfro is in mourning. She and her long time boyfriend, Blake Parrish, have broken up and Cora hasn’t been dealing with it well. She’s shut herself off from the world around her, and buried herself in her work. Tired of being alone, Cora accepts a date from a colleague, and slowly begins to move on. When Blake comes calling again, will Cora take him back or will she show him how it feels to have a door slammed in his face and his hopes and dreams of a future with her dashed?


I pulled myself up a little more and put my lips to his. He kissed me back, and hoisted me up a little higher on his body. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I moaned in response, opening my mouth to him for exploration. As his tongue entered my mouth, I slipped my hand under his shirt and savored the feel of his hard abs and smooth skin against my fingers. Before I could even register what he was doing, he gripped my hips and flipped us over so that I was underneath him with my back pressed into the cushions. I ran my hands up his stomach and traced the planes of his chest, all the while he deepened the kiss.
Just as he slide his hands up my shirt and cupped my breasts, someone knocked on the door.
“Son of a… What the hell?! Were we expecting anyone?”

About the Author:
Adriane is a mother and a writer who resides in Southeast Virginia. She enjoys music, writing, and snuggling up with a good book. Walking Away is her first self published work, and she is also working on writing her first full length novel. if you can't find her playing around on Facebook (which is unlikely), you can certainly find her at either her son's school or one of his Tae Kwon Do lessons. Please visit her blog follow her of Twitter and 'like' her Facebook page. 

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