“Thanks so much for meeting with us today. We really appreciate it,” Kristie extends her hand out to Gemma and Alex. “I’m Kristie and this is Jennifer and Lisa, we're the Three Chicks and it is so great to meet both of you.” “Wow, Gemma, your eyes are so unique and beautiful!” Jennifer says in amazement. Kristie whispers to Lisa, “ OMG, Alex is freaking HOT it’s no wonder Gemma reacts to him the way she does. Lucky, lucky girl.” Jen giggles and Lisa clears her throat saying, “We know things are a bit crazy for you two right now and we don’t want to keep you too long, are you both ready to start?” Gemma and Alex nod in agreement.
Three Chicks: Gemma, when did you start to feel alive again so to speak? What triggered it?
Gemma: I started to feel alive again that day in the school parking lot—the first time I can remember crying in my entire life. I’m not sure what triggered it though, but I’d really like to find out.
Three Chicks: Gemma, aside from being shocked and confused, what did it feel like when you realized you were crying?
Gemma: Happy, which sounds really weird, I know. But it was kind of a relief because the darkness and hollowness inside me was gone.
Three Chicks: Gemma, you started to have umm well, ok, I am just going to say it- sexual dreams about Alex before you met him. Do you think your dreams are foretelling?
Gemma: Ummm… I’m not sure. They could be, but it really makes me wonder since Laylen was also a part of these dreams too.
Three Chicks: Gemma, how are you handling the feeling of all the emotions you have been neglected from for such a long time?
Gemma: Probably not very well. I know I can be an erratic mess sometimes and a lot of the times I don’t know why.
Three Chicks: Gemma, Alex only gave you bits and pieces of information when it came to him, you and your past but Laylen pretty much told you everything, at least everything he knows. How did it make you feel that Laylen gave you more info than Alex?
Gemma: At this point, I trust Laylen more than I do Alex, but I also understand that Alex has spent a lot of time around his father and like Laylen said, it’s kind of made him brainwashed.
Three Chicks: Gemma, your body reacted to Alex every time he was near you. Was it frustrating for you having a feeling of knowing him but not remembering how?
Gemma: Absolutely. Especially since it seemed like he knew me too, but wouldn’t admit it.
Three Chicks: Alex, how did it make you feel to see Gemma again?
Alex: It was terrifying. I’d been taught for years and years not to feel everything that I was feeling the second I first saw her.
Three Chicks: Alex, you love Gemma, you always have. Why are you so hot and cold with her?
Alex: Because I’ve been taught not to feel that way, so I’m always trying to fight it. But it doesn’t always work.
Three Chicks: Alex, why are so jealous of Laylen and his relationship with Gemma?
Alex: I’m not jealous… not really anyway. I just hate how much she trusts him and how much Laylen gives her the truth because I can’t.
Three Chicks: Alex, what were you thinking when you made love to Gemma for the first time? Did that moment change anything for you in regards to your keeper duties?
Alex: I was thinking a lot of things and many of them I haven’t thought before… still trying to figure what they mean.
Three Chicks: What song would you describe your life right now?
Alex: Cold by Crossfade.
Gemma: Save Me Unwritten Law
Three Chicks: What is your greatest fear for each other?
Gemma: That he’ll never break away from his father.
Alex: That she’ll end up getting hurt.
Three Chicks: Do you trust each other?
Gemma: No, at the moment I don’t trust him.
Alex: I trust her, but she doesn’t trust me.
Three Chicks: One word you would use to describe each other.
Gemma: Complicated
Alex: Lost
“Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us and give us and others a little more insight on things. We would love to catch up with you in a couple of months,” Kristie says while shaking hands goodbye. They walk away and meet up with Aislin, Alex’s sister and in a blink of an eye, they are gone. Lisa turns to Kristie stumbling over her words and looks confused, “Where’d they go? They were just there and then...?” Jennifer starts laughing and Kristie shakes her head back and forth. “It's all good Lisa, and I have no idea where they went but I would like to get out of here and back home.” Lisa starts walking to the car still trying to figure out what just happened. “That was fun yet different, I really hope we get a chance to talk with them again,” Jen says giddily while getting her seatbelt on. Lisa starts the car and we head home..
**Mature Content Warning** 17+ for language and sexual content.
(A re-imagining of The Fallen Star told as a New Adult Paranormal)
For twenty-one year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. She knows nothing about her past and has been haunted by the same monsters in her nightmares for the last few months. Unemotional and numb to life, she feels disconnected from everyone. Until the very first day she cries. After that, nothing in her life is the same.
Her emotions slowly surface and she starts experiencing love, happiness, and anger, feelings she never knew existed. But they leave her confused and she doesn’t know whether to embrace them or run away from them.
Her life only gets more complicated when she meets Alex. Sexy, arrogant, and secretive, Alex can get under Gemma’s skin like no one can. Yet she’s drawn to him by an invisible connection she has no control over. She’s also seen him before. In her nightmares.
Every part of Gemma’s mind is screaming at her to stay away from Alex, but every other part of her is begging to get close to him. But the closer she gets, the more she realizes Alex knows more about her than he originally let on.
As secrets about her past unravel, Gemma’s life becomes threatened. She needs to figure out what’s going on, before she winds up dead. But the only person she can turn to for answers is the one person she isn’t sure she can trust.
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About the Author:
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.
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Great interview. On my to be read list. Thanks!
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