Friday, July 5, 2013

Review and giveway: Breathless by Eve Carter

The young, hot professional Motocross rider, Jesse Morrison, knows how to leave an impression. Except lately, it has been bad impressions. Frustrated and wounded, he surrounds himself with women, booze and drugs, until one day, he finds himself in a world of trouble. Kicked out by his brother, he relocates to California for the summer to help his uncle open Rookies, a local sports bar.

In Santa Monica, Jesse meets the one woman who can lead him back on the right path, the beautiful 22 year old, Niki Milani. Only problem, she is not interested. Niki has her own demons to fight. A past that left her emotional abandoned by her own blood, her father. She keeps her heart guarded and finds it difficult to trust a man again. Especially not a bad boy player who is even more messed up than her. However, Jesse never backs down from a challenge. Blinded by a sizzling attraction, he is determined to prove to Niki that there is more to him than what appears on the surface. That he is the one who can heal her heart.

The story of Jesse and Niki is a New Adult Romance that will leave you breathless.

4 Star Review

Jesse’s a Motocross racer who suffered some serious injuries to his hand and leg. Even though they have healed, he is not back to where he should be and can’t race. This leads to his usual prescription for self- medicating: alcohol, drugs and women. He had been staying with his brother, who is a cop, but he threw him out and told him to go to California and stay with his uncle Kenny.

Niki has always been controlled by her father.  Things got worse after she turned 12 and her mom died. She lashed out and her father sent her away to boarding school. She became the dutiful daughter, finished college and was taking some time off before starting law school. She is hanging out with her best friend Kat (who is a definite wild cat) and trying to decide if she should stay with her "hand picked by dad" boyfriend, Jason. Seems dad has her future all planned out and has chosen a fellow lawyer for Niki’s future.

One night while she is out partying, she meets Jesse. He has been working at his uncle Kenny’s bar along with Chase, a good friend of Niki’s. They hit it off and enjoy some harmless flirting. Niki feels guilty because she still hasn’t decided what to do about Jason. Jesse is determined to win her over. Jason proves to be an asshat and that opens the door for Jesse. 

Jesse has issues, too many issues. Besides using drugs as a crutch he can’t control his anger. He doesn’t want to scare off Niki but she can’t help but be afraid of him when he is out of control. Meanwhile Kenny, his uncle, hasn’t been feeling well and the pressure is building. Will Jesse be able to turn himself around and can Niki see a future with him?  

Not all of the questions are answered in this book. There is a follow up sequel which I am sure will resolves some issues that remain.   I look forward to reading it.

Barnes and Noble

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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