Friday, August 16, 2013

Blog Tour: Off Course by Sawyer Bennett

Title: Off Course
Author: Sawyer Bennett
Release date:  August 4, 2013
Publisher:  Big Dog Books
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours


Renner Caldwell has her life perfectly mapped out. She has the ideal relationship, the perfect job and all is right in her world. When a shameful turn of events happens, she boards the first plane bound for Ireland to lick her wounds and get her head back on straight.

Cillian O’Braidagh is the sexy, front man to the Irish rock band, Over The Edge. His rising fame and sultry voice make him every woman’s fantasy come true. Not to mention his single-minded determination. To put it simply: what Cillian wants, Cillian always gets. And he wants Renner, because there’s just something about the flame-haired beauty he has to possess.

If their relationship was just about sex and rock n’ roll, it would be easy for them to get lost in their desires. Only their relationship is anything but a hook-up. Will lies, deceit and hidden tragedy get in the way, making the path to true love uncertain? Or will the girl whose been knocked Off Course, find her footing with the man who is teaching her it’s okay to lose control?

4.5 star review by Jen Skewes

We first met Renner Caldwell in Off the Record.  She is Nix and Linc's cousin.  At the age of a 18 she takes a trip to Ireland for the summer to visit her cousin Cady.  Cady takes Renner out one night to see her close friend's band perform.  That is where Renner sees him, the hot young lead singer of Over the Edge.  She can't take her eyes off of him and it seems that even though Cillian is singing to the crowd he cannot keep his eyes off of Renner.  Later on that night they share a passionate kiss, but when Renner stops it from going any further, Cillian backs off and moves on, leaving Renner feeling a little hurt.

It is now 5 years later and after a relationship gone bad, Renner decides to pick up and move to Ireland to escape it all and start over.  It's been five years since Cillian kissed her, but is was one of those kisses that you just do not forget.  When she sees Cillian again for the first time since that kiss, he is his normal flirty, cocky and arrogant self and Renner is convinced that he does not remember her.  But little does she know that she is wrong.  He remembers her and definitley has not forgotten about that kiss.  And now that she is back in his life again after all these years, he wants her just as much as he did back then.  And what Cillian wants, Cillian gets.

Renner are Cillian are so opposite from each other but at the same time they are perfect for each other.  Cillian wants Renner in a sexual way and Renner tries her best to ignore the attraction and chemistry that she feels when she is near him.  Renner is the type of girl who does everything by the book, has control over her life and at one point had her whole life mapped out.  But when she is with Cillian she feels like part of her loses control.  She has this pull towards him that completely scares her.  She knows that being with Cillian will only leave her with a broken heart.  Cillian on the other hand wants Renner and will not give up, even if he has to stalk her daily by showing up at the bar that she works at to walk her home everyday.  At some point Cillian manages to break her down and Renner gives in to the feelings that she has been fighting.  Everything seems great and perfect, except that there is one person from Cillian's past who has the power to destroy the relationship that they have.  And this person has every intention of doing so.  Will Cillian lose the one woman he has ever loved to the one person in his life that he thinks needs him the most?

I loved Renner as the heroine.  I think she was strong and independent and didn't always put up with Cillian's arrogance.  She knew how to handle him.  Cillian, is controlling, protective, arrogant and oh so sexy.  I honestly loved his character.  He had some issues from his past that have caused him to carry around this tremendous amount of guilt which in return also makes him want to help and protect those he cares about.  Unfortunately his protectiveness and need to help people gets in the way of his relationship with Renner.  I loved him but at moments wanted to slap him.  Without going into too much detail, he feels the need to protect one of his close friends and band mates and to help her get better.  But he doesn't realize that his actions may hurt the woman he truly loves.  I understood his reasoning and loved that he was so caring, and loving and protective, but I still wanted to slap him.  But he still managed to completely capture my heart regardless.   Cillian and Renner were so good together.  They were two people with different personalities, different outlooks on life and totally different lifestyles.  But they didn't let that stand in the way of what they had.  They knew how they felt about each other and were determined to make it work.

I love this series by Sawyer Bennett.  Each book having it's own storyline and characters who are unique and different in their own way.  And the guys just keep getting sexier and sexier :)  Sawyer Bennett knows how to completely capture the reader from the start, and make them fall in love with the characters she creates.  You feel the emotions with them and find yourself rooting for them to get their HEA.  Off Course is fun, sexy, heart warming and at times yes my heart did break a little.  But the ending will have you smiling and Cillian will completely melt your heart.  You will fall in love with Cillian and how protective and controlling he is.  You see how much he loves Renner and just wants to protect her and help her to see that is OK to lose control every once in a while.  We also get to see a little of Nix in Off Course and I loved the scenes with him.  I love all the men in this series but Nix just happens to be my fave, so it was a treat to see him.    And we are also introduced to Renner's brother Flynn whose story is next.  Another wonderful job by Ms. Bennett.  Cannot wait for Flynn's book!!

About the author

USA Today Best-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would  like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

Author social media links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow this sounds absolutely amazing. I would like to know what helps you get past (I think it is called) writers block? I have such a hard time with expressing my words, just kind of wondering what helps everyone else.

  2. Great review! Thanks for participating in the tour!

  3. Anxious to read this series. I have the first 4 books and will need to add this to the stack/TBR list. Love the review, helps make decisions on what to read next!!

  4. Great review. I have not read this, but I plan to. Thank you for all your do. I have found so many new authors and read some great review on your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Great review and love your blog. I have won almost every book in this series as they have come out and am anxious to read this one as well! Thank you!

  6. This is such a great series, thanks for the generous giveaway!

  7. Good review :) thanks for the giveaway!


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