Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog Tour: Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams

Title: Finders Keepers (Lost and Found, #3)
Author: Nicole Williams
Release date: September 16, 2013
Age Group: Mature YA/New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours;


There’s tortured. And there’s Garth Black.

His life has been a constant carousel of tragedy and disappointment, including his love life. Of course, applying the term “love” to Garth’s conquests is a gross misuse of the word. Some people were made to give and accept love, and others weren’t. Garth Black redefines the “others” category. He’s made a vow that the day he meets a woman who could sucker him into falling in love will be the day he runs away.

Garth’s plan has one flaw. What happens when he’s already fallen hard for a girl before the warning signs and red flags go up? What happens when the love he’s avoided his entire life brings him to his knees? What happens when Garth Black lets the dirtiest four letter word he’s ever known into his dark, lonely life?

This cowboy’s about to find out he can control some things, and he can’t control others. Number one on the what he can’t control list?


4 star review by Lisa Kane

Garth Black drew the short straw for the first 21 years of his life; his mother is gone, his father is an abusive drunk and a beaten up trailer is his home. And that is when his father lets him sleep in the trailer and not on a chair outside. The constants in his life-alcohol and women. He’s had 2 close friends; Jesse and Josie. One drunken night a few years ago he let his hormones and booze do the thinking for him and he and Josie spent the night together. Her first time with taking a lover, his too many to count. Did I mention she was Jesse’s girlfriend at the time? Needless to say, they broke up, and Josie despised the way Garth just left the next day and confessed all to Jesse. He cut her off. But meeting Rowen helped smooth the wrinkles in that situation and Jesse and Garth found their way back to being friends. But Garth and Josie-not so much. She always referred to that night as a mistake, but for Garth,

“You call the sex we had a mistake? Because the first word that comes to my mind is mind-blowing,” I called after her. “The kind of sex that makes a man keep his fingers crossed for an encore production.”

Garth believes he is trash and could never be good enough for Josie. One night stands and meaningless sex are the things he deserves.

When he loses his father, he also loses his home and all his possessions. Rather than take charity or admit he is homeless, he sleeps in his beat up truck, with no heat. In the dead of winter. Josie puts an end to that and bullies him into staying with her and her parents. Neither her parents, nor Cole, the guy (douche) that she has casually been seeing are too happy with her decision. Staying so close to Josie brings all the feelings he has been tamping down, bubbling to the top. He finds it hard to keep his desire from her.

“Damn, Josie. Are you trying to kill me?” “Because that dress is enough to give a man a heart attack if you come any closer, or break a man’s heart if you walk away.”

The two finally admit their feelings but can they follow their hearts’ desires when the rest of the world seems to be against them? I really liked this one; it fits nicely into the rest of the series. I always had a soft spot for Garth and his story is not a pretty one. His whole childhood up until his father dies is spent being abused and ignored. He has berated himself since his one night with Josie. My heart hurt for him; always wanting her, always thinking he was never good enough nor deserving of her love. Jesse started his life with the devil for a parent but from the time the Walker’s adopted him he had a life filled with love and respect and compassion. Garth had none of those things and his lack of self -esteem contributed to the endless cycle of women and booze. He is only 21, he may be a man, but that is still a young age to be all on your own with very little guidance. Josie and Jesse bring the light into his dark world. I for one am happy to see his world turn around. It’s his time for a happy ending.

“Who we choose to love, and who chooses to love us has nothing to do with being deserving or undeserving. It has to do with who you simply have to love and who simply has to love you.”

About the Author

I'm the New York Times and USATODAY bestselling author of the CRASH series (HarperTeen, S&S UK), LOST & FOUND series, UP IN FLAMES (S&S UK), The EDEN TRILOGY, and a handful of others. I write stories about everyday kinds of people who find themselves in extraordinary kinds of situations. I tell love stories with happy endings because I believe in making the world a better place, and that'sone tiny way I can make it so. I'm one of those people who still believe in true love and soul mates, and would rather keep my head in the clouds any day over having my feet firmly on the ground.

Author Social Media Links:



Twitter- @nwilliamsbooks;

Buy Links

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Book 3? I think I own book one on my kindle but haven't read it yet. I need to get busy.

  2. Can't wait to read Finders Keepers. Awesome giveaway...Thank you!

  3. Excited to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win :)


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