Title: Deception Book 1 in the Fixer Series
Author: Alyson Raynes
Genre: Suspenseful Romance/Erotica
Brooke has spent the past eleven years living with a man she thought would be her forever. One afternoon of unanswered phone calls reveals he isn’t the man she thought he was. Just when things couldn’t get any worse, she’s forced to call upon a stranger for help. Can Dylan save Brooke from her broken past or does he have secrets of his own that will destroy them before they even get started?
3.5 Star Review by Jen Skewes
Deception is book one in The Fixer series. It is the story of Dylan and Brook and one that is filled with drama, angst and even suspense.
Brooke has been in a commuted relationship for the past 11 years. While on a job interview she sees Dylan and there is an instant attraction. She cannot keep her eyes off of him and starts thinking things that she shouldn't be thinking, considering she does have a boyfriend. But not everything is at it seems when it comes to Brooke's life and her relationship. When she finds out that her boyfriend is a cheating jerk, her first instinct is to call Dylan for help. Dylan wants nothing more than to be with Brooke, to help her and protect her and Brooke lets him.
Dylan is cocky and arrogant and a complete alpha male. But he also loves Brooke and wants to keep her safe. There relationship begins but it is not an easy one at all. There is drama with her ex, secrets being kept and not to mention the fact that someone is after Brooke. There were honestly times where as much as I loved Dylan I wasn't completely sure if he was trustworthy. And maybe it is because of the secrets that you know he is keeping but don't quite know what they are just yet.
I really enjoyed this book. I think Dylan and Brooke's love did happen a little quickly in the book itself. Dylan and Brook formed a friendship because they work together and the attraction between the two of them was always there. But once Brooke and her boyfriend broke up there was the inst-love between the two of them. Their love for each other was real and I felt the connection between the two of them but I would have loved to have seen more of their friendship from before they actually got together.
I still really enjoyed the book and the characters. Dylan is sexy and I loved how much he wanted to protect Brooke. Deception will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. Who is after Brooke and why? Does her ex have anything to do with it and how will Dylan be able to keep her safe. Will Dylan be able to open to Brooke and tell her everything she needs and deserves to know and will it destroy what they have?
Title: Promiscuous Book 2 in the Fixer Series
Author: Alyson Raynes
Genre: Suspenseful Romance/Erotica
Dylan had received a peculiar phone call from the governor, leaving me stranded and alone in his magnificent penthouse. The events of the evening draining me free of any energy I had left. I wanted to ask where he was going, but I had a gut feeling I knew the answer to that question. It was his job to clean up a scene before anyone found out the gruesome details of a crime. Then again, I found myself curious, wondering if Dylan himself had manufactured the hit on Amber Martinelli to frame Stefan. I stepped out onto the terrace overlooking the city. The lights were bright, twinkling as the roar of late night traffic lingered in the air. A cold front was moving in and a slight chill moved through me. Knowing how Dylan felt about me, I knew he would do anything to keep me safe. Committing murder wasn't beneath him and it was dangerous for me to think that he could be involved in Amber’s.
4 star review by Jen Skewes
OH MY GOD this book was one roller coaster ride of emotions and surprises. Brooke and Dylan are trying to move forward in their relationship and still trying to get to know each other. But people and circumstances around them make that very difficult.
Brooke's sister has been attacked which she feels completely responsible for and if that wasn't enough her parents drop a bomb on her that can completely break anyone. She is a strong woman and manages to be able to hold it all together, pus she has Dylan by her side. But There are still some questions that are left unanswered when it comes to Dylan. Trust becomes an issue, how could it now when your boyfriend becomes very vague about his whereabouts. Plus throw in an ex girlfriend who just DOES NOT understand the words "it's over"!
I do not want to give too much away but this book was jam packed with action, and drama and shocking twists. I honestly thought I knew what was coming next and boy was I wrong. We find out about Brooke's past a little bit more and see exactly how damaged she is. We see what happened to her as a child and it will completely disgust you and break your heart.
Aylson Raynes did a great job with this installment. I was completely hooked and could not put the book down. The twist towards the end left me completely shocked. I never in a million years saw that one coming. There were so many emotions going through me at that moment. Shock was certainly one of them but there was also fear: not sure how these two can recover and what in world will happen next. My heart broke for Dylan and cannot even imagine the heartache that he is going through. And then to find out who is the cause of that heartache: holy crap!!! That is all I can say. I cannot wait to read the next installment. I need to know what happens, need to know that the will be ok and make it through this.
The Fixer Series is my first book by this author and it will not be my last. I am loving Dylan and Brooke's story. They are so perfect together and in love. I want them to find their happiness that was ripped from them. Excellent job by Ms. Raynes.
Alyson enjoys bringing characters to life and has been writing since she was a little girl. Her first published book was in elementary school where it was put on display in the library for others to read. Alyson’s love for books is what compels her to write and create new worlds of her own for others to enjoy. She enjoys writing everything from erotica to suspense thrillers. Fixer of Deceit is the first book in the Fixer Series, which is both an erotic romance and suspense thriller. A Colorado native, Alyson loves to travel. She has visited Ireland, Mexico and most of the United States. Her favorite vacation hideaway is Hawaii. She has a love for the ocean and enjoys swimming with sea turtles in the wild. Alyson is a former accountant who has traded in her abacus for a full-time writing career.
She has been happily married for twenty-one years to her high school sweetheart and is the proud mother of two. Her love of quilting keeps her busy in the winter months when she isn’t writing. Alyson’s favorite past time is spending time with her family, watching football and laughing together.
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