Parker Hayes has just graduated at the top of his class from law school. He has an amazing new job and a killer new bachelor pad. Life is good! It’s damn near perfect. But something is missing. No matter how hard he tries, he hasn’t been able to get Nikki Reese off his mind. The mind-blowing, sex-filled weekend they spent together was more incredible than anything he’s ever experienced. But the brief encounter wasn’t enough, and now Parker finds himself musing over if he’ll ever see Nikki again. Just one more touch…
Nikki Reese is Holly Spring’s beauty queen. She’s the kind of woman that can smile, taking a man’s breath away, all while flipping him the bird. Pageants are her life and she’s determined to make it to the Miss USA pageant no matter what. No. Matter. What.
But what was supposed to be a fun-filled—no strings attached—weekend together in New York changes all of that.
Months after their fling, Nikki discovers the incredible time they spent together will forever change her life. Two bold pink lines have written a fate she’s not sure how to deal with. When Parker discovers the news, to her surprise, he rushes to Nikki’s side, ready and willing to help in any way he can.
Seeing Nikki again sends Parker’s imagination running wild, but he keeps his cravings in check for the time being. The two agree to work together for the sake of their child, but neither can fight the intense, raw chemistry between them. But when Nikki’s abandonment issues threaten to divide them, brutally sending them drifting apart, Parker must become the one who keeps them grounded and intact.
He must be The Anchor.
She may feel like she’s shattered into a million little pieces, but he’s about to show her that letting him go again is not an option.

4 Stars!
Review by Lisa Kane
"I'm here for you, Niki. No matter what your father says, no matter how this goes, I'm your anchor. I'll hold you steady."
We met Edie's best friend Nikki and John's best friend Parker in The Suit. They hooked up for one night and then parted ways. Nikki comes from a wealthy family. She may have had money, but she's never had attention. Her mother skipped out and just upped and left her family. Her father hated her mother so much after she left that she wouldn't even let her keep the only picture she had of her mother.
As for my father, I never brought it up to him again. The photo was gone and I just added it to the endless list of disappointments he provided me. He always let me down. Always. It was the one thing I could count on.
Men will always let you down.
Nikki was always provided for, but her father was always too busy with running his own business to pay any attention to her. But no matter how well she did in school, she could never get his approval. So she turned to what she knew best-her looks. Nikki is a classic beauty and beauty pageants became her forte. She lives for them, she knows how to work that system and they never let her down.
Parker may have had his roots in Holly Springs North Carolina but he is in New York starting his new job he uncle set up for him at a prestigious law firm. The plan was for John to live the New York life with him, but that all changed when John moved to North Carolina to be with his Edie, now his fiance.
Parker has been trying to get in touch with Nikki since their one night stand. His texts, emails and calls go unanswered. In spite of casual hook ups with other women, he can't get Nikki out of his head.
Nikki has lots going on. Two pink lines are about to change her life. It's time to face the Parker music. This is all going to go down like an uninvited ex at a wedding. But Parker is a nice guy and he is more than willing to step up to the plate. And let's face it; the guy is into Nikki big time.
There are adjustments, and plans, and new plans and arguments. Nikki's insecurities are her worst vice. She seems to sabotage things in her life so she can point out how men will just disappoint you. (although her dad is the sorriest excuse for a parent!)
Without another word, he walks out and shuts the door behind him, leaving me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, a mere two seconds from falling apart.
Parker makes his mistakes (he's a guy right?) but he tries to make allowances for Nikki's hang ups. It doesn't hurt that he likes to bring out the Alpha in him between the sheets. They seem to have no problem communicating there.
When she slips her shirt off, and her blonde hair cascades down covering her breasts, it takes my breath away. She slides down, tugging my boxers off, and I let her. I can't deny her now, because the truth is I need her. I need this too. I need her to anchor me as well.
BN Toler's writing is witty and her banter between her characters always entertains. She still has some unexplored stories that need to be told. Joey (otherwise known as Fucking. Joey. So sweet) has some chemistry going on with Madeline, Parker's sister. Their story is next-I wouldn't mind douche bag Dierk getting a hot little filly to bring some normalcy into his life either. And we have yet to see John and Edie walk down the aisle.
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