He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...
New York Times bestselling author Kim Karr turns up the heat in a smoking hot, emotionally compelling new novel that takes you into the world of Manhattan’s elite.
In Toxic, Jeremy McQueen, a sexy, intense, sometimes brooding entrepreneur goes after what he wants—the woman he left behind years ago. Phoebe St. Claire, a put together, in control socialite-turned-CEO has been drifting through life searching for something she thought she'd never find again—the right man to share her future.
Our passion was boundless. Our lust untamed. And our desire endless. He was the only man who ever made me feel alive. Then, I betrayed him.
When he reappeared, I didn’t question it. Trust rarely survives the wrecking ball, so when he let me in back in—I didn’t hesitate.
Maybe I should have.
What began as a bid to save my family business, turned into a second chance at love. It felt so romantic. Working together, side by side, with the man I loved. My dream come true.
Nothing is as good as it seems.
We had our issues, but then again, every couple does. It wasn’t jealousy, or our too-hot sex life that I should have been worried about.
It was his darkside.
I never saw the end coming, until it slammed me in the face. The question is—did he?
Was revenge his plan all along?
Sometimes you have to wonder if your life is too good to be true.
Is it real or just an illusion?
Does the man lying beside you really love you like he says he does?
If the answer is yes, you’re meant to live happily ever after.
If the answer is no, you’re living my life, and nothing will ever be the same.
What you do about it—that’s up to you.
Me, I’m in too deep and there’s no getting out.
I’ll take whatever I can get for as long as I can because I know when it’s over…
I’ll never find another man like him.

4.5 Fantastic Stars!
Review by Jen Hagen
I just finished reading this book and I’m sad…I’m sad that my journey with Jeremy is over. I want a real-life Jeremy. He is sexy, confidant, successful, a little broody (okay, maybe a LOT of broody), goes commando a majority of the time, and has expert fingers that like to roam and make heart shapes.
Jeremy and Phoebe met the summer after Phoebe’s high school graduation when she was staying at the Hamptons in a beach house with her friends. Phoebe and her friends all come from rich heritage, and Jeremy was the hired help’s son. Jeremy was being raised by a single parent and had a huge chip on his shoulder towards anybody who was wealthy. He utterly despised the wealthy. Phoebe and Jeremy had a scorching hot summer, but one day that all came crashing down when a lie was exposed and the truth came out. The truth was too painful for one to bear, and thus begins the end of their story. Or is it only the beginning?
Fast forward five years…Phoebe is engaged to Dawson. In my mind I could take down Dawson with just a little push – he’s a weenie – at least that’s how I pegged him. He hides behind his money and he can do that because he is very, very rich. Phoebe can’t seem to commit to a wedding date and the underlying reason is she can’t get over the soul-searing summer she had with Jeremy.
I was searching for what I’d had and lost with him.
Things changed for Jeremy in those 5 years. He is no longer the hired help, in fact now he hires the help. He has risen amongst the wealthy…the same people that he once despised are now relied upon to make him rich. The first reunion Jeremy and Phoebe have shows what other changes he has made.
He was cold and distant. Arrogant. Rude. An utter asshole. Not at all the charming, at times brooding, but always endearing Jeremy I remembered.
Five years have gone by and although they may appear to have changed in their individual personalities, they are essentially the same people who fell in love for a summer with their all-out intense attraction for one another. There was so much hurt in the way things were left can they move forward and try this again?
“We’ve both done things we’re not proud of, but the other night when we agreed to leave the past in the past, I was willing to do that. If you think you can do that, I’d like to see what comes next.”
What comes next is fast-page turning to see how much angst Ms. Karr is going throw our way. I have never read anything by Ms. Karr before and I was in for a pleasant treat. There was jealousy, drama, lack of trust and faith, and failure to believe. You name it and it was here all wrapped up nicely into one book. I loved Jeremy and Phoebe’s characters. Neither one of them lacked a backbone and along with their strong wills made them easy to love.
It amazed me how Jeremy was so tuned into Phoebe’s fears and silent doubts. He never had any question as to whether their relationship could begin again and be successful. He knew it would work if Phoebe would just believe in him. Jeremy is still that young kid with the chip on his shoulder wanting to be accepted and wanting to prove to those around him that he is a good successful businessman. He doesn’t ask for much in their relationship, other than believing in him.
“I love you.”
“It doesn’t matter.” His voice was broken.
“We can get through this.”
He shook his head. “No. This has to end. We can’t keep doing this to each other. You’re right – what we have is toxic. We’re just not good for each other.”
“Don’t say that. You don’t mean it!”
“I do.”
“You don’t.” My voice rose.
“You believed the worst in me. I can’t keep doing this.”
My heart ached for Jeremy. I wanted to be there to put his heart back together again. I was on angst pins and needles from this point on to the end. Oh what a glorious feeling that is! My thoughts were going back and forth as to who was playing whom in a vindictive game where there would be no winner as they would both lose their hearts. I found this to be a slow read, but yet enjoyable. Sometimes a slow read will lose my interest, but not this book. I was sad to come to the epilogue (which is the one and only time we will hear Jeremy’s point of view.) Ms. Karr did a fantastic job reeling me into her work.
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