Title: Solace
Author: S.L. Scott
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 22, 2017
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/SolaceGR
SynopsisHe puts the Bad in bad boy.
She puts the Sweet in sweetheart.
When a hired gun burns out from the life he’s been living, he returns to the small country town where rumors run rampant and everyone goes to church on Sunday.
With sins and secrets trailing Jason Koster home, he is searching for redemption in hopes of living a life less complicated. He didn’t expect to find the only girl he ever loved now a recently single woman running her family farm.
Delilah Noelle never needed much, but she wanted Jason Koster—one time love of her life. When misunderstandings tear the former beauty queen and quarterback apart, can a second chance heal their broken hearts?
Will the years and circumstances that have passed be too much to bridge the distance to a future together?
Solace is a heartwarming small town romance with plenty of action and swoons that will have this hometown hero vying for the affections of his high school sweetheart.
AMAZON US:http://amzn.to/2xW169t

4 Stars
Review by Jen Skewes
When I signed up for this one, I honestly had no idea who this book was about. All I saw was that it was a new SL Scott book and said "yes please." As I was reading I realized that the hero, Jason, is the same Jason from The Kingwood Duet. It wasn't until and old friend came to visit him that I realized who he was. The light bulb went off and was excited to find out it was him. This does not mean that you have to read that series first, because you don't.
Jason and Delilah were high school sweethearts. They're love was real and once that they both thought would last forever. But when misunderstandings, and lies from people who they were supposed to trust broke them apart, Jason left town. It's four years later and Jason is back in town. He tries so hard to keep Delilah off his mind and not break down and go see her. But his attempts fail, when he finds that she is newly single. She is the love of his life, always has been, but he didn't have plans to stay. But that may soon change as he begins to spend more time with her. At first they agree to take things slow but at one point these two were in love and that love is still there. But an ex husband who still thinks of Delilah as his, and he may get in the way. Will these two get the second chance that they deserve?
I loved Jason, he was sweet and sexy and loved Delilah so much. To me personally, I think he was different than the Jason that we saw in the Kingwood Series. But at the same time I understand him in a way that I didn't when I read that series. I loved to see what he went through and how he got to be the person he is today. He was such a hard nut to crack when I first met him but I understand why. I love him. I loved how much he adored Delilah, how much he wanted to protect her. And loved the two of them together.
Delilah has been through so much since Jason left town. But even at the end of their relationship she went through a lot as well. I felt so bad for her. A broken heart and then someone so close to you feeding you lies that caused even more pain. But Jason coming back into her life gave her the happiness she deserved. I gave her life again.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved Delilah and Jason together and felt how much they loved each other. I think that at times the pace was a little too quick considering all that Delilah went through but Jason was the love of her life, the person she always felt safe with. I wanted a little more depth where their feelings and their past were concerned but overall I loved it. I read it in one sitting. Great read.

I used to think she couldn’t resist me, but she had no problem earlier this week. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to Ms. Noelle. Let’s see if she still can. “I’ll be right back.”
“What?” my mom asks, watching me get out of the car. “Where are you going? The light’s going to turn green any second.”
I keep walking.
She sees me. Even though her pretty eyes are hidden behind big sunglasses, I can figure they’re probably damn wide right now. Reaching for the truck door lock, her finger pushes it down just as I arrive. She can kid herself like that. She knows deep down that I’ll never hurt her, but I might pressure her into giving me a little of her time.
Standing on the other side of her door, I knock. Delilah finally looks up and points at the light. It’s green. I shrug. I make the lame twist of the wrist roll down your window motion with my hand because I have a feeling she might not understand if I pretend to push a button to roll it down.
“Get back in your car, Jason,” she says through the glass.
“No. Roll down your window.” To sugarcoat it, I add, “Please.”
“What do you mean why? I want to talk to you and I don’t want shout through the glass.”
Huffing, the glass slides down slowly. “What is it?” She keeps her hands on the steering wheel and her grip seems to tighten just a bit.
She glances my way, so I say, “I want to see you.”
“You’re seeing me, Jason, so if that’s all there is, I’ll be going no—”
The glass starts to roll up, but I clamp my palm over it. She releases the button and looks up at me. “I don’t know what happened the other day, what turned your mood so quickly, but I’d like another chance for us to talk this time.”
“It’s not a good idea.”
“It’s a great idea, actually. All you have to say is yes.”
My smile tilts into a smirk. “You haven’t changed much.”
“Then you haven’t been paying attention.”

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ABOUT S.L. SCOTTLiving in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling and avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She's obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist. Her favorite color is blue, but she likens it more toward the sky than the emotion. Her home is filled with the welcoming symbol of the pineapple and finds surfing a challenge though she likes to think she's a pro.
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