Contemporary Romance
Remember when we parted ways in Germany? It was the day I broke your heart. What you didn't know was that I was breaking mine too.
I thought they’d be enough–my husband and my son. That I’d get home and everything would go back to the way it was . . .
Before the war.
Before the ambush.
Before you.
But, no matter how hard I try, I can’t erase the trauma we shared. I can’t seem to forget the way my heart beat in time with yours.
The truth is I’m lost without you.
I thought the nightmare was over when they pulled us from that hole in the ground, but nothing could have prepared me for the war I’d face at home.
I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but, please, I have to see you one last time. . .
All my love,
5 Stars
Review by Jen Skewes
I have read all of Kate Stewart's book and loved them. With each new book I find my new favorite of hers. But this book, wow!! She completely blew me away. This is by far her best book. I have never rad Heather M. Orgeron's work before but that is going to change. This author duet completely broke me over and over again. With each page, a little piece of my heart broke off, leaving it completely decimated. I swear I had a lump in my throat the entire time. It wasn't until the end , when they managed to piece my heart back together did that I was able to breathe again.
I guess you can say that this book is love triangle, and many who have read it will agree. But for me it was so much more. The triangle part of this book honestly came second to what these characters experience, the pain they endure, the struggles that they must overcome and the heartbreaking decisions that must be made. As the book opens up Scottie is saying goodbye to her husband and son as she is being deployed. It is there that she meets Sergeant Briggs, who is a little cocky, a lot sexy, but someone that you can count on when necessary. The two of them go through something that is unimaginable, horrific, and fearful. But it forms this bond between the two of them, one that no one may even understand, but it is there.
Scottie loves her husband and son with all that she has. And they have always been enough for her. But now she must face so many obstacles. She is a broken woman, a shell of the woman who left ll those months ago. she needs to fight the demons, not just for herself but for her family. But despite living her family, Briggs is never far from her mind. Will her family be enough to get her through this?
I cannot begin to express how much I loved this book and what it did to me. Yes there were times where I smiled and laughed, but those moments were few compared to the moments that broke me. This book didn't just tug on my heartstrings, it yanked on them. And please do not let that scare you. Every ounce of pain and sadness that I felt was 100% worth it. The writing is flawless, the story itself brilliant, and these two authors made me feel it ALL. The prologue alone sucked me in. I never wanted to put this book down. I was submerged in Scottie, Briggs and Gavin's world and didn't want to leave. With every word and every page this book has my emotions all over the place. The heartbreak alone was enough, but add to that the fact that I wondered where this book would go, how it would all end and you have an amazing story. It is a beautiful love story but also one about love, friendship, pain and strength. It's about losing yourself and being able to find yourself again. It deals with very heavy topic and was dealt with in a very special and delicate way. I didn't give too much info on the plot or the characters, because this book you just need to experience on your own. Go in blind. Once you start you will not want to let go. With that being said I will say that I loved both Gavin and Briggs. But one of those men had my heart from the very beginning and he never let it go!!
Kate Stewart and Heather M Orgeron, I applaud you for writing this book and I thank you. It is one of my top reads this year. It is that book that will stay with you always. Amazing, amazing job!!!
About the Author:
Heather M. Orgeron is a Cajun girl with a big heart and a passion for romance. She married her high school sweetheart two months after graduation and her life has been a fairytale ever since. She’s the queen of her castle, reigning over five sons and one bossy little princess who has made it her mission in life to steal her Momma’s throne. When she’s not writing, you will find her hidden beneath mounds of laundry and piles of dirty dishes or locked in her tower(aka the bathroom) soaking in the tub with a good book. She’s always been an avid reader and has recently discovered a love for cultivating romantic stories of her own.
Heather M. Orgeron is a Cajun girl with a big heart and a passion for romance. She married her high school sweetheart two months after graduation and her life has been a fairytale ever since. She’s the queen of her castle, reigning over five sons and one bossy little princess who has made it her mission in life to steal her Momma’s throne. When she’s not writing, you will find her hidden beneath mounds of laundry and piles of dirty dishes or locked in her tower(aka the bathroom) soaking in the tub with a good book. She’s always been an avid reader and has recently discovered a love for cultivating romantic stories of her own.
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