Picture Perfect Summer by Marquita Valentine
Release Date: January 22nd
Picture Perfect Summer, the highly anticipated second chance romance From New York Times bestselling author Marquita Valentine.
It all started with a dare…
He was supposed to be a summer fling, but Duke King made me fall in love with him and I spent the most perfect summer by his side.
Then I met his wife—his pregnant wife.
And I had no other choice but to leave Castle Beach for good.
Ten years later, I’m back to sell my parents’ house and leave behind the memories of that perfect summer, once and for all.
But my plans for a quick visit are hindered by a sexy single dad.
I’m older and wiser, but so is he… and this time, he says he’s not going to let me go without a fight.
Rev new by Trinette Dungee
“The shape of your smile is carved in my heart”
Who knew Duke King would be so romantic? I sure didn’t. We first met Duke in Picture Perfect Lie and Big Talking Man/Picture Perfect Marriage books for his younger siblings, Knight and Quinn; and he just came across as this brooding older brother who happened to be a single father. We knew he’d been hurt by love and his ex-wife had left him to raise their daughter on his own, but color me surprised to find out that it wasn’t his ex-wife that had him heartbroken.
At the young age of twenty-five, Duke King was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His father committed suicide, he was now CEO of their family’s business (which he never wanted), the IRS was investigating them, their assets were frozen, their employees aren’t getting paid, he’s being older brother and father to his youngest sibling Laird, and he’s in the process of divorcing his wife who’d cheated on him with his best friend. There isn’t a lot going on to be happy about or to make him smile; until his surf board whacked True Prince in the shin. True is bubbly, happy and just what he needs. It takes him no time to fall in love with her. Finally, things are looking up for him until his soon to be ex-wife drops a major bombshell.
True Prince is a Farley easy going woman, she’s just graduated college and is looking forward to starting her teaching career. Her biggest decision is if she should come home to North Carolina to a teaching job or head back to Arizona where she’s just graduated. Running into Duke King’s surf board made that decision a lot harder. Instant attraction to him and the two are having the summer of their lives. Love came fast and hard and True’s decision is just about made until Duke’s soon to be ex-wife gives him news that send True running.
Ten years later and True has temporarily returned to Castle Beach and she and Duke find themselves back in each other’s arms; but ten years is a long time. Duke has a solid life and is a single father to a ten-year old; True has her own life and a job she loves back in Arizona. True is he one thing missing from his life and he has just a little bit of time to prove to her that they belong together and he’s not willing to let her go.
I love second chance romance stories and I love single parent stories and I got the best of both worlds with this book; so needless to say, I adored this book! It was cute, it was funny, it was romantic…it had everything I needed the day I read it. If you are person who just loves love and romance just make you giddy, then this is definitely the book for you.
True and Duke’s story is told in two parts; ten years ago, when they first met and present day. In the beginning I wasn’t so sure I like the breakdown of how the story was being told but by the time I was less than halfway through the first part, I was loving it. There were some occurrences that had me questioning the timeline and I wasn’t all that keen on how Duke tied up loose ends with his ex-wife but it but these things weren’t deal breakers. These two were far too enjoyable for me to let a little thing like that really bother me. I really loved these characters. From the first scene they clicked, their chemistry was off the charts and they just fit. True was the perfect amount of quirky and Duke was just the right amount of reserved.
I can see some saying things just happened way too fast but the way Marquita tells this story, it just worked! Sometimes you need that. You need for things to just happen.
In the first two books in this series there were a few supporting characters that instantly made me curious; Laird (who’s missing at sea), Deacon (the least friendly of the Kings and possible alcoholic), Duke and then there was Campbell’s (Knight’s wife), little brother Caine. At the end of the previous book it looked like we were going to get Barron’s story (the second oldest King sibling), so I was thrilled when I realized it was actually going to be Duke’s story.
Marquita is one of the few others I love who can manage to tell multiple stories in one story. In this book we get a little more background on missing brother Laird and his wife Ophelia. One of my favorite lines in this book doesn’t come from Duke or True; it comes from Ophelia when she’s talking to Duke about the relationship between her and Laird:
“Just know that we will find a way. I will always find my way to Laird…not even an ocean could keep up apart.”
Fast forward ten years in Duke and True’s story and Laird is missing at sea……eeeeekkkkk!!! Does this mean what I think it mean?!

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Duke jogs up the stairs, looking so fine that I want to take a picture and post it on Instagram for the entire world to see. “ “You look pretty.”My cheeks heat and I all but twist my foot around in awkward celebration. “Thanks. So do you. I mean, not pretty. Good. You look good.”
A smile pushes at the corners of his mouth, transforming his sexy good looks into positively sinful. I get so hot that I start fanning my face. “It’s a little hot this evening, isn’t it?”
“No more than usual.” He offers me his arm and I have the presence of mind to take it before we walk to his truck parked on the driveway below the porch. “It’s a lot cooler in my truck, so you shouldn’t melt on the way to Ten Blue.”
“That’s very considerate of you. I’m really excited about dinner.” I moan happily. “All the seafood.”
He doesn’t reply right away, or at all until he opens the passenger side door. Maybe the happy moan was too much? I don’t know, but I make the same noise when I eat food I like, or at least Sunny accuses me of moaning like a ghost in church. Not really sure about that analogy. Sunny’s from SoCal, so who knows really.
“I’m sure you’ll have plenty to choose from and if you don’t, we can ask.” He pauses as I climb inside and I take the opportunity to spend a great deal of time getting situated.
“Fair warning. I like to eat. I really like to eat my favorite food, so if the happy moaning bothered you, I’ll try to keep it to a three.”
His brow quirks. “Out of three?”
I snort. “Five. Duh.”
“You really are an odd duck,” he says, but it sounds more like a compliment than an insult, so that warm feeling he’s inspired in me grows. “Anything else you need to warn me about before we go?”
I shake my head. “Not that I can think of.”
“Damn. I was kinda hoping you did.” He winks at me and shuts the door on my shocked face.
About Marquita:
Marquita Valentine is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Holland Springs and Boys of the South series.
Since first taking the plunge in July of 2012 to self publish, Marquita Valentine has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling Ebooks Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, and Barnes&Noble. She's been called "one of the best new voices in romance" (Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews) and her books have been accused of being "a sexy, fun, and slightly addicting contemporary read" (The Book Queen).
When she's not writing sexy heroes who adore their sassy heroines, she enjoys shopping, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. Married to her high school sweetheart, Marquita lives in a seriously small town in the south with her husband, two kids, and a dog.
Connect with Marquita:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMarquitaValentine/
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Website: http://www.marquitavalentine.com
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