He's not your average Joe from the corner bar.
He's the heir to the crown.
I should know, I've followed him for years.
Not in a stalkerish way.
Magazines and online gossip blogs are fair game when you're royalty.
But I do know every detail about him, down to the brand of boxer briefs he wears.
All my studying of the man who plays a starring role in my dreams pays off when I win a dinner with him.
As if that wasn't enough, he barters a deal with me that has him moving into my spare guest room.
I forgot that fairytales don't exist though because just as I'm about to get everything I want, including the prince, I find out there's someone in Prince Adrian Marx's life I don't know -- his fiancee.

4 stars
Review by Jen Skewes
I was looking forward to this book after reading the first one. I have to admit that I was not the biggest fan of Sierra’s, but I still couldn’t wait to read her story. Maybe because it involved a prince who she stalked on social media and the fact that he was going to be her new roommate for the next two months. Sounds very exciting!!
We learn that Sierra has been through a lot which really made me like her more than I originally did and understand her better. Adrian has his own issues with his life at home but when he is with Sierra he learns how to live a life that is completely foreign to him. He is on his own, no security, not one watching his every move. He can be himself when he is with Sierra and or the two months that he is with her, he does just that.
Adrian manages to bring her Sierra out of her shell a bit and helped her to open up more. We got to see all that there is to Sierra and why she carries the pain that she does. I loved that about him and the friendship/relationship that they had. They were truly made for each other.
I love every book that I have read by this fantastic writing duo. I love their wit and humor and while we do get that in Royal Mistake there is more to this story than just their humor. This one is definitely more emotional than their other books and I loved it. I loved seeing their characters feel, and open up. It was a perfect mix of heavy and light. I loved that we get to see the entire rooftop crew sand love the relationship they all have. I cannot wait for the next one.
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Piper Rayne, or Piper and Rayne, whichever you prefer because we're not one author, we're two. Yep, you get two USA Today Bestselling authors for the price of one. Our goal is to bring you romance stories that have "Heartwarming Humor With a Side of Sizzle" (okay...you caught us, that's our tagline).
A little about us.... We both have kindle's full of one-clickable books. We're both married to husbands who drive us to drink. We're both chauffeurs to our kids. Most of all, we love hot heroes and quirky heroines that make us laugh, and we hope you do, too.
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