Goodbye Never by Prescott Lane is now live!

All the best love stories are tragic. Ours is no different.
Lennon is the woman who should have always been mine. The one that I let slip through my fingers time and time again. I was young, stupid, and arrogant enough to think love would wait.
Being in the Marines has taught me patience. The enemy never strikes when you expect it. Love is the same way.
And falling in love with your best friend requires a special type of patience.
So when tragedy strikes, the only thing I can do is be what I’ve always been to her — her best friend.
I’ve learned everything has a cost — even love. Lennon has paid dearly.
But I’m not about to let tragedy steal our happily ever after.
4.5 Stars
Review by Jen Skewes
I was so excited when I found out that Prescott Lane was realizing a new book. I have loved every book of hers that I have read. And once again she did not disappoint.
Lennon and Duke have been best friends since they were kids. He has always protected her and been there for her. Even when the kids at school were making fun of her, Duke was the one who was there to protect her. Lennon always knew her true feelings for Duke. She was in love with him, but Duke was a little slow to catch up with her regarding his feelings. After he graduated high school he left for the military to pursue his dreams, of serving his country. Over time Lennon knew she needs to get over Duke and accept that they were just friends. But when tragedy strikes, Duke is back to help her pick up all of the pieces.
Duke knew the Lennon was the one girl for him but I think in a way he thought he had all the times in the world. He wanted to pursue his dreams but pennons wasn't going to wait around forever, for him to finally realize he loved her. with everything she has been through duke wants to be there for her. He wants more than just a friendship but knows he needs to take it slow and not push her into anything. But the one thing Lennon's mom always told her was love a man who loves you more. and she was never sure if Duke loved her more, because for so long she her love for him was unrequited. Will they find their happy ever after?
I loved this book. Duke was the perfect best friend and when he finally woke up he was also the perfect lover/boyfriend. I think he always knew how he felt about Lennon but he wasn't ready for that love just yet. They were young and had so much of there life ahead of them. But at dome point he knows that he cannot lost her a second time. duke stepped up to the plate and proved just how much he loved her and that was everything.
Lennon was a perfect heroine. I wish she didn't listen so much to her mom's "advice" because I think that held her back in a way. I felt for her over and over again. I also felt her love for Duke. the friendship they had was special, bit when they crossed that line it was amazing. I loved watching these two find their way to each other and become more, become what was always meant to be. Another great job by Ms. Lane.
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