Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Review: Fight With Me, by Kristen Proby

Fight With Me by  

Jules Montgomery is too busy and content with her life to worry about a man, especially one Nate McKenna. If growing up with four brothers has taught her anything, she knows to stay away from sexy men with tattoos and motorcycles. That goes double if he's your boss. During the one incredible night they shared, he violated the no fraternization policy...among other things, and it won't happen again. Jules won't risk her career for mind-blowing sex, no matter how much her body and her damn heart keep arguing with her.

Nate McKenna could give a shit about the no fraternizing policy. He wants Jules and he'll have her. The rules could bend around them, or be damned. He's not a man to be taken lightly, and Jules Montgomery is about to find out just how he responds to being pushed aside after the best night of sex he's ever had. She can fight all she wants, but he'll have her in his bed in the end.

FIGHT WITH ME is the second novel in the With Me In Seattle 


Our 4 star review
Kristen Proby’s latest novel from her With Me in Seattle series, Fight with Me, is a sexy, humorous read that will delight as well as captivate. Jules and Nate share chemistry that burns up the pages.  Nate McKenna is Jules’ (Julianne as Nate prefers to call her) Montgomery’s immediate supervisor at a company that forbids fraternizing. They shared a steamy night months ago, but have since managed to keep a lid on their simmering attraction for one another. Nate is a panty dropping, lip smacking, swoon worthy hunk. With his longish black hair, beautiful gray eyes, sexy tattoos and …an apa piercing! Jules is drop dead gorgeous; long legged, blonde, big baby blues and a killer body that once graced the pages of Playboy. Talk about these two hitting the gene jackpot! Jules resists, Nate seduces.

“I’ll bet when you were small your teacher sent home a letter to your parents saying, ‘doesn’t play well with others.’”

Having decided nature wins out over office politics, Nate is determined to capture Jules, body and soul and we do mean body. Their steamy interludes sizzle. Ms. Proby’s delicious descriptions of their love making will arouse, titillate, and leave one sated and weak as a limp dishrag. Kitchen counter tops, office desks and to die for luxurious showers all provide venues for their escapades.  He woos with lots of chocolate as in cheesecakes and diamonds.  What girl wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his black American Express card, especially when it provides little red Cartier bags? Romps to his beachfront property, strolls through food markets and fore plays filled with naughty spankings spark and hold the readers’ interest.

“Let me make love to you, baby.” He nibbles my lips, along my jaw line and over to my left ear. I tilt my head, giving him easier access to this sensitive spot, and he licks under my ear where he knows makes me crazy.

Jules may look like a girlie girl with her little red Lexus, Gucci handbag and Jimmy Choo stilettos, but she is one kick ass chick who can easily defend herself if necessary, having been trained in self- defense by her overly protective brothers.  Speaking of her brothers; Caleb is the one quick to react to any sign of testosterone near his sister, Will is a pro football player (and the subject of Proby’s next book), and Matt is a Seattle cop.  Proby ensures plenty of continuity of family and friends with this series. In addition to Jules’ brothers; Isaac and Stacey (from Under the Mistletoe with Me) and Natalie and Luke (from Come Away with Me) continue their stories. 

Proby has so many humorous gems in this book.  Jules and a heavily pregnant Natalie, constantly banter back and forth.  Add to the mix a couple of she-devil bitches and the story line provides just the right amount of angst and woe. Even at Jules’ lowest point, her wit manages to temper the heartbreak.

 “You play Adele for this baby way too much. She’s going to be born bitter and angry at men. Give the poor girl a fighting chance, Nat.”

Savor this book; curl up on your favorite chair, arm yourself with your beverage of choice, oh and by all means, have chocolate on hand, plenty of chocolate.

 Be sure to follow Kristen on facebook and check out her blog as well:

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