Friday, May 24, 2013

Giveaway and Review: Love Notes by Heather Gunter


How do you cope when the people you care for hurt you the most? When the way you feel on the outside, smothers you on the inside. And when you are left to face your demons alone, will you learn that only you have the power to overcome them?

Charlie has never had it easy. Between the constant moving and the incessant fat comments and jokes from her father, her self-worth is nonexistent. Her reflection in the mirror shows her nothing but a plain Jane. Music is the only thing that keeps her sanity in check.

Charlie catches the eye of the town star quarterback, Maverick. With her curves, her brunette hair, and the voice of an angel, Maverick has never met anyone like her. Everything that is different about Charlie just makes Maverick like her more. Unfortunately, Charlie doesn’t see it herself.

Proving it to her may deem harder than he thinks, especially when tragedy strikes and tears them apart.

Now standing on her own two feet she may finally learn exactly who she is, what’s she’s capable of and how very un plain Jane she really is.

4 Star Review by Guest Reviewer Lesley Davison

“You clearly don’t care if you repulse anyone.  You should have tried harder to lose weight.  I think you may have gained a few pounds over the summer. You’re dismissed”
LOVE NOTES is more than just high school football hero meets new girl and falls in love. This story also brings to light what can happen to a person’s self-esteem if they are repeatedly told they are, fat, ugly and worthless.  Unfortunately, they start to believe it!!  However, with love and support one girl will learn that she can rise above the verbal abuse and survive.
“Why does he like me?”
Starting at a new school was nothing new to Charlie, oh by the way Charlie is a girl, yes a girl.  She has been moving and starting new schools more times than she can count.  This time though it was her senior year of high school.  Charlie believed she was an overweight plain Jane….how could she not when she has been told this her whole life by her father. Would her real father really say such things?  Charlie will be faced with choices and soon learn love doesn’t always hurt.  
Maverick, even his name is sexy, is the good looking high school football team Captain.  He has everything going for him, colleges watching his football moves, great friends and loving parents.  All the girls “swoon” over him, yet he doesn’t seem interested he wants more than just the casual fling. 
Charlie and Maverick meet the first day of school, they actually run smack into each other and instantly Maverick is curious about this new girl.  Their relationship begins and soon Charlie is hearing things she doesn’t know how to take and Maverick is shocked at how Charlie sees herself. Why can’t she tell she is beautiful, Maverick wonders?   Maverick meets Charlie’s family and starts to understand – Charlie meets Maverick’s family and is surprised by the love she sees.  Charlie thinks to himself, do family members really hug each other? These two soon find themselves quickly falling in love, but an accident will separate them and make Charlie once again question if she is worth loving.
Two others in the book are Tori and Will.  Tori is an outspoken redhead and befriends Charlie on the first day of school.  She is a force to be reckoned with – I love her understanding of Charlie.   Will is Maverick’s lifelong best friend.  Seems Will has a crush on Tori – they dated once but something didn’t work now he worships her from afar.  These two characters add so much to the story – I love them.
Thank you Heather for writing a story on a difficult subject, which at times had me crying and trying desperately to understand how her parents could be so cruel.  Heather beautifully brings you along on Charlie and Maverick’s happy, loving and sometimes sad journey.  The ending surprised me a little but I was happy with the outcome and finally smiling for Charlie and Maverick!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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