Monday, June 10, 2013

Release Day Launch: Redesigned by Denise Grover Swank


While fashion design major Caroline Hunter may have been born economically unlucky, in college, she’s been lucky in love. Until her senior year at Southern University. She’s gone from a serious long term boyfriend to a string of crappy dates.

Then she meets mathematics grad student Reed Pendergraft.

Reed is everything she’s not looking for. Serious. Headed for a low paying university job. Boring. Caroline spent the first eighteen years of her life wondering where her next meal was coming from. She sure wasn’t getting trapped in that life again with a man living on a professor’s salary.

An encounter with Reed in a club proves she might have pegged him wrong. He brings out a lusty side she never knew she had. But just when she’s about to give in to her hormones, Reed makes a fool out of her.

When she shows up for the first committee meeting for Southern University’s Fall fashion show, a fundraiser for underprivileged kids, Caroline’s horrified to discover the insufferable Reed is the committee chairman. While she refuses to tolerate his totalitarian rule of the committee, she’s not sure she’ll survive the month with her heart—and her pride—intact. Just when she thinks she has everything figured out, she finds that her entire life has been redesigned, thanks to Reed Pendergraft.

4 star review

“You’re a beautiful, strong woman, and you deserve the life you want, Caroline.” SH epauses, giving me a moment to digest that she’s called me by my full first name and not the nickname she knows I hate. “Fight for the life you want.” 

For the first 18 years of her life, Fashion design major, Caroline Hunter grew up wondering where her next meal would come from. She was teased for wearing hand-me-down clothing and living in a trailer park. She vowed never to live that life again and worked her a$$ off in school to make something of herself. So far college life has been good, she is doing well in her major. The only thing lacking is her love life. Going from a long term relationship, to a bunch of not so fun dates, Caroline is in a rut, that is until she meets mathematic grad student Reed at her BFF, Scarlett's party.

 I stare up into his dark brown eyes, and I’m so very tempted. They’re pulling me closer to him. Literally. There’s something about him I can’t pinpoint, like a physical awareness arcing between us

Reed Pendergraft is not the typical guy she normally goes for. He is serious and is headed for a boring, low paying job at the university. There is something about him the makes Caroline heart beat faster. He seems to bring out these emotions she never knew she had. You know that saying; never judge a book by its cover? That is definitely true when it comes to Reed.

 “Is it my major that throws you off or the fact that you can’t do your laundry on my abs?” Reed’s voice is unyielding. The truth is that I feel much more drawn to Reed than Dylan, apparent lack of abs and all. I feel a connection to Reed I’ve never felt before and the tension between us only feeds my libido. “Reed, let me explain.” 

When Caroline goes out with a popular soccer player (player being the operative word), Reed comes to her aid, standing dangerously close to her, setting all of her nerves and hormones on fire she is about to give in to him but then he makes a fool out of her.

 His arm falls from my waist and he lifts his hand to my face, tilting my head back so he has full access to my mouth. He stares into my eyes, his own a blaze of desire. My breath comes in short pants as my stomach tightens and other parts of me throb. I want him to kiss me, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Ever. He leans down, his lips inches from mine, and his hands drop so that the only thing holding us together is pure want. “I think I’ve proved my point.” He murmurs into my ear. I take a step back. “Congratulations, Reed. Bravo. Point made.” 

 Caroline gets selected to be on the committee for the University’s fall fashion show fundraiser, one that will help underprivileged kids. At the first meeting Caroline is shocked and angry to find that Reed is the committee chairman. The attraction and tension between them is unmistakable and undeniable. She refuses to tolerate his snobby “do as I say” attitude for an entire month. Being forced to spend more time together, Caroline sees that there is more to Reed than meets the eye. When she runs into someone from her past; Caroline understands just how closed off she has been with everyone. She isn’t the only one keeping secrets.

 Caroline and Reed give into their desire for each other and take things day by day. Caroline tries to talk to Reed who in turn is he is very short and vague about where he and his sister come from. When the truth about Reed is revealed, Caroline is hurt and then tragedy strikes and Caroline has no choice but to return home. Caroline finally comes to terms with the fact that Reed has Redesigned her life in the best ways possible.

“I’ve never been a love-at-first-sight kind of person, but the night I met you, I knew you were the one.” 

 Denise Grover Swank has created some great characters. Reed is impossible but so loveable at the same time and Caroline, your heart just aches for her. I loved that Tucker and Scarlett were involved and I adored Tucker with how protective he was of Caroline. Reeds sister Lexi, is a hoot. I love how protective Reed is with her and then with Caroline. The banter between Reed and Caroline is fantastic. You can feel the sexual tension between them and the sex scenes are freaking HOT!

This was a wonderful read sexy, fun with a little bit of angst. This story has me laughing, smiling, and even crying.

 I look forward to seeing what is in store with Business as Usual (Off the subject #3) coming this fall!

About the Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.
You can find out more about Denise and her other books at:

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  1. Yes, I want to read Redesigned! It sounds like an NA and I love NA novels

  2. Yes, it is on my TBR list and cannot wait to read it <3

  3. I read the review and like how it sounds. Looking forward to reading it.

  4. i love her books denise smith


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