Thursday, June 13, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Shocking Heaven by D H Sidebottom

Leaving her past behind, Eve Hudson, embarks on student life. Determined to take control of her life and move on from her turbulent past, Eve strictly orders no drama, no bullshit and definitely no relationships.

That was until she met deep and moody Jax Cooper, The vocalist for local band 'Room 103'.

Jax is arrogant and egotistical, an alpha male straight through to his core, but so damn hot, and Eve soon finds his relentless pursuit of her, harder and harder to resist.

But both hold tortured souls and secrets, secrets that could blow their whole lives apart...literally.

Except sometimes it's not secrets or damaged spirits that threaten their's life itself.

Eve soon finds out that if you're going through hell, then the only way out the other side, is to just keep going.

This book contains explicit sex scenes, strong language and lot's of heartache. And of hell of an alpha male.

4 Star Review

Angst, heartbreak, miscommunication, crazy baby mama drama, psycho friends and band mates…all my favorites in a book wrapped up neatly around some hot steamy sex scenes.  Add a tear or two in, and this is the epitome of a great book.

Eve is a college freshman embarking on a new life away from her mother who has bad drug habits and a father who was killed trying to protect Eve. 

Jax is a 23 y/o hot rock star.  Jax is also a manwhore who speaks caveman.  Jax’s communication skills are lacking as he mainly speaks in 2-word sentences.  Unfortunately this is a result of his childhood learning years being spent denied conversation with adults and only speaking with his young sister.  Although every once in a while Jax will surprise you with his poetic abilities: 

"Never said it before babe.  Never felt it either, but you, you’ve dragged it out there babe, cracked me open and dug deep…I’m falling in love with you Eve Hudson.” 

Eve struggles with a coping mechanism to inflict the pain she feels deserved.  This coping mechanism is very unique to the storyline as I have not run across this particular addiction in young romance before. 

“The humiliation of my actions was now coming back to haunt me in front of the man I loved, the man I was so desperate to please.  His pride and faith in me meant everything and the shame of disappointing him was aching my heart.”

Jax and his bandmates have hit it big in England and are ready to travel to the United States.   Eve has also blossomed into a soulful singer.   Eve needs to make a decision as to whether to join them or face the realization of her and Jax being separated.  

“…at that moment I hated that orgasm with everything I was because I knew it would be the last one Jax would ever give me.” 

And if you thought there was angst and heartbreak before this point in the book…just wait for the second half of the book.  

“He palmed the tree for support when he saw it, but then fell to his knees.  Oh Christ…he choked out as he read the name.”    Yep…this is where the tears came.

I love an angsty book and this certainly did not disappoint.  The story is set in England and the legal age for drinking is not the same as the United States.  This confused me a little bit and it took me a couple pages to get into the British lingo mode.

Please note:  This is a stand-alone novel.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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