Friday, July 26, 2013

Blog tour: Beautiful Broken Rules by Kimberly Lauren


What happens when you create rules to keep others out?

One thing Emerson Moore has come to terms with is that she is the school slut. She knows her way around a frat house and how to get what she wants. She doesn’t make any excuses for her actions and she doesn’t pretend to be anything different. She is who she is and with that she knows how to have a good time. She’s made rules to keep relationships at bay and avoid the demons of her past.

When her best friend, Cole has his two friends from back home move in with him she begins to think she has met her match with Jaxon Riley. Jax is the perfect mixture of tattooed muscle and a sweet-talking mouth. With “hand” written notes, a voice that exudes sex and knowing just how to get under her skin, Jaxon learns how to break all the rules. But will he just end up breaking her heart anyway?

New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance - recommended for ages 18 and up.

4.5 Star Review

Emerson, a.k.a Em, Emmy, Ems to everybody, is a 20 year-old college student who doesn’t want a commitment or a relationship.  Because of her parents’ death and infidelity she chooses not to be involved with a man, other than being in his bed, and following her rules which include never sleeping with the same guy more than 3 times.

“I’ve accepted who I am. The girl who will never become serious about anyone, who will enjoy life, have fun with guys along the way and never get her heart broken.”

Jaxon is a transfer student and his first encounter with Em is while she is doing her walk of shame following a night of partying at the frat house.  Jaxon knows from the beginning that he and Emerson (he is the only one who uses her birth name) would be wonderful together if she would just let down her defenses and let him in.  Emerson will not let anybody close to her because the way she sees it is if she loves somebody they are either going to die or cheat and leave her destroyed.  Emerson repeatedly tells him of her rules and he is expected to follow them.  Jaxon doesn’t judge Emerson for her past behaviors as he himself has a past filled with women.  Jaxon fights for a piece of her heart.  Look at these beautiful words he would say to her:

“Please stop running from me.”

 “Emerson, I know we would be great together. You’re scared, I swear I won’t get all crazy serious. Just give us a shot.”

 “Tell me that you want me,”

 “I’ll show you how great we are going to be.”       

I love you, beautiful girl.”

Just when Emerson is willing to let her guard down and give him a piece of her heart, it may be too late.

It’s Emerson’s birthday…she has a difficult time celebrating her birthday as something terrible happened on this date several years ago.  She wants to be left alone and left to wallow by herself.  Emerson receives a phone call that changes everything she thought she believed in.  What she does with this information and how she processes it could be the end of her and Jaxon.

“I don’t think we should be together anymore.” He repeated for a third time.

And this is where I began to cry… I could feel Em’s pain as she comes to terms with who she was, is, and who she wants to be.  She doesn’t want to go back to Em, the girl who slept with every guy, and she can’t be Emerson as she was only that for Jaxon.  Emerson is fortunate to have supportive friends and Jaxon’s brother who stand beside her and support her.  She misses Jaxon and his friendship as he had become her best friend, but they cannot be “just friends” anymore.
“I can’t be your friend. It hurts too much… I finally trusted someone enough to love and you proved that all along it wasn’t worth it.”

I enjoyed this book so much that as soon as I finished the last page I went back to find the angsty/heart breaking point in the story to re-read it, and I re-read the entire book before I wrote my review.  It is that good!

This book does not have a cliffhanger and is a stand-alone novel.  

Cole & Quinn Alternate Scene #2…

     I’m having that dream again. The one that makes me want to sleep forever. The

one where Quinn is mine to touch freely. If I die in my sleep, I’d die a happy man.

     I know that I’m in my bed but Quinn is here too. I keep my eyes squeezed shut

because I love what she always does next. Her body is on fire above mine and I groan out

loud when I feel her hands running up my chest.

     “Good, you’re finally awake,” her soft voice says, thick with sleep. Fuck, she’s

never said that before in the dream…

     When I feel her naked chest against mine, my eyes snap open because this is too

real to be a dream. She peeks her head out from under the sheets and just like that, I see

my Angel. She’s lying on top of me with the sexiest look in her eyes. Immediately, I lift

my head to look for Emerson because I remember her coming to bed with us, due to the

amount of alcohol she drank.

     “Jax came and got her last night, remember?” Quinn recounts softly. Slowly, she moves

 up my body and damn that sweet, sweet friction. She crawls up so we are eye level and 

whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

     I wrap my arms around her petite body and groan. “Are you real?” I whisper.

     “Because I’ve loved you for so long.”

     “I’m real and I’m ready for you, Cole,” she says into my chest while she makes

her way back down.

     “Babe, we don’t have to rush anything. I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”

     All I want to do right now is finally sink deep inside of her, but I don’t want her

to feel that we have to jump right in to things. Yesterday after the game, I raced her home

and we explored each other under my covers. It was agonizing and mind-blowing all at

the same time, but we still haven’t had sex.

     “Seriously, Cole? I think we’re past the getting-to-know-you phase.” She lifts the

sheet with one arm and eyes me from down below.

     Thank God, because I’m already in pain with anticipation. When I see her look

further down my body, I know what she’s aiming for. In the next breath, I’m suddenly

surrounded by hot, wet heat. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting that.

     “Quinn! Quinn, Quinn. Baby, you can’t fucking do that.” I scramble to pull her

up, even though my body is screaming obscenities at me for removing her. “Shit…” I

take a deep breath. “ Babe, you almost set me off just then.”

     “I think that’s the point,” she says, licking her lips. Damn, damn, damn.

     “Yeah, well I don’t think you understand how long I’ve fantasized about this, and

never mind the fact that guys are geared to go in the mornings.”

     I pull her up and flip her underneath me. My turn. As I start kissing my way down

her lean body, she moans out loud shamelessly. “Not fair, Cole,” she pouts.

     The little vixen slips out from underneath me and slides over to the edge of the

bed. She pulls the drawer of my nightstand open and I cringe. I hate that she knows those

are there. She’s had to watch me bring home girls and I wish I could take it all back.

     However, her beautiful, seductive smile makes all of my worries cease, and I don’t think

     I could love her more than I do right now.

     “I don’t need foreplay, Cole. I need you. Now,” she demands.

     That’s exactly what I needed to hear. I snatch the foil packet from her hands, rip it

open, and hastily put it on. She giggles as I pull her back down under me, but all laughter

halts when I position myself between her thighs.

     “I’ve got you, baby,” I whisper against her lips. As I begin to push inside of her

warmth, I feel her body trembling and I freeze instantly.

     “Quinn?” I try to seek out her eyes but she buries her face in my shoulder. I

decide to retreat, cursing myself because I knew that we should have waited longer to

take this step. Her nails dig into the skin of my back, halting my withdrawal and dragging

a groan from my chest.

     “Quinn, what’s wrong babe? I need to hear your voice or I’m stopping this,” I say,

my voice strained.

     “I can’t believe this is finally happening,” she exhales.

     At her words, I submerge completely and she feels like fire. An excruciatingly

pleasurable kind of fire. “I never want to leave here.”

     Once she’s finally adjusted to me, she begins to moan and whimper. With her legs

in the air, I push forward and move in and out of her. When I pick up the pace, we moan

together. Holy shit, her sweet voice moaning is going to be my kryptonite.

     I push one leg up higher than the other, hitting her soft spot with the next thrust,

and she screams… loud. I doubt my roommates are sleeping anymore.

     “Cole…” she says, breathlessly.

     I want this to last all damn day. I want to pull out, tease her for hours, and bury

myself back in her. My plans change quickly when she drags her nails down my back,

begging for it harder. Without warning, pleasure shoots up my spine, I feel her clenching

around me, and we come together.

     She starts kissing my lips, then my cheeks, my nose, and my eyelids. She

can’t get enough and I let her do it. I pull off the used condom and reach over without

separating her lips from my skin. I open the table drawer and pull out a handful of square


     When I rip one open, she looks down at me. “Again? Already?” Her face lights up

at the possibility and I love how impressed she looks.

     “Babe, I have two years to make up for,” I say, dipping my head down to kiss her.

     “So don’t plan on leaving this bed for a long time.”

Author Bio 

I'm a wanderer, an adventurer, a traveler.

I want to see it all. I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list.

"She travels the world & home is always in her heart."

Lately if I'm not traveling or chasing a toddler, I'm writing. Which is weird because I hated writing in college. Oh wait, that's because that was boring. Who really wants to sit there and cite all your sources into APA format? Not this girl. Writing for yourself is enjoyable and cathartic. Please try it. Then tell me about because I love indie authors.

When I was 19, I packed up and followed my high school sweetheart from Texas to California. We had a blast living it up in San Diego. Four years later we made a crazy decision and packed up again and moved to Germany. What? Yep, you read that right. Guess what? Best decision ever! We OWNED Europe. For three years we saw as much as we possibly could. It was the most amazing time of my life. Please go out there and see the world, you won't regret it. After Europe we moved back to California, and for now we're just debating our next adventure.


Buy links
Barnes and Noble 


Book Enthusiast Promotions
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awesome giveaway! I followed at Three Chicks and their books!

  2. Thanks for sharing the alternate scenes and the giveaway. evamilien at gmail dot com.

  3. Love that we got to read that POV :)

  4. I entered here at Three Chicks and Their Books

  5. I entered here at Three Chicks and Their Books
    Thanks for another great giveaway

  6. I entered at Three Chicks and Their Books!!


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