Monday, July 22, 2013

Blog tour: Serendipity by Stacey Bentley


The saying goes that there is a fine line between love and hate...but what happens when the line becomes blurred?

When life hands Phoebe Andrews her dream job, she’s ecstatic. That is, until she realizes that in order to pursue her dream she’ll have to give up her cosmopolitan lifestyle in Chicago and move to Nashville. As if leaving all she knows behind wasn’t enough, a car accident on her first day in town does nothing to convince the city girl that country living is all it’s cracked up to be.

As an only child, Dean Montgomery has obligations—obligations which have left him angry at the world. Just as his monotone life has begun to leave him jaded, he is brought back to earth with a bang...literally.

Fate conspires to bring the city girl and the country boy together, but can Dean stay out of trouble long enough for the pair to test the boundaries of their tempestuous relationship?

 4 star review by Jennifer Skewes 

Serendipity is a sweet, quick, light read with just a little bit of drama.  It is a story about family, love, trust and second chances.  

We first meet Phoebe, and I will be honest, I wasn't a big fan.  She seemed a little snotty, and full of herself and high maintenance.  But as time goes on she starts to grow on you.  You see that growing up she didn't have much, losing her father at an early age and after that it was just her and her mother, trying to make ends meets.  So I think her attitude was more about how much she has accomplished and how proud she is of herself for being able to take care of herself and her mother financially.  She started working straight out of high school to help support herself and her mom.  She is an extremely hard worker, with not much time for play.  So when she gets the job that she wants within the company that she currently works for, she is more than excited.  Until she finds out that the job is in Nashville.  Phoebe has always been a city girl so moving to Nashville isn't exactly anything to be excited over.  Especially when she finds out her mother will not be going with her and the reasons why she is staying behind.

Phoebe moves to Nashville, and as if moving to a new city all by your self isn't enough, her first day there she manages to get into a car accident.  But the worst part of it is, the guy that hit her comes off as being a little bit of an ass, but very sexy!   His name is Dean Montgomery and he is also the guy that will change her life in more ways than one.

Dean Montgomery is definitely hot, but he can be rude, somewhat obnoxious at times and a complete ass.  But you can't help love him.  He never seems to do anything right, at least not by his father's standards.  He helps runs his family's farm in hopes of taking it over completely one day.  He works his ass of day and night maintaining the farm.  But no matter what he does, his father always seems to find fault in his actions.  Even if he isn't in the wrong, like getting into an accident with a girl.  To make up for the accident that they think Dean caused they invite Phoebe to stay with them until she is cleared by the doctor to go back to work.  Totally not what Dean expected or wanted.  

See the thing is that Dean is very attracted to Phoebe, finds her to be very beautiful.  But as soon as she opens her mouth she completely ruins it for him.  Dean and Phoebe get off to a rocky start.  They know how to push each other's buttons and drive each other crazy.  There is the constant back and forth bickering between the two of the.  But Phoebe holds her own, matching Dean word for word.  The physical attraction between the two of them is evident.  They cannot stop thinking about each other, but both of them deny any other feelings that they may have.  In there eyes there is no way that they can be together.  Phoebe is staying with his family for nine days and then she can move on. But things don't always go according to plan and they find themselves crossing that line that should never have been crossed. Can two people who believe they are so mismatched fall in love and be happy or will Dean manage to screw up one more thing in his life?

I loved Dean but there was a moment where I wanted to completely kill him.  But honestly he means well and really tries, but feels like a screw up most of the time and just doesn't think things out.  But deep down I think he is an amazing guy who loves Phoebe, he just isn't aware of it right away and isn't really sure how to handle his feelings.  Phoebe and Dean have never really had a relationship before so being in love is new to the both of them.  Mistakes were made and hearts may have been broken, but they loved each other and sometimes you have to believe that everything happens for a reason and things will work themselves out.  Their relationship had its up and downs, but no matter what, they were in love with each other and they were perfect together.  

I loved the addition of Dean's family.  They took her in and treated her like a daughter.  Dean's father showed her the love that she has missed so much since her dad died.  And being with his family also helped her to realize a few things when it came to her own mother.  Serendipity will make you laugh and frustrate you at times.  There are moments when you will want to slap some sense into the both of them, but overall i really enjoyed their story.  My only wish is that there was more of them.  But overall you will fall in love with Dean and Phoebe and find yourself rooting for the both of them to find happiness together.  Plus it had a perfectly sweet ending.  Great job by Ms. Bentley.  Cannot wait for Josh and Hadley's story. 

About the author: 

When Stacey isn't writing, she's a full-time mom, which means she's a cook, chauffeur, maid, nurse and constantly on the go. She was born and raised in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan which is where she resides today. Raising her children as a single parent has proven it's difficulties but she doesn't let that stop her from doing the things that make her happy. In her down time, which is rare, you can find her curled up with a book.

Twitter: @Stacebentley
Buy links

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Would love to read..thanks for the giveaway..

  2. Writer and a full time mom, sounds crazy busy.

  3. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  4. Glad she takes time for herself as a busy, single mom and writer!

  5. i am a full time mom of 2 girls my youngest is severely autistic nonverbal 10 years old and my oldest is 14 years old this year. i am so excited to read your book cant wait denise smith

  6. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways

  7. This looks awesome. I keep seeing the cover and thinking I need to put this on my TBR. Off to do that. Thanks!

  8. Love the title!!

  9. This sounds so good! Hope I win.

  10. Serendipity sounds great; can't wait to read it! Thank you for the giveaway!


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