Monday, July 22, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Drowning in Love by Beth Rinyu


Mia Taylor has a huge heart, but just how much pain can one heart endure? Mia was living the picture perfect life, engaged to her high school sweetheart and working at her dream job at an upscale salon in New York City. She had it all. Until the day her past, present and future were taken away, leaving her to face the world scared and alone. Trying to pick up the pieces of her broken life, while mourning the devastating loss of her fiancé she just goes through the motions as an empty shell.

Enter Travis Montgomery, Olympic swimmer and totally gorgeous. He has several medals under his belt and just as many women. Mia is well aware of his womanizing reputation and refuses to be his next conquest, but finds herself coming alive again whenever she’s around him. They agree to be “just friends,” quickly finding that they are unable to fight the attraction between them. Mia’s life becomes complete once again with Travis in it; but nothing good lasts forever, at least not in Mia’s world. Torn apart by an ugly secret, Mia’s heart is broken once again.

When the unthinkable happens and Travis needs Mia the most, she must reach deep inside to find forgiveness for the one man who will always hold the key to her shattered heart. But will doing so only break it further; this time beyond repair?

4.5 star review by Jennifer Skewes

I absolutely loved this book!  I was immediately drawn  in from the moment I read the prologue and knew that it was going to be an emotional journey.  Drowning in Love is a beautful story about loss, love, hope, trust and second chances.  

Mia had the perfect life.  She was going to marry the man of her dreams and live happily ever after.  But sometimes fairy tales don't always come true, and happily ever afters don't always last.  One night Mia got a phone call that would change her life forever.  It was that phone call that took away her happily ever after.  It is now over a year later and Mia is still mourning the loss of her fiance.  She isn't the same carefree, happy girl she was a year ago.  Instead she has become an empty shell, just living day to day waiting for the pain and hurt to go away.  Mia is a hairdresser and on the year anniversary of the day she lost her fiancĂ© she meets Travis. He comes into her shop in his fine suit, with his obnoxious and arrogant attitude. Mia just wants to forget the whole day including the part where she cut Travis' neck. . But she soon learns that Travis is not only the grandson of one of her biggest clients but is also an Olympic swimmer.

"You are the love of my life, Mia Taylor.  From the day that you cut my neck, I knew there was something special about you."

When Mia meets Travis again she realizes that he isn't the person that she thought he was. He is not the arrogant up tight rich guy like she thought. Mia isn't ready to date but really enjoys spending time with Travis, so they agree to just be friends. But they soon discover that the feelings they have for each goes beyond friendship and decide to take their relationship to the next level. Her feelings for Travis scare her. She has already suffered one loss in her life and is afraid of giving her heart to another man only to lose him. Travis has no plans of going any where, but he is keeping a secret that if revealed could destroy everything that the have.

"Because I don't want to ever feel the pain of losing something that I love so much ever again."

Mia, I promise, you will never lose me.  You are my girl forever."

Travis and Mia's relationship has some bumps along the way, and trust becomes a major issue. But when the unthinkable happens and Travis needs Mia the most, sometimes risking your heart for the one you love is worth it, until Travis starts pushing Mia away, needing to deal with certain issues on his own. But while Mia is willing to wait until Travis deals with his situation, the question is how long will she wait for him and will Travis even want her back. Can Travis and Mia find their way back to each other. Can their love survive the twists and turns that life throws your way?  Is there such a thing as a second chance at happily ever after?

I loved Travis Montgomery.  He is an Olympic swimmer, who is sexy, charming and sweet.  He is someone that you fall in love with right along with Mia. He accepts her friendship in the beginning, just wanting to be with her any way he can get her. There were certainly moments where he completely frustrated me with some of the decisions he made.  But you begins to understand his reasons behind them.  Mia was a wonderful heroine who is smart, independent, and beautiful on the inside and out. 

"But if there's one thins that I've learned over these past few years, it's to live for today and appreciate every single second, so you never have regrets.  And I have none Travis.  I'm right where I want to be with the person I most want to be with."

Drowning in Love is a wonderful story of loss, love, hope and second chances.   Travis and Mia had amazing chemistry and I loved every minute of their story.  It was heart breaking at times and I felt the pain and hurt that they both went through.  They had a beautiful, sweet and sexy romance with some road blocks along the way.  But their love managed to bring them back together.  The ending was perfect and will keep you smiling.  You will love Travis and Mia! This is the second book that I have read by Beth and it will not be my last.  She is a wonderful writer who knows how to draw you in to the story, and connecting with the characters emotionally along the way.  Fantastic job by Ms. Rinyu.

"Sometimes life isn't fair and takes us in a direction that we least expect.  But as long as the outcome is sweet, it makes all of the heartache and roadblocks that we have to endure worthwhile." ~ Mia

Other books by Beth Rinyu

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