Friday, August 23, 2013

Blog Tour: Vixen in Vegas by Emma Nichols


It was supposed to be a week of simply being, of living in the moment, and enjoying every minute while it lasted. Of course, that kind of intoxication can have lingering effects. For Sin, she found herself wanting to break all the rules, to extend her time with the stranger who stole her heart. Vegas was just the right kind of place to take such a gamble. Meeting up with BE at the gondolas was a risk. Love went against everything they had promised, but the best things in life can’t be planned.

Soon Alysin will be tested. 

After guarding her heart for so long, she finally let a man in and discovered that the worst things in life happened when she least expected them. When she walked in on BE with another woman and overheard their heated conversation, she suddenly remembered there was a reason she made these rules. 

Will broken rules lead to broken hearts or will she realize that though love was a gamble, she was all in?

4.5 star review by Jen Skewes 

I loved Sin at Sea and could not wait for Vixen in Vegas.  I needed to know what would happen when Sin and Mr. BE met in Vegas, would they get their happily ever after and most of all I needed to know more about BE.  I needed to know why a sexy, sweet, charming, amazing man like him would be on a cruise by himself.  Of course I had some ideas in my head, none of which even came to close to the real reason behind the cruise.  And no, I am not going to say a word, but just know that it was a twist that I did not see coming.  Vixen in Vegas is still hot and sexy and Mr. BE is still completely swoon worthy, but this is a little bit more of an emotional read and one that I absolutely loved. 

Vixen in Vegas picks up exactly where Sin at Sea left off.  Sin is getting ready to pack her stuff, get her affairs in order and move to Las Vegas and meet the man that she fell in love with.  This move is huge for Sin and unlike any other move that she has experienced in her life.  Usually when her and her best friend take off, she is usually running.  But this time she has broken all her rules, she got attached and has fallen in love.  This time she is running towards love.  Her insecurities start to take over, and leave her wondering if BE will show up.  Will the spark that they had on the cruise still be there.  As anxious as she is to meet him she can't help but wonder what will happen once she does.  

After getting the reassurance that she needs, her and BE finally meet again and the chemistry between the two of them is just as explosive as the first time they met.  There is an undeniable bond between the two of them.  And while they have only knows each other for a week and knew nothing about each other, they were drawn to each other like magnets.  Some would wonder, can two people who have known each other for a week, and don't even know each others names really fall in love?  The answer is yes!  Sin and BE, in my opinion were so perfect together and their love was so real.  They were both scared of the feelings that they had for each other, especially Sin.  These feelings of needing him, and loving him were new to her but she wanted to embrace it and hold onto it.  But she still doesn't know much about the man that has her heart.  And he has a secret that can have a major impact on their relationship.  When she finally learns what it is that he has been hiding, will she run again or will she stay and fight? 

I loved these two characters together.  BE was still amazing, sweet, charming, caring and very sexy.  You truly see how much he loves Sin and how much he wants to make her happy.  The twist in this book, which is his secret was definitely one that I was not expecting, but I loved the direction that the author took this story.  Sin and BE were still hot together, but it was the sweeter moments that completely captured my heart. I can't go into detail without giving the whole story away, but you will not be disappointed.  Vixen in Vegas will make you laugh, cry and warm your heart.  BE and Sin's journey this time around came with a few bumps along the way.  But their love helped them to fight and hold on.  Vixen in Vegas was a wonderful story filled with happiness, sadness and heartache.  Amazing job by Ms. Nichols. 

Author Links


What made her decide to be an erotica author?


How else was she going to parlay her two favorite past times into a career?

Emma is single and loving it. Like her first character, Alysin, Sin for short, she doesn't believe in settling or in settling down. She loves to indulge in her passions whenever the mood strikes and enjoys keeping all of life's cliche moments spicy.

Known for her sense of humor, Emma surrounds herself with friends whose antics often become the source of book fodder. Her ideal situation would be to explore the Caribbean while writing. She pursues that dream daily.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your 4.5 star review and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book. evamillien at gmail dot com


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