Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Six Alarm Sexy (Volume 1)


For the first time ever, enjoy the prequel and first book of Kristine Cayne’s award-winning firefighter erotic romance series in one convenient volume.

Aftershocks (Six-Alarm Sexy, Prequel)
When Seattle is struck by a devastating earthquake, technical rescue firefighter Jamie Caldwell must save his estranged wife and daughter from the wreckage of a collapsed building. He's defied the odds hundreds of times, but will his luck finally run out for good?

Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy, Book One)
Despite saving his family from an earthquake, Jamie Caldwell’s marriage is still on the rocks. He’s been suppressing his desire for a BDSM relationship because his wife cringes whenever he shows that side of himself—even though she seemed to crave his dominance during their first wild night together. Will a long-overdue honeymoon—and an honest exploration of their sexual needs—rescue Jamie and Erica’s crumbling marriage?

4 star review by Jen Skewes 

Under His Command is the first book in Kristine Cayne's Six Alarm Sexy series, which is an erotica series. I loved this book and boy was it hot.   It is a sexy look into a man introducing his wife to BDSM and his Dom side, in hopes of saving their marriage. 

Jamie and Erica (Rickie) met over 5 years ago when they had a scorching hot one night stand.  About one month later Erica shows up at Jamie's door announcing that she is pregnant.  Here we are 5 years later and all though they had one amazing night together, their marriage has been anything but that.

Jamie Caldwell is a hot, sexy, dominant firefighter who also has a sweet and romantic side to him that will make you swoon.  Before meeting Erica, Jamie lived a BDSM lifestyle, had various subs and frequented sex clubs as well.  When he married Erica he left that that lifestyle and his DOM side behind him. He wanted to be the perfect husband, the husband that he thought Erica wanted him to be. Erica enjoyed that first night together, more than she wanted to admit.  But Erica was afraid if she submitted to Jamie, she would become the one person she didn't want to be like; her mother.  Her fear caused her to push her husband away which may have also lead to their marriage crumbling. 

Jamie and Erica have been separated for a year and due to a recent event they learn that neither of them wants to proceed with the divorce.  After coming close to losing their daughter they both decide to do whatever it takes to make their marriage work.  But the hardest part for the both of them is being honest with each other.  When Erica finally admits to Jamie that she loved that first night together and she wants to explore things in a sexual way with him, all though surprised by this admission, Jamie couldn't be happier.   But at the same time I think it scares him a little to be introducing his wife to his lifestyle that was a big part of him for many years. He gave up a big part of himself when he marries Erica.  She pushed him so far away that he started to become someone that he wasn't.  He is afraid that introducing the world of BDSM and showing his dominant side will push her away again. 

"I love you so much, Jamie.  I want to make you happy, but I don't always know how."

They decide to take the honeymoon that they never had, in hopes of fixing their marriage.  Jamie agrees to introduce Erica to the lifestyle he once knew and loved.  But the one thing he needs from Erica is her trust, which is one of Erica's biggest issues.  He doesn't want Erica to be his sub, he wants her to be his wife.  He needs her to understand that they are equals and that she can trust him, that he would never do anything to hurt or embarrass her.  The two things lacking in their marriage was communication and trust.  Without those, their marriage will not work.

"The real problem is and always has been that you don't trust me.  I  understood that in the beginning.  You had no reason to trust me back then.  But I've worked hard to be a good husband and an good father."

What can I say, I love Jamie Caldwell.  I loved the dominant side of him, but he also had a sweet and romantic side to him that just melted your heart.  He loves his wife and is willing to do whatever it takes to make their marriage work.  Erica wasn't the easiest person to love in the beginning, but once you began to understand her fears and why she pushed Jamie away, she became more of a loveable character.  She was willing to explore unfamiliar territory for her, reaching outside her comfort zone. All in hope of reconnecting with her husband on an emotional and physical level.  Their lovemaking was hot, steamy, filled with erotic moments that permeated the senses.  Their exploration of BDSM pushed them towards a transformation to a new "them". Maybe different, but joined in a way they hadn't been before.

"Because I love you.  Because we're equals.  Because you're my wife, Rickie, not my slave or servant."

Cayne's writing in Under His Command connects the reader as she connects these two people. Although they may have lost their way, the sensual steamy scenes (which somehow became hotter and hotter with each encounter) bring them closer together. The sex is hot and the BDSM scenes sizzle off the page.  But there is more to this story than just the hot sex scenes.  It is also about two people trying to put their marriage together, learning to trust again and in a way finding themselves.  A job well done by Kristine Cayne.  I am looking forward to Dani and William's story.

Everything Bared (book 2 in Six alarm Sexy series)
Two polar opposites—she’s kinky, he’s uptight—discover they share a taboo desire that may destroy both their futures.

Firefighter Dani Harris has always wanted a family, but doesn’t think it’s possible because of her demanding, high-stakes career. Her sex life is as high-adrenaline as her job, and that’s just one more thing that makes her unsuitable to be a wife and mother. Her secret kink—exhibitionism—has gotten in the way of more than one relationship. Will she ever find a man who not only shares her wild fantasies, but loves her for them?

Burdened with ensuring the success of the struggling family business, William Caldwell IV needs a wife suited for a CEO—one with money and connections, who can manage his busy social life and raise their 2.5 children. He’s got everything all mapped out, but when he meets Dani, a woman who’s every kind of wrong, she taps into desires he’s only half-recognized and long-suppressed. Suddenly his carefully crafted five-year plan feels as confining as a straightjacket.

As Dani and Will’s sexual experimentation escalates, they test the limits of polite society by baring all and risking exposure—an exposure that could cost them their reputations and careers.

4.5 star review by Jen Skewes

Everything Bared is book two in the Six-alarm Sexy series.  We first met Dani and Will in the first book, Under His Command.  Dani is a firefighter and very good friends with Jamie Caldwell.  She also happens to be in love with Jamie's brother Will.  Everything Bared is Will and Dani's story and all I have to say it if you thought Jamie Caldwell was sexy and hot, then you need to meet Will.  Who knew that an up tight accountant could be so dam sexy!

Will is the CFO of his family's business and the only one of the brothers who is not a firefighter.  Will is known to be a little up tight and stiff.  He is trying to hold onto the family business and at the same time find the perfect woman to be his wife.  He has a reputation to uphold if he wants to be CEO of the company.  He needs the perfect woman, to be by his side at all times.  He needs a trophy wife.  Will has a 5 year plan.  But when the sexy, feisty, firefighter Danielle comes into his life that plan could go right out the window.

Dani is a strong, sexy, firefighter who is completely dedicated to her job.  She hasn't had much luck in the love department.  She is an exhibitionist and in the past when she tells her lover about her little sex kink, they tend to walk away.  She hasn't found that man who can share the same sexual preferences that she does.  She frequents sex clubs, but it's not the same as finding someone who will accept and share her fetish with her.

When she finds herself needing a place to stay for a month while her apartment is being renovated, her boss and good friend Jamie Caldwell has the perfect solution.  She can stay with his brother Will.  Dani has been a "member" of the Caldwell family for quite sometime.  She doesn't really have a great relationship with her mother, so Jamie's family has been like her surrogate family.  And his brother Will, has been the man who she has wanted for quite some time.  Will and Dani are complete opposites who have never really been friends in any way.  They get on each others nerves, know how to push each others buttons.  But despite all that when the banter starts between these two you can feel the sexual tension dripping off the pages.  They want each other, there is no denying it, but they both know that it can never be more than sex for them.  Dani is not the type of woman that Will is looking to spend his future with.  So they agree to a non exclusive, sex only relationship that stays between just the two of them, for the month that Dani is staying with him.  But things start to get complicated and feelings start to get involved.

Will love being with Dani but he keeps telling himself that she is not the right person for him.  Dani causes him to lose control when he is with her.  She brings out emotions and desires in him that he never knew existed.  He knows about her fetish and instead of walking away, he embraces it.  Dani helps him open up to a whole new world of sexual pleasure that he never thought was for him.  He realizes that a lifetime of vanilla is not for him.  He loves the sexual experiences he shares with Dani, but that is one of the things that scares him the most.  He has an image to uphold, a reputation to protect.  If people found out what he did behind closed doors, that could all be ruined.  And if anyone finds out that Dani is dating her boss's brother and likes to frequent sex clubs, she could lose her job.  Will Dani and Will go their separate ways to save their careers or will the decide that love is worth the risk?

First I need to say how hot and sexy Everything Bared is.  Will Caldwell is sex on a stick.  The first time him and Dani are really together, his dominant side comes out and oh my god!!!  The sex scenes are hot and steamy!  But there is more to this story then just the sex scenes.  There are emotions involved.  I felt bad for the two of them.  they fell for each other and even if Will couldn't admit it at first, he fell in love with Dani.  But they both have careers that they love and are afraid to put on the line because of their relationship.  Will was so torn between what he really wanted, Dani, and what he thought he should have, which is the prefect trophy wife.  What I loved about the two of them was their communication.  Dani opened upto him about her fetish, even though the fear of him running away was there.  But Will was willing to try it for her and for their relationship.  But what we see is that Dani and Will tend to have more in common than either of them expected.  Dani brought something out in Will that no one else ever could. She helped him become the person he really was and not the person he thought people expected him to be. They were so perfect together. 

Will and Dani's journey wasn't an easy one.  There were a lot of twists and turns along the way but neither one of them gave up.  they are both strong people who fought for what they wanted and fought for each other.  Everything Bared has jut the right amount of everything.  It is fun and sexy, with the right amount of drama and suspense. Another fantastic job by Ms. Cayne. 

Everything Bared is currently FREE!  Be sure to 1-click this one NOW!

Everything Bared Amazon

Six Alarm Sexy Volume One ~ Amazon

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the wonderful reviews, Jen! I'm thrilled that you are enjoying the series. :) Best of luck to all who enter the giveaway!


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