Monday, July 22, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Mid-Life Love by Whitney G.

If you'd asked me what love was two years ago, I probably would've said, 'It's this amazing feeling that obsesses and possesses you; it's what me and my husband currently have.' If you ask me that same question today, I'll say, 'Please get the hell out of my face.’

Claire Gracen's life is picture perfect. Her career as a marketing director is on the brink of being legendary, and her marriage to her high school sweetheart has never been stronger. No, wait. It has. It used to be amazing and fulfilling, but one day Claire realizes that she's been living a lie and her best friend and husband have committed the ultimate betrayal.

Broken and depressed, Claire is in need of something new—new city, new job, new friends.

When she happens to attract the interest of the sexiest man she's ever met, a man significantly younger than her, she immediately turns him down—only to later discover that this man is Jonathan Statham, self-made billionaire and CEO of Statham Industries. Her boss.

Jonathan Statham is unlike any man she's met before. He's used to getting whatever he wants—whenever he wants, and he isn't about to take no for an answer.

Sexy, unpredictable, and charmingly clever, Mid Life Love is a story that will captivate you, entertain you, and force you to fall deeply in love with the characters.

4 Star Review by Lisa Kane

Claire Gracen had the ideal life. She married her first love Ryan Hayes, and had beautiful twin daughters. She enjoyed a high powered career in marketing with a prestigious firm in Pittsburgh. She had an active social life and a warm relationship with her best friend Amanda. She was a rock for Amanda who had been trying to get pregnant and was doing a series of fertility treatments.  No one was happier when Amanda got pregnant. That is, until Amanda’s husband Barry wanted to meet with Claire to talk about a couple of things…

It’s been four years since Claire’s divorce. Her husband’s betrayal with her best friend has not gotten any easier. She moved to San Francisco and started over at Statham Industries, as the marketing director for the software company, even though it was a significant pay cut. Claire is now 39 and her daughters are 16 and she has two close friends Sandra and Helen.

At Sandra’s insistence she goes to a Middle- Aged Singles’ mixer on New Years Eve. As usual she meets losers and players. She leaves in disgust.  Little does she know that Jonathan Statham is in the same hotel for a business meeting.  He’s 28 and a multi billionaire. He is also the CEO of the company Claire works for and unbeknownst to her-her boss. He tries to follow her but she is long gone. A few days later, he spots her at a grocery store and finagles a way to meeting her. Although she is attracted to him, she thinks to herself he is way too young for her.

Jonathan is nothing if not persistent. He learned the hard way that if he wanted something he would have to earn it. He and his sister suffered years of neglect and abuse from their meth addict parents and spent years in the foster care program. His sister didn’t escape without her own struggle with her demons. Jonathan had a knack for taking apart and rebuilding computers and this led to his life long vocation which led to his billions.

A meeting at Statham results in Jonathan meeting the executives who work for him. He comes face to face with Claire and lets her know the chase is on. His pursuit of her is comical. She draws attention to the fact that the company has a no fraternizing policy: he changes said policy. Her car is towed for leaving it parked after 5:00 in the company lot, he changes the parking rules. She hates the coffee the company offers its employees; he puts in a complimentary Starbucks. There are no lengths he won’t go to in order to make Clair give him a chance. They enter into a friends with benefits relationship, but Jonathan wants more. Claire is still hung up on their age difference.

I really liked this book; Jonathan has had such a tormented life and wants nothing more than to spend his personal time with Claire. He accepts her faults, has no concern for her age and doesn’t consider her two teenage daughters to be baggage. Claire exhausted me at times, she inserts roadblocks in their relationship where there really aren’t any and she is constantly hurting him. To her credit, there are some very conniving, nasty bitches throwing gasoline on her pile of issues she already has. Both Jonathan and Claire reveal heartbreaking secrets about their past and try to help each other heal. There are some angsty moments, but this book ends on an upbeat note. Enjoy and savor it!

Barnes and Noble

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for posting your review and the giveaway, Lisa! :-)

  2. this book sounds different and I cant wait to read it! Thanks for the review.


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