Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog Tour: Rock Bottom by Jade C. Jamieson


Ethan Richards has fought depression and a host of other demons all his adult life, and it’s caused him to lose everything—his wife, his son, his friends, and he almost loses the one thing that means the most to him—his band. He hits rock bottom and believes there is no way out.

Enter Jenna McCormick, a feisty drug and alcohol counselor, a woman with her own share of troubles. She finds Ethan intriguing but keeps him at a distance while trying to help him face life without crutches. She feels a spark but denies it, knowing that a relationship with unstable Ethan could be dangerous for both of them.

Ethan knows what he wants, though, and isn’t used to being told no. Jenna isn’t willing to risk Ethan losing his tenuous grip on sobriety, however, and is prepared to deny her deeper feelings to help Ethan climb out of his hole, but he learns how to let go of his pain when he finds that someone is prepared to walk with him through the shadows. Can he convince Jenna that they should take a chance on love or will they forever deny their feelings in an effort to keep Ethan on the straight and narrow?

4 star review by Jen Hagen

Ethan was the drug addict, cheating boyfriend/husband and new father in the first book Bullet.  You either loved Ethan or you didn’t…I fell in love with him in Bullet and I knew there was more to his story  and I was so glad to see that Jade was going to let us hear more about Ethan and his story.   There’s so much more to Ethan than just a person who can’t shake the drug habit.  He was in a dark place and nobody knew how to get him out of it…in fact, he didn’t even know he was in it so how could he get out of it?  It wasn’t until he realized that he was going to lose everything that meant the world to him…his wife, his band, and his son did he realize that he had hit ROCK BOTTOM and needed help getting back up.

Ethan has now spent some time in rehab and is in the process of attending group meetings and one-on-one counseling/psychiatry appointments.  He really wants to be clean this time around.  He is harboring some ill feelings for coming out of rehab and finding out that his wife Val has moved in with his best friend, Brad.  She was one of the reasons that he went into rehab and to find out that she didn’t wait for him hurts Ethan.  To hurt her back he won’t sign the divorce papers and wants full custody of their son.

Jenna is an addiction counselor in charge of the group meetings.  Immediately Ethan feels a bond to her that he’s never felt with anybody else.   Ethan is used to getting what he wants, and he wants Jenna.   Jenna herself comes from a past that has left her untrusting, guarded and broken.  Ethan feels comfortable with Jenna and she doesn’t judge him for his past mistakes. 

But he couldn’t help how he was feeling and he didn’t care, because for the first time in years, he was feeling the most foreign emotion of all… and that was hope.

Ethan still has a difficult road ahead of him.  He wants to be part of the band again, but he also realizes that he associates being in the band and on stage with drugs and he isn’t strong enough to face those triggers yet.  Ethan doesn’t play his guitar and is very frustrated that he can’t come up with new music for the band.  Right now the most important thing to Ethan is to take the step to be part of his son’s life.

Ethan didn’t care anymore if anyone accepted him, loved him, forgave him.   All the redemption he’d needed came from the little boy who was soundly asleep.

Things are going well for Ethan, but eventually the darkness threatens to consume him again.  Can all the progress he’s made in becoming a better man free of his addiction outweigh the internal fight he is having with himself? 

“I don’t have hope for the future, for myself, for anything.   I just… want it to end.”

There is hope for Ethan…hope for the future...hope for being a good dad….and hope for being in love again.  There is no way that you will not like Ethan in this story.  There are a few times it goes back to scenes in Bullet involving Val and the physical and emotional pain he put on her, but along with this we get to hear what was going through Ethan’s head at those times and although what he did was wrong, you will forgive him.  Thank you Jade for letting us see the real Ethan and allowing him to redeem himself. 



Jade C. Jamison was born and raised in Colorado and has decided she likes it enough to stay forever. Jade's day job is teaching Creative Writing, but teaching doesn't stop her from doing a little writing herself.

Unfortunately, there's no one genre that quite fits her writing. Her work has been labeled romance, erotica, suspense, and women's fiction, and the latter is probably the safest and closest description. But you'll see that her writing doesn't quite fit any of those genres.

You'll have to discover Jade's writing for yourself to decide if you like it.

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  1. I have never read anything of hers. This sounds wonderful and is going on my tbr. Thank you.

  2. I have only read bullet i liked that i havent read rock bottom yet but want to denise smith

  3. I haven't yet but I have one I will read soon.

  4. I haven't had a chance to read any of Jade's books....yet. I think there's one on my Kindle waiting for me to dig in...

  5. I have not read any of her books yet but I will. Soon.

  6. I haven't read anything by this author yet but plan to!

  7. I haven't read anything by Jade yet, but I just won a signed paperback of Bullet. I can't wait to read it and this sequel! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  8. i havent read any of her books yet but they are on my tbr :)

  9. haven't read any yet but will hopefully soon!

  10. I haven't read any of Jade's books yet but hope to soon. Adding her to my goodreads list! Thanks!

  11. I haven't read anything by Jade yet, but this sounds really good so I will be soon.

  12. I haven't read any books yet, but all of them sound very good. I will be adding her to my TBR pile.


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