Thursday, September 26, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Promise Me Light by Paige Weaver

"I'm darkness, Maddie. Stay away from men like me. You'll only get hurt."

At one time my life was simple. Easy. But that was before the war. Now I was no longer an average college student. I was a survivor. A woman living in a ravaged world. My future was not bright and my life was far from perfect. The war had taken so much from me... but it wasn't finished yet. It wanted more. It wanted my heart. My soul. The one person I couldn't live without. It wanted Ryder Delaney. My best friend. The bad boy. The one person who could fight like no other and love me like no one else. He was the father of my baby. I watched him walk away one hot summer day and I prayed he would return. I needed him like I needed air to breathe and water to drink. Without him I was lost. A light without her darkness. Until he returns, I'll wait for him. And I believe he will return because love is powerful... And so is the light calling him home.

4 Star Review by Allison East

My preface to this review is that you have to read Promise me Darkness first to understand any of what is going on in Promise me Light. That being said, what a great conclusion to Maddie and Ryder's story.
Although, I really enjoyed the suspense in both novels, Promise me Light had so much more! Ups and downs are riddled throughout this book, enough to keep your heart palpitating the whole time.
It starts out just where Promise Me Darkness left off with Maddie waiting on Ryder to get back from trying to save her best friend Eva. Only Cash and Gavin show back up with Eva- no Ryder in sight.
This story is amazing, because you are really rooting for Ryder the whole story.  I love a good book boyfriend, especially one that you need to root for! Ryder is the type of bad boy book boyfriend that you can't help but fall for. He is kind of reckless, but behind all that he just wants to find love, and be loved- like anyone else.
"You said it was over," he whispered against my skin, sending a tingle through me. "But we're never over."
The story of Maddie and his love is also told through flashbacks, which I normally hate, but they give insight into their relationship. It also shows as long as Maddie had a secret crush on Ryder, it seems he had feelings for her but never thought he was good enough.
"It'll always be you and me," he rasped against my mouth, his hand dropping from my hair to start unbuttoning my shirt, "together."
And so much of this,
"I went through hell to get here," he said hoarsely, rolling his lips against mine, "but now I'm in heaven."
I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this story, it was one of the ones  I have been waiting for. Paige's writing is so fantastic I read this in a day. The story had just the right amount of "different" as to be spectacular. And a great epilogue to sum everything up so we aren't guessing what will happen next.
You will certainly enjoy this conclusion and all the twists and turns that encompass the main characters but also how they survived the very unsavory conditions that they lived in. It's a story like one you have never read; a story of survival that could actually happen in real life. This is what made this story very tangible to me.
I was actually sad when this story was over because I really loved Maddie and Ryder. I could read about them again and again. Both were such strong characters, one of the strongest couples I have read about. You will definitely enjoy this conclusion.

Nook Promise Me Darkness

Nook Promise Me Light

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