Pro quarterback, Ethan Christopher thought he had found his home when he met rock musician, Mia Devereux. She was the welcomed distraction in his football-focused life.
Things may not have been perfect. Their individual careers made being together difficult. Her touring. His away schedule. As her success grew, they spent more extended periods apart.
But at the end of the day, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Only her.
When Mia met Ethan, she felt a connection unlike any she’d ever felt. She gave him more of herself than she thought was even possible.
But she knew it wasn’t enough. There was a lot she didn’t share, couldn’t give him.
An event two decades in her past made sure of that.
Those demons that she’d so carefully tucked away wanted out. As Mia struggled with the stress of touring and being apart from Ethan, her defenses weakened, allowing the demons to fight their way to the surface, leaving her in a vulnerable place. A place where bad choices were made.
Choices that both of them will regret.
Can Mia and Ethan's love survive her past? Or will if fall apart under the weight of her choices?

Review by Lisa Kane
Mia Devereux is just on the edge of becoming a rock star. She and her band have tons of talent, have been playing regular gigs and have had some interest from record labels. It’s going to happen and happen soon. As far as her personal life goes, her prospects are not quite as bright. Her mother abandoned her and her father when Mia was a little kid and her father has lots of control issues. She has had a friends with benefits relationship on and off with her best friend Luke.It seemed as though they were about to make things more permanent but Luke found out he had fathered a little girl, Kaitlyn, who was 6 months old, by a former girlfriend, Taylor about a year and a half after he was dating Mia. He’s in communications for the Indianapolis Flash, a football team in the United Football League, and moved to Indianapolis from Chicago to be closer to Kaitlyn. Their relationship is more friends than anything and they recently agreed to keep it platonic.
She realized that she missed their friendship more than the sex. Not to say she didn't miss that, too. Hell, it was fantastic, and that was one of the reasons why it had taken them so long to get to this final ending point.
While at a work function, Luke introduces Mia to Ethan Christopher. He’s the hotshot quarterback for the Indianapolis Flash. Mia knows who he is, having followed his career-his contract is well known-one hundred million over five or six years. His football career is the stuff dreams are made of.
The two have an instant attraction for each other. They realize they have some good things going for them and start to hang out.
"So, are you just in town for this party or ..." he asked, leaving the ending of that sentence up to her.
He surprised her with his question. He couldn't possibly be interested in her, could he? Come on, it's Ethan Christopher. He could have anyone he wanted. Tonight's party had an abundance of beautiful girls. What would he ever want with her? As a matter of fact, why was he still here by her side? He was probably just polite until Luke returned, if he ever did.
In spite of the chemistry between them, Ethan puts the brakes on his urge to take things further between them.
He knew he could be doing that in a matter of minutes, but something stopped him. His parents loved to talk about how they immediately knew that they had found "the one." Ethan always knew his parents loved each other and wanted his own version of their story. Being with Mia tonight, he felt it...that feeling deep within him that said she was it. He didn't know whether or not that was true, but he knew he wanted to learn more about her, mentally and..physically.
Just about the time that things heat up, Mia’s band, Last Star, is picked up by a record label and she has to leave to go out to LA.
This is just the start of a long distance relationship. Much of the story is about their lengthy absences from each other and how it affects them. Ethan can’t seem to get his head
in the game and the team starts to lose games as a result. Mia goes back to long ago bad habits and uses alcohol and drugs to keep the loneliness at bay.
Half-time wasn't even over and every time they showed Ethan on screen, the more Mia felt the desolation envelope her. She had enough. She couldn't stand feeling the way she was anymore.
The story takes place in 2006-2007 and it’s a bit of a kick to read about My Space and cell phones that are just tarting to get tech savy. I haven’t figured out why the
time line is where it is, that may be revealed at another point.
Mia and Ethan’s relationship was super sweet, almost too even keeled at times. I kept thinking where is the angst, at what point will things pick up and then-BAM! Be careful
what you wish for-the last 25-30% of the book is so full of angst at one point I was looking for a way off this crazy train. Although it’s told in dual POV’s the reader is not aware of every move that each has made and boy have they been keeping secrets from each other! Clearly Mia has substance issues and needs an intervention. But Ethan, well this good ole Southern boy who loves to call Mia “Suga,” well I could throat punch him for what he’s been up to! (at least let me get one swift kick to his junk!)
Let me warn you that this is a cliffy and has the mother of all cliff hanger endings. I kept thinking how the hell can this be sorted out, and I’m thanking the book gods that
we don’t have to wait too long. According to the author, if things go as planned, a Spring release is set for Still With You. Believe me, my kindle is ready to down load it at
a moment’s notice. You can bet the family is having take out that night!
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