Thursday, May 2, 2024

Release Blitz for R.S. Grey's Their Last Resort!

Biting banter is all they know. But messy feelings have a way of coming to the surface

in this beachside romance from USA Today bestselling author R.S. Grey.

Paige Young and Cole Clark are polar opposites. A world traveler since birth, Paige loves to

lead activities for guests at a luxury island resort in Turks and Caicos. From bingo nights to

cliffside hikes, Paige is up for anything. Cole, meanwhile, prefers his number-crunching

desk job. He's the assistant director at the resort—stiff and meticulous. He's so by the book

that he keeps the book. In his desk drawer. They're perfectly aligned in one way,

though—their ability to drive each other crazy. Every day brings a fresh battle of

wits. They're rivals, archnemeses...and they're definitely never going

to talk about that one time they kissed. Ha ha. Nope!

But when Paige finds out that Cole has been ordered to fire her on the same day a

hurricane threatens their little slice of paradise, it's clear

the game is over.

At odds, in peril, and forced to shelter in place together, these two enemies

might finally have to confront their true feelings. (You know, the ones

hidden under all those withering looks.)

 Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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Meet R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling

author of over thirty novels, including seven #1 bestselling romantic comedies.

She lives in Texas with her husband, two daughters, and dog.


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Lisa Kane's 3.5 Star Review

I am a huge fan of this author's works. She usually writes rom/com's like nobody's business. But...this one just lacked something for me. The female lead character, Paige, is immature and blurts out the most inappropriate comments to Cole, the hero of the story. Cole is much more reserved, given his upbringing he tries his best to break out from the mundane childhood he endured. Paige is a free spirit, raised by parents who travelled the world, with her in tow. She is putting down roots on Turks and Caicos working excursions for the Siesta Playa resort. 

Cole is the assistant director of operations and loves working with numbers. It allows him to be analytical and structured. Things he welcomes in his life. But he does allow himself a little fantasy world and that would be his longing for Paige. He's been attracted to his since the first time he met her, but they seem to be playing a never ending cat and mouse game. 

When Paige's position is threatened by Cole's slimy boss, Todd, he's determined to protect Paige by digging a little into Todd's dealings with the company. He's been suspecting for a while that Todd's up to something. Cole needs proof before he can make any accusations. Now here's where I had some cringey moments. There are multiple references to Todd's weight and his sloppy eating habits. Stop, just stop. I have no problem in calling out a character's flaws and evil doing, but I draw the line at poking fun of someone's weight. 

There is some cute banter between the main characters in their frenemies journey, but a lot of the dialogue fell flat for me. I know what this author is capable of-she's one of my favorites but something just felt off with this one. They had such an adversarial relationship and then bam-they are suddenly lovers. This one off is not going to stop me from reading whatever the author releases next. 

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