Monday, January 7, 2013

Review: Up to by M. Leighton

Up to Me

4 star review

 Guest review by Allison East

" Can you trust me? Please! I know I've not given you many reasons to, but this one time, just go with your heart. I promise you, promise you, I won't let you down."  ~ Cash

I have been waiting for the release of this book.  This is the 2nd book in the trilogy by M. Leighton. 
It started where we left off- Olivia and Cash blissfully happy. But not everything is as it seems because Cash's past is about to catch up with him. The people from his past know he holds the key to some information that could cause some serious damage. Those people have no soul or conscience, and they can (and will) hurt anyone that will stand in the way. You see Cash go through an internal struggle really between his feelings that are developing rapidly for Olivia and his loyalty to his father. Olivia is super weary of him too- but you can totally tell she's in love with him. And her mother is such a huge bitch. You get an insight into why Olivia has self esteem and trust issues as soon as her mother opens her mouth. There were quite a few Holy $#!+ moments that I can't go into because I would hate to spoil it. Overall, like I said I really liked the book.  Michelle Leighton writes a great book. She kept me interested throughout the whole book- I was turning page after page to try and figure out what was happening. Of course I fell more in love with Cash and his gorgeous ass. I can't wait until the third one comes out- so I can get all the answers to my questions.

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