Monday, February 4, 2013

Hot Pick of the Week: Deadly Obsession by Kristine Cayne

Our 5 star Review

Deadly Obsession by Kristine Cayne is a great love story filled with both romance and suspense.  

Lauren James, a struggling widowed mom, has had a crush on Nic since high school.  She entered a contest to be the assistant photographer in a photo shoot with Nic.  She is hoping this shoot will  get her foot in the door and give her photography career the boost it needs.  And of course she is looking forward to seeing the man who has been in her dreams for quite some time. 

Nic Lamoureux is a Hollywood movie star who knows how the play the role of Hollywood playboy very well. He is hot and sexy, and totally swoon worthy.   He works hard to keep his reputation ans Nic the Lover.  But there is a lot more to Nic than the image that he portrays, and on some level the man that the world sees is not the true Nic Lamoureux.  He doesn't trust many people and has let few people in his life.  He has a secret past that he has kept to himself for fear of it ruining his career, because at this point he needs his career more than he wants it.  Deep down he wants a woman he can trust and who loves him for who he is and not what he does.  When he meets Lauren at the photo shoot she is unlike any woman he has ever dated.  The chemistry between the two are instant, there is that instant connection and pull that neither can deny.

I loved Nic and Lauren together.  Lauren is everything that Nic has ever wanted in a woman.  She is nothing like the Hollywood starlets that he is used to.  She sees him for the person he is.   Nic has been has been occupying Lauren's dreams since high school.  She was in love with him back then and has followed his career.  Seeing him again brings back all those feelings. Their relationship is hot and sexy, sweet and romantic and the bond that Nic forms with Lauren's son is just adorable. Their relationship is also real and believable.  While they have this amazing love for each other they also bring some baggage into their relationship from their pasts.   Nic's tragic past that has left him with a tremendous amount of guilt, but also the fear that if Lauren finds out about his past he will lose the one woman he has ever loved.  Lauren's husband dies 5 yrs ago in the war and she is left with that fear of losing the one she loves, but her insecurities also play a part in the issues that the two of them have to face together.

There is also that minor detail that Nic has a stalker who is willing to do everything in her power to take Lauren or any other woman who gets in her way, out.  Nic will do anything to protect Lauren and her son, even if it means sacrificing their relationship.  Can they get  past their fears and insecurities and live a happy life together, and more importantly will the stalker get her way and get the man she loves?

I love Kristine's Cayne's writing.  She has a way of connecting the readers to her characters.  You feel the emotions that they are going through and want to see them happy.  She pays great attention to the details that are important and knows how to write hot and sexy scenes.  I love that this book was written in both Nic and Lauren's POV given the reader a inside look into both of their minds.  I knew who the stalker was before reading this, only by finding out accidentally, but that did not take away from the story at all.  I was still left on the edge of my seat not knowing what was going to come next.  If you are looking for a hot, sexy romance with some added suspense then Deadly Obsession is a must read. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Jennifer, for the awesome review. I'm so excited to be this week's Hot Pick!!


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