Thursday, February 14, 2013

Winner of the Book Boyfriend Valentine's Day Poll

Who drove us crazy with his controlling ways and stalker like tendencies and truth f@#ks?
Who made us insane trying to guess how old he was and the secrets he keeps?
Who broke our hearts when he lost control and went on a rampage?
Who made us happy when we finally found out how old he was?
Who made us all want to go to the gym after hours with our lovers to try out the rowing machine?
Who made us want to wake up to sleepy sex?
Who broke our hearts when we saw the vulnerability in his face after Ava proved her point?
Who came through and proved he really can be romantic and had a pretty great proposal?

Congratulations to Jesse Ward, the winner of Three Chicks and Their Books Ultimate Book Boyfriend Contest!

Thank you Jodi Ellen Malpas for giving us This Man, and letting us get Beneath This Man. We are very much looking forward to This Man Confessed.

 We now have a special interview with author Jodi Ellen Malpas and Lord of the Manor, Jesse Ward... Enjoy!

 “Lisa, what time did Jodi say she’d be skyping us?” Kristie asks excitedly. Lisa replies, “In about two minutes. Are you ladies ready?” Jennifer is pacing back and forth biting her nails. “I'm really nervous, Jesse is gorgeous and very intimidating and intense, I'm not sure I can handle it.” Lisa looks over at her and says, “We are interviewing him via computer, nothing to be intimidated by, you will be fine.” The familiar ring tone of skype comes to life. Lisa straightens herself up in the chair. Jennifer and Kristie race to take a place by her side. Lisa clicks on the answer call with video button and Jodi and Jesse are there in front of us. Kristie’s jaw drops open and Jennifer leans towards her and whispers “OMG, he is so sexy, I don’t know if I can do this!”  Kristie whispers back, “He is and you will be fine, just remember to blink , breathe and not think about the row machine!.” Lisa giggles and says “Jodi, Jesse, I'm Lisa and this is Jennifer and Kristie, we are the Three Chicks and we are very grateful to you both for taking time out of your busy schedules to do this interview with us today.” Kristie pipes in and says, “Congratulations to you both- Jodi for the success of This Man and to Jesse for being the #1 boyfriend!” Jennifer sighs, looks at the computer screen in a dreamy haze and says “Jesse, shall we get started?”

Three Chicks:  Jesse, how does it feel to know that all the Loyal Ladies of the Manor LOVE you? Do you have any special Valentine's Day message for them?
Jesse:  *grins* Of course they love me. They are clearly very sensible women. No sense fuck required. My message for them? Easy...I love you, ladies, in a platonic way, of course. My girl is possessive. I need to be careful what I say here. Where is she?

Three Chicks:  How does it feel to be nominated (or win) the Three Chicks Valentine's Day poll for best date?

Jesse:  It's only right. My ladies love me. *shrugs*

Three Chicks:  Do you have any romantic Valentine's Day plans for Ava, and does it involve a rowing machine? (just asking)

Jesse:  *laughs* You want to know what I've got planned for Ava? Okay, but it might make a few of my loyal ladies jealous.
We're going to work our way through every Jesse style fuck there is, then I'm going to make an Ava éclair, put her in the bath, spend a few hours washing her and sliding all over her wet body, and then we'll have some sleepy sex, and I'll fall asleep buried deep inside her. Vivid enough for you? You're blushing.

Three Chicks: Why do you call Ava "Lady"?

Jesse:  Because she is a lady. My lady.

Three Chicks:  Jesse, what is the sexiest thing about Ava?

Jesse:  Her mouth. her arse, her stomach, her legs, her eyes, her hair, her breasts, her voice, her toes. I can't narrow it down. She's perfect, except when she's being a defiant little temptress.
Three Chicks:  Did you think that a series about you would do so well? Why do you think women are so interested in reading about you?
Jesse:  Because it's me. Of course they were gonna love it. *smirks* End of.

Three Chicks:  Jodi, This Man and Beneath This Man have both been doing so well and your readers love you. How does all the love and positive feedback that you have been receiving make you feel? Did you think that Jesse and Ava's story would do as well as it is doing?

Jodi:  No, short answer! My friend, Katie Cooke (AKA, Fanny from the dedications) has a text I sent her from a year or so ago, saying 'If 100 women read it and love it, then I'll be happy'. And I really would have been. What has happened in the last few months has knocked me sideways. I never anticipated this. I published This Man with a realistic expectation, I knew the stats and chances of success for self-published authors. My life has changed dramatically and very quickly. This is turning out to be quite a journey for me, all very unexpected and a little daunting, if I'm honest. I never anticipated the response This Man and Beneath has received, but I'm trying to take it in my stride. Easier said then done, believe me, but I'm a normal British girl who has a story to tell, and I'm lucky enough that people want to read it and even luckier that the majority are enjoying it.

“Thank you both again for chatting with us. We had a fantastic time,” Jennifer says still in a haze. Lisa clears her throat again and states, “ Jodi, we would love to talk with you, Jesse and Ava sometime in the future if possible.” “Kristie laughs and says, “Jesse, thanks for knocking our socks off, that was fantastic and Jodi, I think you have created one sexy monster!” We all laugh and say our goodbyes.. Lisa looks over to Jennifer and Kristie and says, “That was incredible and I could really use a drink after that.” Kristie and Jennifer obviously on Central Jesse Cloud Nine, nod in agreement...

Here are some favorite quotes from The Lord of the Manor himself:
"It's pure bliss, baby.  total gratification.  Absolute, complete earth shifting, universe shaking love."

"You're mine, and mine alone, baby.  Just for my eyes, just for my touch and just for my pleasure.  Just mine.  Do you understand me?"

"You're a rubbish liar, baby.  I like this game.  I think we should start again.  I'm eighteen."

"I need you.  I need you strong and healthy.  I need you to understand how much I love you, I need you to know that I can't be without you either.  I would die before losing you too."

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jesse, I was wondering if you could help me out with a BBF fuck? And I can also make for an excellent banana split if you're not in the mood for an eclair. ;-). Love ya!!!!!!


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