Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog tour: Relentless by Cassia Leo


Claire Nixon is a twenty-year-old college dropout with a secret.

To Claire, Adam Parker is just another flirty customer at the cafe, until a chance encounter and
seemingly innocent comment spurs a bet between them. The bet is simple: If Adam can get Claire
to reveal the secret that made her drop out of college, she has to re-enroll. If he doesn’t succeed, she
gets to keep her secret and he has to stop stalking her at the cafe.

Claire thinks she has this one in the bag. She’s perfected the art of forgetting her past. But she isn’t
prepared for Adam’s relentless pursuit or for him to share his own secrets. And she’s definitely not
prepared for her rock star ex, and her secret, to come banging down her door one year later.

Our 4.5 star review
"I think I trusted you too easily"  "But I wouldn't give my heart to someone I didn't trust.  And you have my whole heart, Claire, so please be gently with it."

"I'll be gentle.  I wouldn't want to crush my favorite olive." 

I read Cassia Leo's Luke Series and absolutely loved it, so of course I couldn't wait to get my hands on Relentless.  Ms. Leo did a wonderful job with this story of two people trying to forget their past secrets and move on.

Claire is a twenty-year old college dropout who lost her mother at an early age and went  from one foster home to another until she finally found the one that felt like home.  That is where she also met Chris Knight, the son of her foster mom Jackie, and her first true love.  What started out as a friendship between her and Chris turned into love.  It was because she loved Chris so much that she encouraged him to leave and pursue his musical career.  While she loved him and hated to see him go she didn't want to hold him back from his dream.

It's now a year later, which is where the books starts off, and Claire is trying to move forward.  She has a big secret that she is holding onto and has no intention of sharing.  Her secret has caused her a tremendous amount of guilt for the past year and if her secret is let out, it will break hearts and destroy those that she loves.  She has dropped out of school and working in a cafe, trying to forget the past and move on.  Then one day Adam walks into the cafe and he seems like nothing more than a flirty customer who saves her from the obnoxious customer online in front of him.  When he leaves she can't help but think about it.  We soon learn that there may be more to this chance encounter between these two strangers.

Adam is Claire's new neighbor in her apartment building. He is cute, sweet, caring, fun, at times a little quirky with his corny jokes, but that just makes him more lovable.  He is everything that you want in a guy.  But underneath it all is also a guy who has flaws and secrets of his own.  Adam finds out that Claire dropped out of college and wants to know why.  But Claire is not willing to share her secret.  So he makes a bet, if he gets her to share her secret then she has to go back to school.  Claire has been carrying this secret with her for the past year, it has been eating her up in side and has caused her to put her guard up.  But while she has no intention of sharing her secret, she decides to let her guard down and give Adam a chance. 

I loved Adam and Claire together.   Adam opened his heart to Claire and wanted to be a better person because of her.  He wanted to please her and make her happy and just love her. Claire is a strong and independent woman who is trying to fight the demons of her past.  It's that one decision she made a year ago that still haunts her.  Adam has his own demons from his past that has put a strain on his relationship with his father and a hold on his dreams as well.  Together these two tortured souls are trying to move forward and find love and comfort with each other.  But what happens when someone from Claire's past unexpectedly comes back into her life, and her secret is revealed to all?  Can the love that Adam and Claire have for each other be enough to overcome their past and their secrets?

Cassia Leo is such a talented writer who knows how to draw you right  into the story.  She creates characters in a way that the reader can relate to and love.  Relentless will make you laugh, maybe even cry a little. It is both heart breaking and heart warming all in one.  I will say that while I am totally team Adam, there is a part of me that feels for Chris and I could grow to love him.  I loved Adam and Claire's story and cannot wait to see where book 2 brings them.  Another job well done by Cassia Leo.  This is definitely a must read!
Playlist for Relentless:
 Click for Play list

About the Author:

Cassia Leo grew up in Florida and moved to California after graduating with a degree in journalism. She
worked at two small newspapers before discovering her passion for writing romance. Her favorite color is
lavender and her dream is to one day score a record deal based on her awesome shower singing skills.

Author Contact Information

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