Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Review: Just One Song by Stacey Lynn

 Our 4.5 Star Review

Just One Song is Stacey Lynn's debut novel and she did an amazing job. Just One Song is a love story about grief and loss, and the guilt and fear of moving on from that loss.

Nicole Parsons had the perfect life, but unfortunately tragedy struck and took it all away from her. It is now one year, 3 months and 1 week later and Nicole still feels numb inside. For the past 15 months she has been going through the motions of everyday life trying to survive, but has not felt "alive" since that tragic day. Nicole is tired of looking at herself in the mirror and seeing that sad, lifeless woman in front of her. She wants to move on, she wants to be that happy girl that she used to be, one who loved life and music. Without even thinking she gets herself dressed and ready for a night out with her best friend Mia. Nicole tells Mia that she has finally decided that maybe it is time to move on and maybe even go on a date.  So Mia decides to challenge her in a way that Mia knows she will not refuse. Mia dares her to find a guy at the bar and to get his phone number. Nicole, not one to turn down a dare, accepts the challenge and finds herself talking to Zack Walters, a hot and sexy rock star. But since Nicole has spent most of the last year isolated from the outside world she has no idea who he is and no clue that the dare she just accepted will change her life forever.

"You are the most beautiful, down-to-earth, funny, smart and kind woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing."

Zack is hot and sexy and looking for the one woman who will love him for who he is and not what he does. He has lived the rock star life and has been burned in the process. He wants more and what he wants is Nicole Parsons. Zack loved that Nicole was interested in him before she knew who he was, and even after finding out she didn't seem all that impressed with his rock star status. Zack wants Nicole, but he also sees the sadness in her eyes and knows that Nicole is nothing like the girls he has been with in the past.  She is the kind of girl you want to spend your life with and he knows that he wants a future with her. She opens up to him about the tragic incident that took her family and as much as Zack wants Nicole, he knows that he needs to be patient with her. He makes her an offer to come on the road with his band to photograph them while on tour. But the real reason behind this offer is Zack wanting to spend as much time with Nicole as he can and to get to know her better.

"We are only just getting to know each other, but in the short time we have, there has never been a moment where I have not been impressed by you.  I know you've been through a whole lot over the last year and if all you can give me right now is friendship, I'll gladly take it." 

I loved Nicole and Zack together. Zack is sexy, sweet, romantic and very patient with Nicole. He finds himself falling for her a lot quicker than he imagined, but what I love about their story is that despite the "love at first sight" feeling, their romance is not rushed. Zack is amazing and patient with Nicole and sensitive to her feelings and her fears. Nicole starts having feelings for Zack as well, deep feelings that she has never had for a man before and that terrifies her. She fears moving on will cause her to forget her past, and she feels guilty for being happy. Zack came into Nicole's life and made her feel alive again. It was as if he helped her find herself again; find that happy woman she once was. But the feelings that she starts having for Zack scare her and is will ultimately cause their relationship to take a turn in the wrong direction. When things between Nicole and Zack begin to get serious, Nicole finds herself in the spotlight on Zack's arm, and she starts to panic and being with Zack suddenly becomes too much for her to handle. Will Nicole be able to get over her fears and her guilt and move on? She has been through a lot of pain in the past 15 months and deserves the happiness and love that Zack wants to give her, but she needs to convince herself of that first.

"I shake my head and say nothing.  This isn't the night for sex; I just have the strangest and crazy urge to hold her all night and keep her safe and erase the tears from her eyes.  She's had enough to cry about."

 Just One Song is a beautiful love story about letting go of the guilt of losing someone and being able to move on and find happiness again. It is also about forgiveness and how forgiving someone can help you move on.   I loved watching Zack and Nicole's love for each other unfold. It was an emotional ride that will make you both laugh and cry. There is one particular scene where Nicole introduces Zack to two very special people that will both melt your heart and break it all at the same time, it was a sweet moment between the two of them that will make you cry. Overall I absolutely loved this story. Stacey Lynn has done a wonderful job telling Nicole and Zack's story. You will fall in love with these two and root for Nicole to find her happily ever after that she deserves. I also loved the addition of Mia, Nicole's best friend who has always stood by her in so many ways. Their friendship was so true and so real. This is definitely a must read!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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