Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hot Pick of the Week: Unraveling by Micalea Smeltzer


Katy Spencer's life fell apart two years ago. Since then, she's closed herself off. She's a shell of the person she used to be. The only person she trusts is her best friend Rollo, but even he can't keep the nightmares away. Then she meets Jared. He's the first man she's been around since the event that she's not afraid of. He makes her heart race, not in fear, but in a fluttering that could become something meaningful.
Jared can tell that Katy is broken. He sees something in her eyes that he’s often seen reflected in his own.




Jared is determined to get to know her.
He wants to solve the mystery of Katy Spencer.

He will… unravel her.

Our 4.5 star review

“Bad things happen to good people, Katy. We don’t ask for it, we don’t deserve it, but it happens, anyway. You can choose to let it break you, or you can let it make you stronger. You can hide or you can stand up and do something about it.”  -- Jared

Katy and Jared are two beautiful souls who have been tarnished along their journey in life.  They are both learning to deal with their pasts, although Jared has had more time to become free of it. 

Katy is 19 years old and attending college.  She had everything going for her in high school until “the event” that changed her life.  Now she is quiet, keeps to herself, has only one friend who stuck by her side, and doesn’t allow anybody to touch her.  She doesn’t know her father and her mother only wants something to do with Katy if it will help her social status. 

Jared is 24 years old, an MMA fighter, and has guardianship of his 16 -year-old sister.  He sees the pain in Katy and understands her.  He sees the reflection of his own pain when he looks into her eyes.  He wants to help her and he wants Katy to see him for who he is, not who he was. 

“One day, I just want you to look at me with love in your eyes, despite my past. I want you to know every dirty little secret about me, and love me anyway.”

This story isn’t just about Katy, it’s as much about Jared as well.  Both of them have stories to tell and both are learning to deal with their pasts and move forward.   Jared is so kind and loving.  He understands Katy and will give her everything she needs to move forward.  I loved how patient Jared was with Katy. 

“I’ll tell you about my past, when you tell me about yours. I won’t push you to open up to me, Katy. I’m not like that. I’ll give you time, all the time in the world. But in the meantime, I want you to give me a chance, because I think we could turn out to be something great.”

Katy and Jared spend a lot of time together and Katy has grown into a new person.  She smiles more, she laughs, and she is able to allow people to touch her.  All because of Jared.

I found this book to be a truly heart-warming story.  I wanted Jared and Katy to find happiness with each other and with each page I turned I was growing more and more anxious with the fear that the bottom would fall out.  I’m not going to tell you if I had to face my fear…  I will tell you that if you are looking for a book that takes you away from all the bad-boy rockers, one-night stands and angst-filled romances then this is a welcome reprieve.  Enjoy!

About the Author:

Micalea Smeltzer is an author from Virginia. Her name is pronounced Muh-call-e-uh. She is permanently glued to her computer where she constantly writes. She has to listen to music when she writes and has a playlist for every book she’s ever started. Micalea has enough books, and she’s read them all, to start her own library and that doesn’t include all the ones on her Kindle. She has three shih-tzu’s, Benvolio (Bennie), Balthazar (Zar), and Tucker. 

Author links:

Purchase links
Barnes and Noble 

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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