Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blog tour: Ember by Jessica Sorensen

 (New Adult Paranormal)
**Mature Content Advisory**

Recommended for readers 17+ due to sexual situations and language
For nineteen-year-old Ember, life has always been about death. With a simple touch, she can see when
someone will die. It’s her curse and the reason she secludes herself from the world. The only person that
knows her secret is her best friend Raven.

But that changes when she meets Asher Morgan. He’s gorgeous and mysterious and is the only person
Ember can't sense death from. The silence he instills in her mind and body allows her to feel things she’s
never been able to before, so despite her initial reservations, Ember lets Asher into her life and lets
herself to get close to him. But the closer they get, the more Ember realizes that Asher is keeping secrets
from her.

When unexplained deaths begin to surface in her town, Ember questions why she can’t see Asher's
death and what it is he’s hiding from her.

4 Star review

People don’t understand how close death is, right over their shoulders, around the block, at the end of a street. It’s everywhere and I’m the only one who knows where it’s hiding. I see death every day....

Ember Edwards grew up surrounded by death, literally. By one simple touch she can see when and how someone will die. Her curse has forced her to lead a secluded life. So she does what any other nineteen year old girl would do. She hangs out at the cemetery for peace of mind, writes her poetry or hangs out with the only person who knows her secret. Raven, her best friend, her only friend. Little does Ember know that her life is about to become a little bit more complicated.
One night at a party Ember meets a gorgeous stranger. Her body reacts to him in way it never has before and when he touches her she sense’s nothing. It is a welcoming silence for her to finally be able to touch someone without seeing their death. Asher Morgan, he is new in town and Ember is completely wrapped up in him.

“And no one could ever forget about you, Ember. Trust me.” His eyes sparkle with a look that makes my skin warm, then without warning he moves closer and gently kisses the corner of my mouth. My blood and adrenaline soar as his hands slide down my arms, my waist and finally rest on the tops of my thighs.

When another gorgeous stranger, Cameron Logan arrives in town. Ember can’t shake the pull she feels towards him either. He is completely opposite of Asher but yet she can’t stop thinking about him there is also something about him that keeps her on edge. Ember is struggling with her feelings. She went from not being able to touch anyone to having not one but two guys she can touch without seeing their deaths. The unexplained pull she feels towards both of them. 

The Reaper of Death, the Angel of Life.
They walk together in day and night.

Slowly trusting herself with Asher, she begins to open up with him and the more she does, the more secrets he seems to have. When people start disappearing and unexplained deaths start to surface in her town. She is not sure who she can trust and her father’s warning comes back with a vengeance.

“Emmy, if there’s one thing you need to know about life, it’s to never trust anyone or anything. Life is a freaking mind game and you and I are the pawns.”

On Halloween night the truth comes out. Cameron and Asher are not who she thought they were. She battles herself with her feelings for both of them. Grim reapers, angles of death, and something she has never heard of... A Grim Angel. Faced with the harsh reality of her life she begins to understand that it may be up to her bring back balance of collecting souls the question what will she choose?

I enjoyed the darkness of this book and the battle between the Angels of Death and the Grim Reapers. The Grims play dirty and will do what they can to get rid of or at least turn the Grim angels to their side.  I adored Asher, he truly cared for Ember and tried to guide her in the right direction, although he was secretive his intentions with her were clear. The chemistry between them was mind blowing, sexy and HOT!  Cameron was more of the gorgeous but cocky guy. It was hard to get a read on him. One minute he was nice and the next minute it seemed he was making things difficult for Ember. He liked to play games. He also had great chemistry with Ember... It was definitely smoldering.

Poor Ember, imagine living your life not being able to touch people, or be touched. No kissing, no holding hands, no hugs... nothing. So when she meets Asher and Cameron and she is able to touch them without seeing their deaths, it brings her peace and happiness. She is smart, beautiful and brave.

I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for Ember and where her decisions will lead her. If you enjoy a bit of a dark fantasy with gorgeous Angels of Death and Grim Reapers, than this is a must read.
This book was entertaining, sexy, with the perfect amount of romance, angst, suspense, action and creepiness.

An enjoyable and easy read.

A fantastic job by Jessica Sorensen.

Author Bio

The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains
of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

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