Wednesday, June 5, 2013

BLOG TOUR: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley


Lanie Heron isn’t looking for love—no surprise, considering her last serious relationship nearly got her killed. So when Lanie propositions Hop Kincaid, all she wants is one wild night with the hot-as-hell biker who patrols with the Chaos Motorcycle Club...

For Hop, Lanie has always been untouchable. She’s too polished and too classy for his tastes. But when she gives Hop the once-over with her bedroom eyes and offers him a night in paradise, he can’t say no. And he doesn’t regret it when he finds that Lanie is the best thing that’s ever happened to him—in or out of bed. Now the trick will be to convince her of that


4 star review

Kristen Ashley’s second book, Fire Inside, in her Chaos series, seriously kicks biker ass. Lanie Heron is Tyra Allen’s best friend. Tyra “Ty TY” is wife to Kane “Tack” Allen, head of the Chaos MC and subject of Ashley’s Motorcycle Man. Year ago, her fiancĂ© Elliott Belova got himself mixed up with the Russian mob in his attempt to get Lanie some out of season flowers. End result-Lanie took a few bullets, Tyra was kidnapped and stabbed, and Elliott was shot to death. Seven years have gone by and Lanie has been manless and career oriented. She grew up a rich daughter of a womanizing jerk and an alcoholic mother. Hopper “Hop” Kincaid is a Chaos biker through and through. Divorced from a woman he despises and father to a young girl and boy, he is no stranger to one stands and club whores. Neither is looking for anything more than great sex and no strings.

Lanie has been part of the Chaos family for years and even though she is all about drama and high maintenance, Tack and Tyra have taken her under their wing. The other guys admit she is gorgeous, but off limits. Lanie has had her eye on Hop for years and has wished she had every other part of her body on him as well. She finally gets a backbone and talks him into one night, no holds barred, grit your teeth, and clutch the sheets kind of sex for one night. In the morning, each will go their own way. Of course, after a night that was all of the above and more, one night becomes two and then a week and then... you get the picture.

“Just you and me tonight. Tomorrow, I won’t expect flowers. I won’t expect a belated courtesy date. I won’t even expect you to take me out for a cup of coffee. I just want you and sex. No expectations. Nothing but what we have tonight.”

Lanie is a walking suitcase of baggage and wants to keep their relationship secret. Between her guilt over Tyra’s kidnapping and Elliott’s death and her parents screwed up relationship she can barely deal with what Hop calls her “monster”. Her issues keep her up at night and paralyze her. Slowly Hop shows her she can and will work through these hurdles. She brings meaning into his life –she shows him that having a woman he is falling in love with fills all the holes and gaps in his heart. He is willing to do the work to keep this woman, in spite of her self-sabotaging ways.

“It was the pain of finally having something you wanted. Something you’d longed for. Longed for since you had memories. Something life taught you to believe you’d never have. Something, if you lived without it, it left a void in your soul you knew would never be filled. Something, without it, you knew you’d never be whole.”

These two have more than sex going for them. They are friends and confidants and have each other’s backs. But man these two are freakin’ fireballs between the sheets, or against the wall of a woman’s room lavatory or a kitchen table. Rug burns are worn like badges of honor. Let’s just say, Hop has put his mustache to good use with no complaints from Lanie. How will Tyra and Tack react when they find out that they have been hiding their affair from everyone? Is Lanie every going to be able to take a chance on a commitment again, and move on from Elliott’s death?

Once again, Ashley has written a book about a tightknit group of unconventional motorcycle loving, wind in your hair, middle finger to society men and women who have become fictional friends of mine. These characters cross over Ashley’s various series and continue to color outside the lines. I love this newest series of hers and can’t wait for the next installment.

Rafflecopter code for this week (6-3 thru 6-9): a Rafflecopter giveaway

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