Friday, June 7, 2013

Giveaway: Polished by Alyssa Turner

by: Alyssa Turner

4.5 star review

I fell in love with Rory and Spencer right away, they have the perfect relationship are are so cute and adorable together.  They love each other with everything they have and Spencer has every intention of spending his life with Rory.  But first he needs to come clean with her about a dark secret that he has kept hidden from her.  Rory and Spencer know each other inside and out so it is no surprise that Rory knows what his secret is but doesn't push him to open up to her.  When he is ready to talk she will be there for support.  Rory and Spencer have a love like no other.  She is his rock in every way possible.  They fit together like a puzzle, except they both know that there may be a missing piece to that puzzle, and that missing piece is Jack Rothman.

On the outside Jack Rothman is rich and gorgeous, with his expensive suits, fancy cars and penthouse apartment.   But on the inside he is a damaged soul.  He has tried for most of his life to please his father and live up to his expectations, never seeming to be good enough.  He works for his father and at times is used by his father as a pawn, to get ahead in his business.  Jack has been with countless men and woman but it was always about sex.  He has never been in love and doesn't see love in his future any time soon.  He doesn't believe he deserves to be loved or that he is capable of it.  Meeting Rory and Spencer changes all that.

When Jack and Spencer get trapped underground together, they form a bond that may go a bit beyond a bond of friendship.  Spencer has thoughts of Jack that he knows he shouldn't be having, but this is also the part of him that he has been hiding.  But Spencer isn't the only one having these feelings.  Jack has been with many woman and men before but he feels drawn to Spencer in a way he has never felt before.  When they are rescued,  Jack meets Rory and is jealous of the love that he sees between the two of them.  You can see just by looking at Spencer and Rory how deep their love is. Jack is just as taken aback by Rory as he is with Spencer.  He finds himself thinking of Rory and Spencer in ways that he knows he shouldn't and needs to put all thoughts out of his head.

When Jack invites them out to his house in the Hamptons for the weekend things become a little intense.  There is a connection between the three of them that no one can deny, but they can't seem to admit it either.   Rory loves Spencer and she knows what he needs and what he wants, and she will do anything to give it to him.  Even if that means allowing him to be with another man, specifically Jack. Rory sees the spark and connections between Jack and Spencer, but she can't deny the fact that Jack causes a spark in her as well.  The three of them find themselves crossing the line, and they are not sure if once that line is crossed they can ever go back. Things heat up and they spend one hot, and passionate night together.  A night where Spencer and Rory explored their limits and were taken to places they never knew existed.  The wonderful morning after is quickly turned into heartache and disgust when they discover the real reason they were invited to the Hamptons.  Has the amazing weekend they spent with Jack caused damage in their relationship?  Will these three people who have such a deep connection find their way back to each other?

This story for me was about true love and sacrifices that you make for love.  What I loved about it was that Spencer knew he was attracted to men, and felt the connection with Jack but never acted on it.  Rory was always his number one and the love of his life.  No matter what his feelings were, he needed the love and support of his girl before acting on his feelings.  Rory loved Spencer so much and knew he was missing and needing something that she couldn't give him. While Jack Rothman was able to give Spencer what he needed Rory also discovers a little something about herself and her needs as well.    There are more elements to this story which I do not want to give away, because their story is something that you need to experience for yourself.

Alyssa Turner has done a wonderful job with this menage story.  The chemistry and sex scenes were so hot and steamy, that you will need a cold rag or a fan with you while reading.  They were THAT hot!!  I loved Rory and Spencer together, they honestly had a relationship that most people would love to have.  You will fall in love with them instantly.  That being said I think that the three of them together fit so perfectly.  It wasn't just about Spencer needs, it was about all three of them and the bond that they formed.  I think the author has done an amazing job with the connection you feel with the characters.   Polished is definitely a hot read, but there is also a wonderful story behind it about love and compromise, about opening yourself and your heart up in ways you never knew were possible.  Fantastic job by Ms. Turner.  I look forward to reading more of her work.

I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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