Thursday, June 20, 2013

Relaunch Cover reveal: Three of Hearts and Three of Spades by W. Ferraro

Three of Hearts and Three of Spades are the first two books in the Hamden series by W. Ferraro.  Here are the new sexy covers for both books.


Mae Turney is searching for the type of life and happiness she has never known but has only dreamed about. She's fortunate enough to find a great opportunity to live in an exterior apartment of a beautiful
lake house in a small town in Vermont. When she realizes the apartment and scenery are not the only gorgeous appeal but the home owner, Seth Finn, is as well, she puts it all on the line for the chance at love.
When she becomes comfortable and confident in her own skin andsexuality, Mae realizes that this place and  this man is exactly what she came looking for. Knowing Seth and his three children are as
special as they come, Mae bets the house, and prays she and her gamble are enough.

A little quote from Seth 
“Don’t even think about it Finn!” she said as she tried to stand her ground and not run.
“Too late, I’ve not only thought about it, I’ve committed to the idea.” Seth said wickedly as his face grew into a sinister smile.


Dylan Cross is the type of man that enjoys everything female, and enjoy it he does, but always on his terms. However, his terms are pushed to their limit when Natalie Parker proposes an offer; teach her and her delectable little body, all about sex and desire. There is one catch. He has to play the part of Natalie’s madly in love boyfriend for her dying mother. Dylan signs on, and finds that separating the two is harder than he thought. Natalie’s days of shyness and lack of confidence come to a quick close as she learns what her body craves and demands in the bedroom. Soon, Dylan becomes the student as Natalie teaches him things he didn’t even know he wanted. Will Hamden’s notorious playboy, bachelor be able to keep calling the shots, or will he find that, he, himself, is just another player at the card game of life, as we all are?

Quote from Dylan Cross 

“Feel that, Natalie? That is what you do to me. That is the reaction your innocent ways and naïve little oral activities cause. So, you ask why I call us in a relationship, because what you feel against you right now, cannot be faked. I’m going to pop that cherry of yours and I’ll make sure you love every minute, before, during, and after. So, we are in a relationship from this moment on. Get used to it, Babe.” He leaned down and claimed those small lips that he had fixated on for the last forty-five minutes.

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