Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cover Reveal for Christine Brae's The Light in the Wound

Book Title: The Light in the Wound
Author: Christine Brae
Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction
Release date: July 23, 2013
Cover Art: Matt and Tosha Khoury

Book Summary
Affected by her parents’ highly publicized divorce, Isabel grows up isolated and alone, with a resolve to never fall in love and repeat their mistakes.

When Jesse Cain enters her life, she falls hopelessly in love with him, and every sadness she’s ever felt is washed away by his intensity and passion. But people change as they grow up. Things can never stay the same forever.

Jesse and Isabel fight to stay together, determined to hold on to their first love. But can a second love be enough to make her forget?


Once during our freshman year, Jesse called and asked me to meet him on the baseball field late one evening after school. I automatically assumed that he wanted me to watch him practice, something I would often do when I didn't have much homework to finish. As I walked across the newly shaved grass, I wondered where he could be. It worried me a bit to see no one there. The grounds were dark, except for a faded lamppost illuminating the walkways.  The night was hot and humid, so I dressed in shorts for the occasion, fully expecting to be sitting on a bench watching Jesse play.  He popped out of nowhere, just as I was about to walk up the steps toward the stands.
"Hi," I said, as I looked around the field. "Am I late? Did I get the practice time wrong?"
"Nope," he answered with a grin. "Practice ended an hour ago."
"Oh. Am I here to pick you up?" I asked, still confused.
"I thought we'd play on the field for a bit," he said as he took my hand and led me further in toward the bases. He had his pitching glove on and carried a bat in his right hand.
"Play what, Jess? You know I don't know anything about this game!" I laughed incredulously.
"Yes, you do! You've been watching me do this for almost three years! I thought it would be fun to watch you swing a bat," he coaxed. "Come on, you'll do great, I promise. Here, wear these so you don't hurt your hands." He fished into his pockets and handed me some batting gloves. I wiggled my fingers to make sure that they were still in there. They were twice the size of my hands. He looked delighted and enamored with me all at the same time. "You look so cute. Come here," he ordered as he pulled me in for a hug. Seconds later, he handed me the bat and then walked backwards until he was a few feet away from me.
"This is heavy!" I said, as I lifted the bat and mockingly took on the stance—both knees bent, two hands on the bat.
"Issy baby, you're gonna fall over if you lean like that." He laughed. "This isn't tennis. Keep one foot in front of you, turn your body to face me. Now just relax and swing when I pitch, ok?"
"Like this?" I breathed, as I stuck my leg out and swiveled my hips.
"If you keep that up, we'll be swinging something else," he teased.
Five empty swings later, I finally hit the ball. It didn't go very far, but I whooped and he whooped and I ran twice around the bases. It didn't take much effort for him to pursue me as soon as he caught the ball. I hit the ball two more times until he chased me down and lifted me off the ground.
"Jess!" I panted, as he swooped me in his arms. "That was hard work! What do I get for doing this?" I flirted.
"Me," he responded, as I wrapped my arms and legs around him.
"I'll take that," I whispered, and with a tender kiss, I gave him permission to carry me back to the dugout.

About Christine: 
I love to read, write about reading, shop, write about shopping, three day weekends, high heels and purses. I’m a wife, a mother, a corporate executive, a loyal friend and a passionate believer in true love. This is all you need to know about me. If you get my stories, you get my heart.
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