Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review and giveaway:Choices by Sidney Lane


Fate brought her here, but will her choices destroy her dreams?

Quincy Priest made all the right choices in her small town, black-and-white life. But being perfect is tiring. So. Very. Tiring.

Wanting desperately to step out of her sister's shadow, Quincy jumps at the opportunity to attend college with her best friend. The quiet bookworm with family secrets comes out of her shell. But when Quincy meets not one, but two perfect guys, she has to make a choice. In doing so, she might forfeit the relationship she secretly longed to find.

Declan. Sweet, handsome, and perfect. He makes her feel cherished for the first time in her life.

Brody. Sexy, hot, and irresistible. He could tear down her carefully built walls.

Before she can become the woman she wants to be, Quincy will make mistakes. And suffer one unimaginable loss.

4 Star Review
Let me first start by saying this simple book title says it all…
Choices (Noun):  An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
Immediately from the prologue we can make the assumption that this is going to be a good emotional scarring book ride:

  “I hate you, Quince. I hate you because when I saw you just now, I still thought you were the most beautiful girl in the room.”
Quincy has moved from her small town to the University of Tennessee where she immediately notices that the guys here are like not the guys from back home.  They are much hotter…and 2 of the hottest guys she meets on her first day of class are fraternity brothers.   Declan is the fraternity chaplain and can work wonders with words, making you feel calm and entrancing you with his voice, wisdom and stories.  Brody is the player with the scorching blue eyes who never takes out the same girl twice.  Both boys vie for Quincy’s heart, one’s identity unknown to the other. 

“Declan makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  Brody scorches me.”

Quincy knows that she needs to make a choice.  She knows that she cannot keep 2 wonderful guys hanging on the sidelines waiting for her answer, but it’s easier to play the game than to make the decision.  Unfortunately she has enamored her best friend to come up with excuses for her in order to prevent her from getting caught up in one of her lies.

“The lies are piling up.  What will one more hurt?”

One of these boys has had Quincy allow him to be the owner of her innermost thoughts. One of these boys has allowed him to take her virginity.  One of these boys makes her feel a whole new level of emotions and the other makes her feel safe, giving her comfort she asks for when a family tragedy strikes.  Will this tragedy and the comfort he can bring her be the deciding factor on her choice?

“Declan is a bright spot in my very dark existence…Brody breaks my heart. Every. Single. Day.”

After dealing with her tragedy, Quincy is ready to face the world again.  There will be one person that she gives her heart to…

“I choose you.”

If you are a fan of angsty love triangles… you will not be disappointed.
If you like a story that brings you to tears… you will not be disappointed. 
If you are a fan of a happy ending… you will not be disappointed.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It sounds really good, can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Awesome giveaway! I so, want to win this book! I can't wait to read it!

  3. Will be adding this to my tbr pile love the sounds of this ;)

  4. I hadn't heard of this book or author. Thanks for the review!

  5. Great giveaway.. thanks for this!!


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