Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Giveaway and Review: Him by Carey Heywood


Sarah Miller hasn’t been home in seven years. She thought she could stay away forever. If it wasn’t for her big brother's wedding, that is. Part of her even feels silly for staying away this long. It's not like anyone even knew what happened. Well, except for him.

That guy. The one she compared all others to. The one who set the bar so high no other guy after him could even compete. The one who made her feel like anything was possible. The one she thought she would never be good enough for. The one she spent the last seven years trying to forget.
All she needs to do is make it through the next week without running into him.

4 Star Review

Will and Sarah were best friends throughout junior and senior high.   They spent all of their free time together and knew every little quirk of each other.  Sarah has feelings for Will that she doesn’t realize are being reciprocated.

“Sometimes you just can’t help it when you’re in love with your best friend, and he has no idea.”

 Their senior year in high school things began to change between the two of them and they became the perfect couple, although Will was popular and Sarah had low self-esteem and wondered why Will would be with her.  Sarah is judged critically by her female peers and not-so-nice things are said by the ex girlfriend of Will, the girl who he dumped to be with Sarah.  Something happened one night that caused Sarah to run, and run far away.  It is now 7 years later and she is returning home…home to where it all began, and ended.

  “I had left so quickly.  There had been so much unsaid.  As much as it hurts, there will always be a part of me that wonders where I would be right now if things had turned out differently?”

Sarah avoids coming home to avoid the past that she still thinks about.  Sarah has immersed herself in her work to keep her thoughts from going to Will.  Sarah has tried relationships, but always finds a fault to end it.  One guy flosses his teeth too much and another says “dude” too frequently.  She knows she can never find somebody to live up to Will, so why bother.  

Sarah can’t avoid coming home this time as her brother is getting married.    She’s only home for a week…she can do this…she can avoid him for one week.  Sarah is in for quite a surprise when she finds out who the best man is.

“Coming home had been a bad idea.  It is much easier to pretend he never broke my heart if I don’t have to see him.”

This book is told from Sarah’s POV in alternating past and present tense.  We get a feel for what Sarah was feeling back in the days of their blossoming romance and the heartbreak that followed.   There is humor laced throughout the entire book that will have you chuckling out loud.  I found this to be a light, quick, fun read.

Will…sigh…Will.  He’s another Will book boyfriend.  I have yet to meet a Will I didn’t like.  Even in his younger years he is perfect.  He is funny, attentive, affectionate, and good looking.   We don’t get a chance to hear any of his inner thoughts throughout this book, but his POV is coming out soon!  His POV will be appropriately titled “Her.”  I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on Sarah’s sudden absence that night 7 years ago and what happened during their 7-year breakup.   Will never stopped loving Sarah.  

“There isn’t anyone else for me.  I’m not going to let you run again, I’m not.”  -- Will <3 <3

Barnes and Noble

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