Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Impossible by Laurel Ulen Curtis


One Accident. Two losses. Three years.

Veronica Russo chases storms, but runs from her past by staying firmly in the present. Unwilling to consider the possibility of a future, she’s checked out of life by using solitude and standoffishness as her armor and a sharp tongue and quick wit as her weapons.

Coleman Cade is a walking contradiction- just like his mismatched eyes. A rough and manly bull rider with a playful side. A ladies man with thousands of willing victims, but what he really wants is one woman. The right woman.

Will Roni be able to let go, move on, and find a way to fulfill her dream of having everything? Or will unsubstantiated choices and unresolved demons stand in the way of their happily ever after?

In order to overcome past tragedies and find true happiness- in order to have Everything- Roni needs to do one thing. Find the impossible.

*Explicit Language and Sexual Content*

4 star review 

Roni had the perfect life, a wonderful husband she loved and a baby on the way, until one day life took an ugly turn and she lost everything that mattered to her.  That day when her world came crashing down was the day she left her life and family behind and never looked back.   She was afraid of losing someone else she loved, so leaving them behind meant not having to feel. After Roni left she lived her life on the road chasing storms.  She loved the adventure and the challenge of it all and it took her mind off the fact that she is running from her feelings and reality.  Roni had no plans of opening her heart to love again, until one day she gets a flat tire on the side of the road and meets CJ Cade.  That one chance meeting will change her life in more ways than one. 

"Maybe i just needed to ride the wave while it lasted. I was pretty sure that I couldn't maintain this forever without some sort of explosion of epic emotional proportions, but for now, if felt incredible. For now I could pretend this was the only thing going on in my life and just enjoy it.  Enjoy him."

CJ Cade is only 15 years old but for some reason there is a connection between him and Roni.  There is something about CJ that Roni likes and the two form an unlikely friendship.  Then she meets CJ's dad and everything changes.  Coleman Cade is a sexy, alpha male, and professional bull rider, who is totally swoon worthy.  When he first meets Ronni there is that instant chemistry between the two of them. Roni helps Cade out of an unwanted situation and at that moment Cade knows that he wants Roni to be his.  Cade is a famous bull rider and can have any woman he wants.   But when he meets the feisty, stubborn woman his world is turned upside down, in a good way. He has had many woman in his past, but he is willing to give up his days of being a playboy to be with Roni.  For the past three years Roni has buried the pain and hurt from her loss.  She has built up this wall around her heart that is so thick, no one can break through it.  But Cade sees the sadness that she carries and knows that she is hurting in some way. He will do what it takes to break down her walls and let him and his family into her life and her heart.  The question is will Roni be able to get over the pain of her past and let him in?

"I know you feel the same thing that I do, Roni.  We're gonna get there, I know we are.  But there's no way in hell I'm gonna go there before I know you won't regret it in the morning."

I loved this story and loved both Cade and Roni.  We first got a glimpse of Cade in The One Girl and all though it was a short one, I knew then, how much I would love him.  He is a complete alpha male with a big heart, and a sweet and caring side to him that will melt your heart.  Roni is feisty, and stubborn and independent, but has also been running from her past.  And there are times when she feels the need to run from her present as well.  She doesn't want to allow Cade in, but can't help the way she feels when she is around him.  She makes his quest to get to know her very challenging for Cade, which makes him want her even more.  I loved these two together, but it wasn't just about Cade and Ronni.  Cade's son CJ was a big part as well.  CJ and Roni had a very special relationship and when she allowed herself to feel again and open up to Cade she was also opening up herself to his son and his mother, Nan.  The Cade family is a close family that loves Roni and welcomes her into their lives.  They were honestly a wonderful addition to the cast of characters.

"I'll take whatever I can get baby.  Sweet Roni, Tough Roni, Vulnerable Roni, or my very own little Banty rooster.  As long as you're around to give me some versions of yourself, I'll be happy."

Impossible is a story about letting go of the hurt and the pain from your past and learning to love again.  It's about second chances at love and a happily ever after.  Laurel Curtis did a wonderful job with the story and the connection to the characters in the story. I didn't just fall in love with Cade and Roni but I fell in love with his family. It will make you laugh, cry, angry and frustrated at times.  There are a few twists and turns that you never saw coming.  Overall it is a wonderful read and one that I did not want to put down. Another fantastic job by Laurel Curtis.  I cannot wait for CJ's story.

The first two books in this series are The One Place and The One Girl.  You do not have to read them prior to this one but they are both must reads and must be read in the order listed. They are also both on sale for $.99.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your 4 star review. evamillen at gmail dot com


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