Monday, August 5, 2013

Giveaway: Ryder (Resisting Love 2.5) by Chantal Fernando


Ryder Crawford is going places. His band ‘Morning Alliance,’ has just gotten signed, and are now touring with one of the most popular bands in the world. When he meets Lexi Raine, the timing couldn’t have been worse. But like they say, love finds you when you aren’t looking for it. The stunning blonde manages to turn his world upside down, through the fierce connection they share. When Ryder is given the choice between the past and present, he is forced to choose between his career, and a woman he has felt something for like no other. Will he make the right choice? Or spend the rest of his life living with regret?

Lexi is all alone in the world, besides her best friend and partner in crime Tee. After traveling around the world, drifting from place to place, she tries to settle down in Perth, the place she grew up in. When she meets Ryder, he seems almost too good to be true. What happens when she finds out that when things seem too good to be true, they usually are?

4 star review by Lisa Kane 

Ryder should be a familiar character to those who have read Chase or Kade. This is his story, a quick, deliciously, angsty read. Tenielle, Ryder’s cousin shows up at his doorstep with her best friend, Lexi, the two are back in Perth after backpacking around Europe. Lexi is gorgeous and there is an instant attraction between them. The two girls are crashing there for a few days until they find a place of their own. Ryder finds it impossible to stay away from her, she shares his love for music and is a great guitar player.

Tee and Lexi eventually get jobs and their own apartment. Ryder and Lexi are still going strong. Ryder’s band, Morning Alliance, is gaining popularity and is the opening act for some fairly large bands. Just when things seemed to be going fairly smooth, Lexi finally gets a break in her schedule to see Ryder’s band perform. Can she be anymore shocked to see Sax, her ex and he is one of Ryder’s bandmates. Accusations fly, resentments flare and what felt like a secure relationship no longer appears to be that way.

Can Ryder and Lexi find their way back, especially in the light that both may have moved on from each other? I enjoyed this novella and think I will check out Chase and Kade to learn more about these characters. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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