Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Ending a Broken Journey by Melissa L. Delgado

A childhood crush who moved away. An adult love that shattered her world. Twenty-seven year old Mackenzie Tillson hasn’t been living for quite some time, rather, just existing. Life is passing her by and even with the love of her friends and family she can’t quite seem to snap out of the disconnected bubble she has created around her. Moving day by day as a shell of a person who once knew what it meant to live.

Until one day, the boy who first had her heart comes back. With a vengeance...Drew Dean has been apart from the girl he loved all of those years ago for far too long and now that fate has provided them with a second chance, he will make it clear to her that she is, and always has been the one for him. But what Drew discovers in the process, is Mackenzie may just end up being completely unreachable.

Is it possible to get through to someone who has no intentions of ever letting anyone in again? Can a person find their way through the darkness and emptiness they've created? For Mackenzie, trudging along in life alone is where she feels she deserves to be. But will she find it in her to fight and break the barrier of the internal distorted view she has of herself? Or will she let everyone and everything slip away?
As Mackenzie tries to piece together the remnants of her shattered existence, she inadvertently discovers life, love and loss are one in the same. A hopeful journey to be taken with an ending to fill the emptiness she's carried for too long.

*This book contains adult situations and some explicit language.*

3.5 Star Review by Lisa Kane

Mackenzie is broken. After having spent years with her former fiancé, Wes, she is a shell of her former self. Her friends Ade and Cass have tried to bring her back to the land of the living. Her brother Kip, has always been overly protective of her, but has now kicked his coddling up a notch. He knows something happened, but has no idea what caused her to break off her engagement. Mackenzie sees herself as a failure, unattractive and unworthy.

She is having coffee at her favorite shop when she hears someone call her name. She looks up and she sees the face of her brother’s childhood friend, Drew, who moved from Florida to Virginia with his family years ago.  She once had such a huge crush on him but can barely meet his eyes now. He is mesmerized by her; he can not get over how beautiful she is. Although there is a four year age difference, Mackenzie is the same age as his little brother Jax. He had feelings for her when they moved. His life took a turn and after one or two occasional visits, he never came back to see her. It seems Mackenzie’s father’s business is merging with Drew’s family’s business. He and his brother have moved to Florida and are basing their new business there.

They run into each other several times. The brothers’ new apartment is in the same complex, same floor as Kennie’s (Drew’s nickname for her). They hang out with Kip and Mackenzie’s friends. Drew knows as interested as he is in her, something happened to make her so insecure and besides which, he has his own secret he is hiding from her. He vows to take things slowly.

A nemesis, Sammy, from Kennie’s life with Wes appears to do some work for her father. Seeing her reminds her of all the failures of her life and her shortcomings. It also reminds her of Sammy’s betrayal. Things come to a head while Kennie is doing some free lance photography for the company and Sammy is there. Several confrontations later and Kennie finally loses it and goes ballistic on Sammy. Well, we finally know why she and Wes broke up. Ironically, this all results in a sexy hot encounter between Kennie and Drew.  Just as it seems these two can trust their hearts to each other, Drew’s secret threatens to destroy the trust between them. Kennie wanted honesty above all things, having been betrayed in the past. Is Drew another mistake and one she can’t afford to make again?

I enjoyed this book. Things were not rushed between Kennie and Drew, although I do wish they had moved a little quicker. Drew’s secret gutted me and when it came to light I wanted to give him a swift quick to the throat! What an idiot! Ending the Beautiful Journey is a good read and I can see the potential for further books about the secondary characters-primarily Jax and Cass and Kip and Ade.

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