Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blog Tour review and giveaway: Love and Lists by Tara Sivec


Love and Lists is the first book in the Chocolate Lovers spinoff ­ Chocoholics: The foul­ mouthed off spring tell their stories.

Twenty­-five­ year ­old Gavin Ellis has always had the love and support of his family ever since he was a little boy and couldn't stop talking about his penis. He's also always had their unsolicited advice and uncanny knack of embarrassing him at all costs. Now that he's an adult and trying to convince the love of his life to love him back, things haven't changed very much from when he was younger.

When Gavin's best friend Tyler suggests he make a to­ do list of items that will ensure he wins the girl, Gavin is one ­hundred ­percent on board: after a few six packs.

After puking in the shrubs, a bad experience with Viagra, a Sex­ Ed course gone wrong, and a slew of other mishaps courtesy of his family and friends, Gavin is pretty sure this list will be the death of him.

Sometimes, trying to make someone love you with a list isn't always the best idea. Especially when "Show her your penis" is the first "to ­do" item...

4 star review by Lisa Kane

Gavin Ellis is the son of Clair and Carter from the first three books of the Chocolate Lovers series. He’s now 25 and he is the Creative Director for Seduction and Snacks. This is the business his family and their best friends (Jim and Liz) own. It’s a chain of bakeries and sex toy shops which has now grown into a worldwide business. Gavin has his fill of vibrators and dildos is somewhat of an expert on pleasuring a woman. 

Gavin should be on top of the world right? Wrong. Gavin is in love with Charlotte Gilmore, Liz and Jim’s daughter. They have been best friends for years, but that’s all it’s ever been. She is dating Rocco, and cries on Gavin’s shoulder when she and Rocco fight. 

My poor penis wants to hump her leg and she just wants to be friends. I feel bad for my penis. He’s had a rough life. I love my penis and he’s totally getting the shaft.

His best friend Tyler, who still lives in his parent’s basement, comes up with a list of things Gavin can do to win Charlotte’s heart. 

Number one; go shopping with her. Number two; take her to the Cheesecake Factory. Tyler comes up with ten things that he swears will have Charlotte in love with Gavin. He sees Charlotte at family functions, most of which she has Rocco there.

She’s wearing a pale yellow strapless dress, and with her hair up in a ponytail, I can see so much of her sun kissed skin that I unconsciously lick my lips. We should have put “lick her skin” on the list. 

There are lots of appearances from familiar characters. Besides Claire and Gavin and Jim and Liz we still have Drew and Jenny and their endearing fetishes. 

“Drew, pull my hair,” Jenny demands. 

“Babe, I can’t pull your hair. Pulling your hair makes me want to have sex with you. I pulled a hammy last night when we were on the swing set, remember?” Drew complains. 

Nothing remains secret with these characters and Claire and Liz would like nothing more than for their kids to get together. Though they may be getting ahead of themselves.

“I think I’m going to wear blue to the wedding.  I saw this gorgeous dress on sale at Macy’s the other day. I think I have a coupon,” Mom tells Liz. 

“Oh hell no? I already told you I was going to wear blue, you whore. You can’t wear the same color as me, that’s tacky,” Liz complains. 

Gavin still plays games with Charlotte and hides his true feelings. 

“Gavin, you have a girlfriend?! Oh my gosh that’s so exciting! I have condoms in my purse if you need them. They’re the kind with insecticide so they totally work,” Aunt Jenny tells me. “Spermicide, Jenny. Spermicide.” 

Slowly these two finally stop putting up fronts and hiding their feelings. As they become intimate with each other their encounters encounter a few roadblocks of their own. Make a note not to use Menthol chap stick before exploring body parts down south!  Sivec does not disappoint with this one. How could the offspring of the main characters from the Chocolate Lovers series not be completely crazy like their parents? A great book that will keep you laughing.

Author Bio

Tara Sivec is a wife, mom, chauffeur, cheerleading coach, soccer coach, babysitter, short ­order cook, genius and albino squirrel hunter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. In her spare time she likes read, write and cover things in chocolate. Most of her material comes from real life experiences with family and friends. Lucky for them, the names have been changed to protect the innocent (aka, drunk).

Tara also writes under the pen name T.E. Sivec where she can be serious, suspenseful and not at all funny.

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