“Colton is back and better than ever. Be ready for another lap around the track that you’ll never want to get off.”
— Corinne Michaels, USA Today Bestselling Author
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5 Stars
Review by Jen Skewes
I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into Aced. The blurb is a bit vague and all I really knew was that it took place over the course of several months in between those 10 years that we did not get to see prior to the epilogue. Truthfully it didn’t really matter what this story was about, it is Colton and Rylee, a couple that I loved. And after reading this story I realized just how much I missed them and how happy I was to get more of them.
We saw Colton and Rylee fight to get to their happily ever after. But Aced is about the journey that brought them there. It is a beautiful story of what happens after Colton and Ry get their happily ever after. And no matter what ups and downs that they face, the strength and love that Colton and Rylee have is enough to keep it. What I loved about this book is just how real it all felt. Colton and Rylle have been through so much. Between Colton’s childhood, Rylee’s past relationships and the struggles they they faced to get to their own HEA. So what more could they possibly have to face? But the truth is that not all fairy tales are perfect and just as in real life, no marriage is all hearts and rainbows. With it comes many struggles that people need to face together. And that is exactly what this story is about.
We saw Colton and Rylee fight to get to their happily ever after. But Aced is about the journey that brought them there. There are still obstacles that they must face but they face them together. Despite the obstacles, there is one thing that still remains as strong and real as ever. And that is the incredible amount of love that these two characters have for each other. That will never change. And as long as they have that love, their strength and each other, they can get through anything.
Rylee has always been one of my favorite heroines. The strength that she has is something that I admire, from her past relationship to everything that her and Colton went through. But even the strongest of people have their weak moments. And we see how Rylee deals with those moments.
I think we all fell in love with the man that Colton was. Sure he was a little “bent” but I think we loved him more because of it. But the Colton that we met in Driven and the Colton that we see in Aced are so different but yet the same in many ways. We see just how much this man has grown since the beginning. With everything that they had to face Colton needed to step up to the plate and be the man that his family needed him to be. And boy did he ever. Colton does whatever it takes to love and protect what matters to him the most, his family. He is there when they need him the most, both on a physical and emotional level.
Ms. Bromberg gave us this man who so was broken in the beginning that we weren’t even sure how he would be able to move on. But in the end the amount of strength and growth that we saw in him was just so beautiful to watch. But at the same time, Ms. Bromberg stayed true to his character. He has faced his demons head on because of Rylee, but we see that just because he was able to face them and move on, there is still a part of them that will haunt him. We see in Aced how his past still causes some doubt to linger inside and that is what I loved. It was beautiful to watch him grow as a man, to be that man that Rylee needed, but to also see that he still had his own weaknesses.
I have loved Colton and Rylee since the very beginning. And after reading Aced I was reminded of all the reasons why. But it wasn’t just about the characters that I fell in love with. Aced is the perfect example of what an amazing and talented author Kristy is. I didn’t know what to expect but she gave me everything I could have hoped for. From the still strong bromance between Colton and Becks, to the sweet and sexy moments between Ry and Colton, to BRIT (you have to read to find out what that means) to the love between two people that is still stronger than ever. Kristy Bromberg nailed it. She nailed every emotion and struggle that these two went through. It wasn’t just words on paper, for me personally it was a beautiful story with so much meaning. Everything about this story was real, to the point that in one scene it felt like I was reading about myself because I had experienced exactly what Rylee was feeling, in my own life. This was heartbreaking at times, but I think a lot of what they went through is something that many people can relate to. There was no drama for the sake of adding drama. What they experienced was so true to life. When you read a novel about certain moments in life or a certain topic and you can do so in a way that you completely understand and feel exactly what the character is going through, you know that everything that you feel is all due to the talented person writing that story.
Despite the obstacles, there is one thing that still remains as strong and real as ever. And that is the incredible amount of love that these two characters have for each other. That will never change. And as long as they have that love, their strength and each other, they can get through anything. And let me just state this book still has those sweet and sexy moments between Colton and Rylee that we all love. This is not a book that will break your heart the whole way through. Not at all. But it will make you feel and you will find yourself not wanting to put it down because it will completely suck you in from the very first page. The prologue will melt your heart. There will be happy moments, sexy moments, and some not so happy moments. But it will all be worth it in the end. Ms. Bromberg you ACED this one. I just couldn't help myself :)

Also Available By K. Bromberg




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