Thursday, February 21, 2013

Interview: Joss and Braden from On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

"Lisa, what time did the Carmichaels say they were meeting  us?" Jennifer looks over to Lisa waiting for an answer.  "Kristie stop fidgeting." "I can't help it, you know I'm a sucker for guys with accents but I promise, I'll be on my best behavior." "It was so nice of Joss to reserve this  table for us to conduct our interview," Lisa says.  "Don't you think so, Jen and Kristie? Club 39 has a nice laid back atmosphere.  Look, here they come now." Braden and Joss enter and start walking towards us. Kristie leans over to Jen and whispers, "OMG, he is even more handsome in person, Joss is one lucky lady, damn; am I drooling?" We all stand to great them. "Joss and Braden, it's so nice to meet you, I’m Lisa and this is Jennifer and Kristie, together we are the Three Chicks. Thank you so much for meeting with us today. Are you ready to get started?" We all sit down and get comfortable.

Three Chicks:  Braden, when you first met Joss in the cab what were your initial thoughts? Were you attracted to her?

Braden:  *grins wickedly* I think I made that fairly obvious.

Three Chicks:  Joss, when you first met Braden in the cab something about him seemed to wake up your senses, right? What was it?
Joss:  Do I have to say it in front of him? His ego is big enough, no? Fine. His confidence a.k.a. arrogance. And his eyes… also his smile. And maybe his body too.

Braden:  *grins at her*  Back at you.

Three Chicks:  Braden, we do admit that not knocking is rude- regardless if you do own the place or not. What did you think when you saw your sister's new roommate in her birthday suit, especially when you realized she was the same woman you had shared a cab with? (I was rooting for Joss to kick your butt for that one!)

Braden:  I don’t think I was capable of deep thinking at that point. All my blood had rushed south toward my… But afterwards I admit to being pleased about the coincidence. I was happy to have come across Taxi Girl again.

Three Chicks:  Braden, it was apparent that Holly not only annoyed you but everyone else. (how could you stay with her for 6 months!) Why did it take meeting Joss and wanting to get to know her better for you to break things off?

Braden:  Holly never bothered me that much until Jocelyn came along. The comparisons between them were so obvious and I thought, ‘Why drive a Volvo when you can drive a Lamborghini?

Joss:   *snorts* You did not just refer to me as a car.

Braden deadpans. “A very nice car, babe.”

Three Chicks:  Joss, why were you so scared to let Ellie into your life? She welcomed you in as her roommate and wanted to be friends-she even invited you to her family’s home.

Joss:  She reminded me of my best friend growing up, and that didn’t end well. I thought if I kept Ellie at a distance there would be less likelihood of me feeling pain if I happened to lose her too.

Three Chicks:  Braden, how did you feel leaving Joss with James when he showed up at her door? How about the next day when you found out that James had spent the night, especially in light of the fact that Ellie asked if he spent the night in Joss' room?
Braden:  Pissed off.

Three Chicks:  Joss, why would James assume you were the reason he and Rhian broke up?
Joss:  Because he knew at one point we both eschewed real relationships, and that I still did. I guess he assumed that because of my personal feelings I was encouraging her to keep her distance from him.

Three Chicks:  Braden, when did you realize Joss had all of these walls built around her? What went through your mind when you witnessed her panic attack at your family's Sunday dinner?
Braden:  I knew from our first meeting that she had defenses a mile high, I just didn’t know why. I realized at dinner that day, however, that whatever the problem was it was much more serious than I first assumed. For a while afterwards I decided friendship might be the best course for us, for her. *grins again* That didn’t last long.”

Three Chicks:  Joss, when James told you all of Rhian's family history-did it make you feel that you barely knew anything about each other in spite of being best friends?
Joss:  Definitely. It changed our friendship. We actually talk to one another about the important stuff now.

Three Chicks:  Braden, you've said that Joss has made an art form out of deflection and self-possession-what did you mean by that?
Braden:  I’d never met a woman, especially one as young as Jocelyn, as composed as she is. I can normally read people easily, but she made it hard for me. And she had a way of answering questions without really giving you any information. She’d make a great politician.

Joss:  *sighs*  I’m not that bad.

Three Chicks:  Joss, why were you so against spooning? (Jen says, "I'll spoon with you Braden!" We all laugh)
*Braden smirks and then quickly clears his expression when Joss raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him.*

Joss:  Couples spoon. We weren’t a couple. It was supposed to be slam, bam, thank you ma’am, bye bye now. He tricked me into the spooning.

Braden:   *shoots her a quizzical look*  You still sound pissed off about that.

Joss:  Well, it was a little underhanded.

Braden:  You loved it.

Joss:  Hmmph.

Three Chicks:  Braden: Have you always been a spooner or is that an "only with Joss thing?" (Kristie sighs, Jennifer giggles and Lisa blushes)
Braden:  You want me to answer that in front of her? Her ego is big enough, no? *laughs as he ducks to avoid Joss’ playful swat at his head*

Three Chicks:  Joss, we are going to just come out and ask.... Why on earth did you break eye contact with Braden when you guys ah, you know.. did it for the first time?
Joss:  Um… *avoids Braden’s curious gaze* I don’t know what you’re talking 

Three Chicks:  Braden, didn't you have a clue that Adam and Ellie were fighting an attraction for each other? Are you okay with your best friend being with your sister?
Braden:  I knew from the moment Adam went after the guy who duped Ellie to try to find out what bid I was making on a commercial development. I was furious Ellie had been used but Adam was... well, I had to pull him off the guy. I started watching them afterwards and it only confirmed my suspicions. At first I was afraid it might complicate our friendship so I didn’t say anything in the hopes it was just a short-term attraction thing. As soon as I realized it was more I just decided to let them get on with it. Mind you, if it had taken Adam any longer to get up off his arse and do something about it, I might have interceded on Ellie’s behalf.

Three Chicks:  Joss, when you apologized (for the first time ever) to Braden via text.. how long did it take you to send it and how were you feeling after you sent it?
Joss:  I think I stared at the screen for about half an hour before I finally pressed Send. I felt jittery with nerves until he turned up at work.

Three Chicks:  Braden, how was it for you watching Joss deal with her past?

Braden:  Very difficult. It’s always difficult to watch someone you care about go through something so painful.

Three Chicks:  Joss, it must have been devastating that last anniversary of your parents' death, when you woke up with a couple of strangers? Have you forgiven yourself for that?
Joss:  I’m learning to. I’m still working on all of that.

Three Chicks:  Braden, you seem like a possessive man-why didn't it bother you for Vicky to hook up with Adam?
Braden:  I’m possessive over what I think of as mine. Vicky wasn’t mine. I never wanted her to be.

Three Chicks:  Joss, why do you think Dr. Pritchard was able to help you when you wouldn't let anyone in before her?  

Joss:  I wasn’t ready before. Dr. Pritchard, although a very good therapist, and a take no nonsense one, happened to be the therapist I turned to when I was ready to deal with everything. I think she’d agree that Ellie and Braden were the ones who did most of the helping.

Three Chicks:  Braden, you shared some pretty painful stories with Joss about your anger and your old girlfriend who turned to drugs. How did all of that affect the adult Braden?
Braden:  It taught me that sometimes we do and say things we’d never imagine ourselves capable of. It taught me to look deeper when people do things seemingly out of character. *shoots a pointed look at Joss*

Three Chicks:  Joss, has therapy helped you to find peace with Dru's death?
Joss:  I’m getting there.

Three Chicks:  Braden, when Ellie was sick and needed the support of her family and friends, what were you thinking about the enormous wall Joss was building between her and everyone around her?
Braden:  I was thinking a lot of things. It was a strained time for us all. But it’s in the past now.

*Joss smiles at him gratefully*

Three Chicks:  Joss, when did you realize that you and Braden were more than f#*k buddies and his proposition of "sex only" wasn't going to work? (all Three Chicks lean forward in anticipation of her answer)
Joss:  I think on a subconscious level I knew all along. He treated me differently from how he’d treated other women. And no man is that patient when it’s just about sex. *She and Braden share a knowing, intimate lip twitch*

Three Chicks:  Braden, do you have any contact with your mother, has she met Joss?
Braden:  I speak to my mother every few months. She doesn’t particularly care for Edinburgh so Jocelyn hasn’t met her yet.

Three Chicks:  Joss, what happened in the 2 years after you and Braden got together that you decided that you wanted to marry Braden?
Joss:  Just… life together. Working out the kinks.

Braden:   *gives a huff of laughter* I don’t think they were asking about our sex life, babe.

Joss:   *chuckles and rolls her eyes* Get your head out of the playground, Mr. Carmichael.

Three Chicks:  Braden, how did you ever convince Joss to marry you?
Braden:  A little thing called Perseverance.

Joss laughs hard at his word choice.

Three Chicks:  Joss, was going through the storage unit therapeutic for you?
Joss:  Yes. It was difficult but I needed to do it.

Three Chicks:  How are Ellie and Adam doing?
Joss:  They’re great. Ellie’s fully recovered now and they’re really happy together.

Three Chicks:  Braden, you showed your love for Joss in so many ways, (our favorite is the old fashioned typewriter)  *Jen swoons*, what were you thinking when your lovely gift triggered another panic attack for Joss?
Braden doesn’t answer, he just looks intently at Joss and takes her hand

Three Chicks:  Joss, how is the book coming along, have you signed with a literary agent yet? Still have any moments of "writer's cement?"
Joss:  I haven’t signed with anyone yet but I’m in discussions with an agent, so fingers crossed. And yes, I still have moments of “writer’s cement”. Those are no fun.

Three Chicks:  Braden, you certainly have a way with words, "I don't know what I like better...the naked you, or you in that tank top. D's right?" or this classic, "Babe, nice lingerie is for seducing a man. I'm already fu#*ing seduced." (Kristie blushes and whispers-that man is a dang panty melter.") *Jennifer giggles and Lisa elbows Kristie* Do you still drive Joss crazy with your teasing?
*Joss and Braden look at each other and whatever passes between them causes them to burst out laughing. Joss nods and answers for him.* YES!

Three Chicks:  Joss, Braden has said several times he wants a family, are you reluctant to have children or that is something you can't wait to do?

Joss:   *looks instantly uncomfortable with the question* Well, you know… yeah…

Three Chicks:  Braden, you explained to Joss about your disastrous marriage to Analise and how she tainted the city you loved. Renovating the flat on Dublin Street created something "beautiful on a street poisoned with betrayal" (Kristie smiles to herself at these words), is that part of the reason you gave up your flat and moved to Joss'?

Braden:  We decided we wanted to live together and Jocelyn loves that flat. I don’t really care where we live as long as I have a bed and she’s in it.

Joss:  *snorts* You slay me with your sweet words.

Three Chicks:  Joss, any unplanned passing of gas lately?
Joss:  Oh God  *Joss glares at Braden.*  Do you tell everyone?

Braden:  *holds his hands up in a surrender gesturing, his shoulders shaking with laughter*  I didn’t say a word.

Three Chicks:  Five years from now we know of course, you will still be together, what do you see yourselves doing?

Braden:  Doing what we love to do and raising a family together.

Joss:  *nods, squeezing his hand*  What he said.
Joss and Braden, thank you so much for hanging out with us today. We had a blast, you two really make a beautiful couple! Wishing you both a world of happiness! Kristie shouts, "And some mini Joss and Bradens too!" Everyone laughs. We would love to do a follow up sometime in the future! We all exchange goodbyes. Joss and Braden walk out of Club 39 hand in hand. Kristie looks over to Lisa and Jen and says while fanning herself off ,"Damn, too bad he is married, he really is a fantastically hot guy and that accent!" "You are so bad Kristie," Lisa says with a smirk on her face and Jennifer surprises us and says, "Kristie is right, he is really hot." " Hey Jen and Lisa, we might as well stay and have a dram of Scottish whiskey before visiting Edinburgh Castle. Lisa smirks, "In Scotland it's whisky, not whiskey. But that sounds good to me." We raise our shot glasses and say "Slainte mhath!" (Good Health) 

 Here's a tantalizing teaser from Down London Road
 I leaned forward on the bar, frowning at my friend. “Yeah, how did that happen?”
“How did what happen?” I turned my head to see Cam approaching, fastening his watch on his wrist. Becca and the other girl were gone. He waited for an answer, his eyes curious on mine.
I decided to hedge. “You really are a nosy bugger, aren’t you?” I teased.
Cam tipped his head to the side, contemplating me. “Deflection?” His eyes glittered as if something had just occurred to him. “You were talking about me, weren’t you?”
I wanted to wipe that cocky smile off his face.
Joss groaned. “You and Braden should be forced to join a club for men who need to get over themselves.”
My eyes slid to her in amusement. “Blatant displays of egotism will be punished in the form of making them wear Speedos in freezing-cold conditions.”
“And possibly withholding food.”
“No. Sex. Withholding sex.”
Joss bit her lip. “I don’t know if that would work for me.”
I eyed her incredulously. “Are you telling me you couldn’t go without sex for a few days?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Where is your willpower?”
My friend took a swig of her Diet Coke. “Hey, you haven’t had sex with Braden Carmichael.”
No, I hadn’t, although I almost blushed remembering I’d definitely tried to get myself into the position to do so. “Yeah, but I’ve had perfectly good sex and I could still abstain for a few days.”
“Perfectly good sex?” Cam interrupted us, drawing both our gazes. His voice was low with some unnamed emotion. “Abstain?” His now heated eyes ran the length of me before returning to meet mine. “Then he isn’t doing it right.”
My heart puttered to a stop before choking and wheezing. When it got back up to speed, it 
 took off in a drag race.


  1. OMGOMGOMGOMG *HYPERVENTILATE* I LOVEEEEE THE TEASER! Joss is so freaking lucky to have Braden and I NEED TO MEET CAM ALREADYYYYYYY! He's so sexyyyyy<3
    Love the interview and teaser :)

  2. Great interview, ladies! I loved ODS so hard! Braden is one of my fav. BBF, and reading this interview brought me back to why I love this book! Thanks S. Young <3 it! Can't wait for DLR!

  3. OMG :)
    Great Interview! I'm still in love with Joss&Branden and it's nice to hear sth new from them.
    Can't wait to read DLR, great Teaser. I want more :)

  4. I am looking forward to reading this next book. On Dublin Street was one of my favorite reads this past year!

  5. Absolutely loved this book too!! Especially coming off of my 50 Shades trilogy and desperately waiting for the movie, by the way ,I could totally see ODS as a movie!!!!! Great read Samantha!


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