Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interview: Cami and Trick from The Wild Ones and Author Michelle Leighton

“OMG this place is gorgeous. Look at how beautiful the horses are,” Jen looks around mesmerized at the beautiful piece of property. “Kristie, where did Trick and Cami want us to meet them?” Lisa says, as she is walking away from the car. “They asked us to meet them in the stables, we are getting the full experience today while we interview them. Are you ladies ready to help groom the horses?"  Kristie looks at their uncertain faces. We walk down to the stables and step inside. Trick and Cami are combing a horse, which we assume is Rags. They turn and see us, stopping their conversation as they head over to us. Kristie offers her hand saying, “It is so nice to meet you both. I'm Kristie and this is Jen and Lisa. We're the Three Chicks.” Lisa is bouncing excitedly and says, “This is going to be so much fun.” “So where do you want us to start?” Jen says a bit nervously. Trick and Cami give us a tour of their property. Once we are back in the stables, Kristie looks over and says, “Ok, are you two ready to answer some questions?” Trick and Cami nod in agreement.

Three Chicks:  Cami, after a brief but intense conversation/run in with Trick at the bar, what was it about him that got you hooked? You had a boyfriend Brent, but yet Trick was all you could think about.

Cami:  It's hard to explain, but I'll try. It's kind of like the difference between seeing the sunshine from inside your house for your whole life and then, all of a sudden, stepping out your front door and FEELING it--the way it warms your face, the way it makes the air smell, the way it makes you feel all the way down to the pit of your stomach. Once you FEEL the sun, nothing else will ever do. That's what it was like meeting Trick that first time. It was like feeling the sun.

Three Chicks:  Cami, after learning the truth from your dad and then confirming it with your mom; why didn’t you go after Trick? (Talking to his mom didn’t really count)- why didn’t you get to him through Rusty?

Cami:  I was so ashamed of the way I'd treated him, ashamed of not trusting him, that I made myself stay away. I knew I didn't deserve him, deserve his love or his forgiveness. And I certainly didn't want to ask him for it. I knew that if he could ever forgive me, he'd find his way back to me. And I'd be waiting.

Trick:  Cami, how is your relationship with Trick’s mom?

Cami:  It's a work in progress. I understand why she feels the way she does about me. I understand that every time she sees me, she relives some of the most painful memories of her life. But I believe that, in time, she'll see me for who I am. For the woman who loves her son more than her own life and who will die trying to make him happy. I think once she starts seeing THAT when she looks at me, our relationship will heal.
Three Chicks:  Trick, knowing what you know, do you think the reason Jack was tough on you was because of what happened in the past?

Trick:  I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. I remind him of someone who betrayed him. On top of that, I think he truly loves Cami, he just has a piss-poor way of showing it sometimes. And for that reason, no man will ever be good enough for her. Hell, I know I'm not good enough for her. But I also know that no one in the world will ever love her more than I do. If anyone can make her happy, it will be me. I'll make sure of that.

Three Chicks:  Trick, at what point did you realize that Cami was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? (Lisa states, while fanning herself “BTW that proposal, OMG definitely makes our top 10 list of swoon worthy moments.” Kristie and Jen nod in agreement)

Trick:  Whether or not I'd have admitted it, I think the day she walked into the stable, before I even knew who she was, was the day I knew she'd be mine. That I wanted her to be mine. That's what made it so tough to find out she was the daughter of my boss, the one woman in the world I had to stay away from. To find the girl of your dreams and know you can never have her... Damn, that's rough!

Three Chicks:  Trick, have you had the chance to finish up with your schooling?

Trick:  Not yet, but I'm still planning on doing it eventually. My "breeding and breaking" operation, as Cami calls it, has become more successful than I ever could've hoped for. Cami enjoys helping me run the ranch and we both love the horses. Yeah, I'll finish school, but just because I don't like to leave things undone. I don't need it to make me happy. I have Cami for that.
Three Chicks:  Where do you both see yourselves in 5 years?

Trick:  Hopefully rolling in a shitload of money and living the dream. Still breaking and breeding winners.

Cami: * nudges Trick* And?

Trick:  *grins and kisses the back of Cami's hand* And maybe doing a little breeding of our own..

Three Chicks:  It seems that besides Rusty and Jenna; Drogheda and Sooty are the ones who are really supporting you. How are your families handling your relationship?

Trick: *Laughs* Well, Jack is staying off my ass, if that's what you mean.

Cami:  *elbows Trick in the ribs* Daddy is very supportive, if sometimes a little...critical. And I'm still working on winning over Trick's mom.

Trick:  *grins* If anybody can do it, this girl can.
“ You two are just awesome! Thank you so much for meeting with us today,” Lisa says while we saddle up the horses, Kristie and Jen both intently checking their saddles. Trick offers to help them on their horses and instant blushing hits their faces. Kristie looks over to Jen and mouths, “OMG, he is HOT!” Jen is giggling but nods in agreement. Jen looks to them both and says, “ Again, this has been an amazing day and going horseback riding with you both just tops it off.” The five of us are on the horses, Trick turns and gives us some quick pointers and then asks if we're ready to go. The three of us shout in unison, “Yes!” We ride out to the clearing ..We are taking in the view when Jen looks over at everyone and states confidently “Race you to that oak tree” and takes off laughing on her horse. Kristie, Lisa, Cami and Trick all look back and forth at each other and then we all take off towards the oak tree as we try and catch up with Jen.

After Trick and Cami go back to the chores around the stables, we take a walk to the clearing and meet up with Michelle Leighton, the author of their story.
Three Chicks:  Michelle, what inspired you to write this story?

Michelle:  Two short lines from a song. It's Wild Ones by Flo Rida. "I am a wild one, break me in. Saddle me up and let's begin." And, just like that, the story was born.

Three Chicks:  How and where do you come up with these FANTASTICALLY beautiful, smart and sexy characters?

Michelle:  They are 100% products of my imagination. Once they start to take root in my mind, they grow into whoever they're going to be, almost beyond my control. Sometimes I don't fully understand them until I'm writing the story. Occasionally they'll do or say something that gives me insight, just like a person in real life might. They're almost like real people to me, albeit ones I'll never actually meet. Dang it! LOL

Three Chicks:  Out of the characters in this book, who would you most likely be and why?

Michelle:  LOL Jenna. For sure. I may no longer ACT like Jenna and SAY the things she does, but I often think them. Believe it or not, for all the wildly inappropriate things I sometimes do, say and tweet, I really do have a highly functional filter. You can only imagine what's rolling around in my head. hehe

Three Chicks:  Have you always been a writer and when did you start writing your stories?

Nope. I never even considered it. I never wrote for fun or because I had stories that had to come out. I was an avid reader, but never once thought to write my own stories. That is, until June of 2009. After reading the Twilight saga, I felt so bereft, like all my friends had moved away, that I decided I'd write my own story with characters that I had complete control over. They'd have to stay until I was ready to let them go. So I did. I sat down and, over my 2-week break from nursing, I wrote a 105-thousand word adult paranormal romance. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Thank you so much for having me on today! I am forever grateful:)

The three of us slowly walk to the car. "What an amazing day this has been," Jen says. "Yeah", Lisa says, "I hate to see it end, but we have a long drive ahead of us." "I got to admit," Kristie says, while rubbing her butt, "Riding horses is a little tougher on my body than I thought it would be." Jen and Lisa laugh as they get in the car and buckle up.
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