Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Promise Me Darkness by Paige Weaver


"He was my darkness and I was his light. We couldn't exist without each other."

For me, life was simple. I went to school and studied. I spent time with my friends and stayed out of trouble. I didn't drink or swear and I only dated gentlemen. I was the typical good girl with a bright future. My world seemed perfect. 

But that was about to change.

Ryder Delaney was the one imperfection in my life. He was the bad boy, the black sheep, the one your mother always warned you about. He had only one hard-and-fast rule - Don't fall in love. 

But some rules were meant to be broken.

We were best friends, inseparable since childhood despite our differences. I knew the real man hiding behind the tattoos and bad attitude. He knew all my secrets and dreams. But he didn't know there was one thing I wanted and couldn't have...him.

But sometimes Fate has a way of intervening. Soon our world collapsed. War erupted. Darkness prevailed. Alone and on the run, our only goal was to survive and to ignore the feelings we had for each other. But love is powerful...

and so is the darkness.

4 Star Review Guest Reviewer Allison East

"He was my darkness and I was his light. We couldn't exist without each other."
Ryder and Maddie have been friends since they were little. Ryder is a bad boy; tattoos, women and drinking are his thing. Maddie is the good girl and has been in love with Ryder since they started hanging out. Maddie has always been secretly in love with Ryder. Ryder is finished with college and back home. Maddie is home for summer break before going back to nursing school. One night, Ryder gives Maddie some news and asks her if he can come stay with her and her roommate Eva for a few days when they go back to campus. Maddie has a bad run in with her boyfriend-yes she has a boyfriend Ben, and Ryder is there to play hero. Now Maddie is starting to feel confused.  Then- hello sexual tension. And the back and forth begins! Ryder shows crazy mixed signals;

"Years, Maddie,” he said, huskily. “I’ve wanted you for years.”
And here’s what he says after:

“ Maddie. What do you want me to do? Marry you? Put a ring on your finger? It was only sex.” 

“We’re just friends, Maddie. That won’t change. But I told you before, I don’t do relationships and I don’t have girlfriends.”

See what I’m talking about ^^^

Then something crazy happens, that changes the whole of the story. I can’t really give it away without ruining things, but just know- I crazy loved this story! I can’t wait until the sequel comes out, because a lot of things were left unresolved! This is a must read!The only down side is that we have to wait until the Fall for the second book. Paige Weaver did a great job and I will be anticipating her next one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the chance to win ... looks really good!

  2. Oh my gosh this book looks so fantastic! Adding it to my "to-read" list. :) Thanks for providing the opportunity!


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